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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. cheers NTTF -- Tried it out yesterday , very difficult , trying to get jack to leave me and hunt out when he,s got a slip on .

    The best i could manage was to have him on the long slip , get his attention with the 2 pips and try and point him at the exact same time in the direction left , blow 2 pips then point right , it was a bit confusing for him , i think .


    which verbal command do/should i use , as i use " get out " when i want him to go back a distance , but what do i use as a command when i point in the left or right directions , i never used any , but i want to start using one now , so he can associate the two together .

    Dan -- is there a way i can practice this , with out a lead on .


    thanks for your time .


    Darren .

  2. Well done Rob , a similar thing happened to me , we had a small inter-club comp , any thing goes .22 .20 .177 etc . pcp and springers .

    And guess what !!!!!!!!!! my HW97 .177 , won it hands down .


    The only catch was , it was my mate who was shooting it :*) and sadly not me , just goes to show , the man behind the trigger makes all the difference :D

  3. The reason i had just the one barrel done , was that i can hit most things with half choke , so thought i,d double my chances by having two of them :lol: .


    monkey -- if old roosters offering mate , and your any where near him , worth thinking about .

  4. hi NTTF -- I have,nt taught him either mate :*) , all i have been doing is to point and encourage him to scent round hedge bottoms etc as where walking along and telling him , "lost , lost " and when he gets too far in front , 1 pip on the turn whistle will usually turn him .

    The problem is he leaves my contact and shoots ahead too far too quick , if he finds no scent , instead of keeping hunting slow and steady at a walking pace .

    so i use to turn whislte alot , sometimes it works the total opposite way round where he does,nt leave my side to hunt , because he knows i,m for ever calling him back/turning .

    i,ve not done any left or rights at all .

    can you give me the programmes for both . thanks Dan .


    all the best

    Darren .

  5. Jack ( lab ) is coming on nicely , he'll go any where and retrieve any thing , his nose is like a heat ( scent ) seeking missile, cant complain .

    EXCEPT - when i,m working him , he starts off close to me , but then the distance grows and grows and i am for ever calling him back .

    SO - how do i get him to stay closer to me when hunting .

  6. i went lamping last night , first time for a long while , got myself 5 nice 3/4 bunnies.

    i was amazed to see still a lot of young un,s ( 1/4 grown ) running around ( which i will leave till later :lol: ).

    Any way it was a good session ( for me any way ) , approx 1 1/2 hours , the only down side was the first bunny , i took the shot at about 30 yards and heard the wack as it impacted into the bunnies shoulder :) damn it , i had underestimated the breeze cutting across the field .

    The bunny did,nt move and just sat there , so i carefully lined up for another shot , second shot went right through the left eye ( i saw this through the scope ).

    Horrors of horrors as i realised that the rabbit was still alive and started hoping around , 3rd shot was needed and he fliped and died .

    i felt terrible and could,nt beleave this had happened :*) , the rest of the session went great , 1 shot 1 kill .

    the gun works perfect , the power is bang on the limit , and i am normally a v. good shot , this was all human error sadley.


    What i want to ask is , this is the first time i have after placing a head shot that the bunny as not gone down instantly.

    As this happened to any one else :beer:.


    Darren .

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