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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. when i found this jill , she was a skinny thing covered in ticks .


    now shes getting a bit fat , shes not in season anymore , dont know why ??? but she was when i found her.

    hope shes not preggers by some other wild ferret , her belly is growing and teats are showing .


    if not preggers , am i feeding her too much .


    1 spoon of mince -- every day

    ad-lib james well B dried ferret food

    odd bits of rabbit ( just this weekend ).


    excercise wise she as a large gage and run and comes out twice a day for a run round .



  2. well i,m still on the fence here , i drive the trooper and my mrs uses the landy.


    LB - good tip re- u shape pipe , worth thinking about .


    anyone know what LR charge per hour labour ???


    anyone know if the disco ones matrix has changed at all from 89 to 98 , are they all multi-fit

  3. all i can say is what a load of cobblers. castrating ferrets?? ***. feed raw petmince and keep the hutch clean and no smell. everyone thinks ferrets smell but if fed right and keep clean they dont.


    Speaking of 'cobblers' if youv'e got ferrets that dont smell then they are genetic mutations,

    regardless of how clean the hutch is kept, which I hasten to add mine is spotless, basic clean out once a day and a complete strip out clean once a week and as for fed right, where do you catch petmince?

    cant say my ferrets have ever bolted a petmince before!!


    Got my Hob castrated for exactly the same reasons as Ferretboy111.


    thats the only reason i would consider it too , i,m thinking of getting her some company .

  4. anyone on here any good with landrover discoverys .


    i,ve got water leaking into the drivers foot well , and the header tank as lost some coolant :yes: .

    its non aircon , so the only other thing i can think of is the heater rad .


    any ideas .



  5. has anyone ever used there ferrets for ratting :good:.


    talking to my f in law yesterday , telling me his old dad used to use them all the time for ratting ( as well as rabbit ) .

  6. yes caught it , i think its a jill in season .

    got it in a metal gage 2ft by 3ft , straw bedding ( is straw ok ), water and dry cat food ( go cat ).


    no idea what to do with it , farmer said just 410 it or dump it some where else :blush: , i think she is tame-ish and would,nt mind keeping her .


    what would i need and need to do for basic requirements ??.


    will a jill live ok on her own ??.


    is there any way to tell the age ??.


    are there any ferret rescue places near me Notts ng12 ??.


    what is a jill jab ??.


    can you bathe the smelly ******* :lol: ??.


    what food ??.


    how long in season ??.


    any advice welcomed , please help :sly:




    anyone got a pic of a jill in season

  7. hiya -- just found a ferret in the feed room at the stables , its seems tame-ish , polecat looking .

    cant tell what sex it is .

    can any one post a pic of male and female genitals please .


    owner says just shoot it with the 410 ( dont want it taking chicken eggs ), i say hang on a bit , lets see if i can get some advice here


    any one

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