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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. Started off as an annoying cough two weeks ago. Now been lad up for 5 days. Haven't felt this bad since Dengue Fever. Antibiotics and inhalers don't seem to work. Mind you the powerful cough inhibittor I am on really knocks you out.


    Any ideas how long is this likely to go on for?



    which cough inhibittor are you using , cant find anything that good

  2. ditto - i like the look of king pin muds , same as bfg pattern. if anyone knows what they are like on and off road



    i had kingpin technic traker 11's on my trooper and for a A/T tyre are brill , bit noisey but ok on road .


    where are you thinking of getting them from .

  3. Good luck with notts, it's saturated, I'm getting my door knocked more than ever for pigeon shooting, don't know why, there is non about!


    I feel bad saying 'no', one chap had took a week off to find somewhere, I was his 70th something call at a farm!


    Get out and knock some doors fella, this time of year I feel will be fruitless, generally, I'm afraid.


    Ditto -- we seem to have an influx of new shooters in the surrounding areas who just think its going to be handed to them on a plate .

    been trying for years to get something sorted but everything is covered and hardley any oppertunities ever turn up.

    i think i,m going start paying for it and enjoy a few days that way

  4. another question -- if say the viscosity numbers are the same ie. 15w40 or 10w40, why are some oils labled for diesel and petrol and others just labeled for diesel


    if they,ve got the same numbers whats different between the two

  5. just my opinion but i really think public liability insurance should be taken out by all responsible cyclists or even made a condition of using the highway , something like £20 a year for a million pounds worth of cover.


    same as it is included in dog insurance , horse insurance , shooting insurance etc etc etc

  6. thanks chris - that is very helpful

    so we are defo ok declaring what is inside , legal limit uk spec air rifle.


    i,ve sent stuff before and they never used to ask , but now every time i take a package they ask what is it and whats the value.

    the last thing i sent was a stock , and soon as i said rifle stock the woman on the counter went into a panic LOL.


    i will look it up on the website.


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