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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. hi NTTF -- the food is called chudley,s original , protein 20% and fat / oil 10%.


    the dog is excercised almost every day , but he is a little bit overweight ( right pig ).


    maybe he,s just over enthusiastic , as he works fine , does all his commands but cant seem to sit still long enough even for a good boy pat on the head and praise etc . this is making him a bit unpredictable , maybe needs more training do you think .


    Any way on the food front any one know a decent non additive low protein all in one ( preferably a vat free one ).


    thanks all


    Darren .

  2. Long shot i know but --

    Are there any rough shooting syndicates in my area ( or even dont mind traveling a bit , but nearer the better ) , that are looking for new members to join up for the new year .

    willing to pay a yearly fee . experienced and BASC insured etc .

    let me know cheers

    Darren .

  3. not sure , i think he users chudleys a middle of the range all in one , which is around 20%.

    whats the lowest protein you can get in an all in one food .

    would it be any better to change over to tinned food and meal or barf even .


    As i said the dogs a good un , and has been trained ok , may be its just over enthusiasm.

    he mentioned calming supplements :) .

    any more thoughts


    cheers lads .


    Darren .


    ps . MERRY CHRISTMAS lads .

  4. what wormers do you all use for your dogs .

    i,m sick of being ripped of by the vet :) for these , who seems to take it on himself to supply me first and ask later if i actually wanted to buy them from him .


    i need a good wormer thats available from pet stores / chemist etc



    Darren .

  5. a mate of mine , not on here as a very hyper lab , its a great worker in all ways , but can be very hyper at times and cant help rushing in or thinking he knows whats best :) etc , he never seems to sit still long enough for the next command , as soon as he,s done one task , he,s ready to bolt off again.

    its allready been castrated to calm him down , but this has,nt really worked , the dog is about 3-ish.


    Any ideas or thoughts on what to do , any supplements etc to try .


    cheers all .

  6. At 15 yards my full choked 410 will pluck the bird for me :) , pattern was about 10" by 12" at that range if i remember rightly ( using 2 inch cart ).


    i tried the 2.5 and 3 inch also and by far the best pattern was the 2.5 inch carts , these where no 6,s.

    Darren .


    ps . any one know where i can get some no 7 or 7.5,s for my 410 , none of my locals have them in .

  7. got my savage pump action back from gun smith yesterday , had a hushpower mod fitted .

    took it out this morning , i have to say its BRILL :lol: , i cant beleave the difference its made , it was quite anyway to start with , but now its even better.

    3 rabbits later , happy chappie ;) , nice morning walk .

  8. cheers lads -- found some , i,ve seen them advertised at saddelry gunrooms.


    next question -- what sizes in shot can you get for the 410 , ie , is it just 5 and 6 , i,m looking for no 7,s if poss .


    Darren .

  9. i,ve eaten pheasant many times before in portions or chopped up , ie , in curries , hotpots , pan fried .

    but this time i want to prep 6 pheasants , and keep them whole and in tack as possible , so when they are served there will be one pheasant for each plate.


    SO how do i draw / gut them with out cutting them up .


    Darren .

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