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Posts posted by 12gauge82

  1. 7 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

    Don't quote me on this, but I think much of what is there now was put in place in Corbyn's time as leader.  I have not studied the history, but back in Harold Wilson's time, much of the policy was voted on at "Conference" - which still involved the Union leaders voting their members votes as 'blocks'. 

    I'm fairly sure some time after that (Kinnock or Blair?) it was made much more 'from the top' where the leader had more power.

    Corbyn I think changed a lot, backed by his momentum cronies and in effect removed the power of the leader and much went to various committees - which had a high proportion of members from Unions and various 'sub-groups' like momentum.  All this is set by the National Executive Committee - membership here;


    and you will see that the Parliamentary party are very much in a minority ..........

    It's all very much like the old easter bloc 'Party'.  The question is - who is Big Brother?

    Thank you for taking the time to share 👍

  2. 14 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    I wonder if we'll get another referendum, despite the toolmakers son saying labour have no plans to rejoin EU ?
    My money is on not , just rail road us back in.


    This serpent certainly cant be trusted on the matter.


    I'm sure Blair and his mates will be in the background interfering with democracy to the best of their ability.

    If everyone who voted for brexit backed reform at the GE we'd be looking at a new dawn in the UK.

    Why anyone at this point who isn't a rabid wokey isn't voting for reform instead of more of the same from Labour and Conservative is beyond me.

  3. 14 minutes ago, scolopax said:

    Voting reform will hand a huge majority to Labour.  Like UKIP they have little chance of winning any seats themselves but will take millions of votes away from the Conservatives.  Simple. 

    Voting Conservative will hand a huge majority to Labour and will be a continuation of the failing political system that has shafted working people for decades.

  4. 1 hour ago, sportsbob said:

    Has anyone noticed as soon as someone says we need to stop the boats for the economic migrants (being polite here) the argument in their favour is we need immigration for the workforce NHS etc blah blah. It seems they fail to comprehend the legal immigration system supplies the workforce and the illegal boat immigration does not.

    Absolutely, it's been conflated quite intentionally, along with the tactic of shutting any conversation down around the genuine concerns over negative effects of migration by calling people racist. As the problems grow, it's having less effect and detracts from genuine issues with discrimination and racism.

  5. 2 hours ago, oowee said:

    I hear it but how.

    It will do nowt because we need it now and it will take time to turn around the tanker. Ultimately its the way forward but how long has the next govt got?

    Benefits is part of the problem but equally at issue is the availability of training. Education drop outs will not be easy to train. All of the infrastructure for this (TEC's) has been dismantled. How are we to pay for what's needed in between? 

    Wether we needed a workforce from Europe or not we had it. Getting rid over night without a contingency was madness driven by anti migration dogma. 

    We still rely heavily on foreign labour in the NHS nursing will take years to train. When I started work we were importing labour from the Philippines for nursing we are still doing it. 


    Who says it's being done overnight? We need to train our own high skilled work force, restart apprentiship schemes and reduce our relience on foreign labour. Which would create well paid jobs for the UK workforce and provide decent conditions for those that live here.

    As it stands, we're slowly eroding the country into the third world and it'll only get worse under the Tories and Labour.

    Labour wrecked the country and the Tories have allowed it to worsen/continue over the last 14 years.

  6. 5 hours ago, oowee said:

    His mantra is a one trick pony. If people vote on the basis of this one idea then they have been hoodwinked by the propaganda.

    There are so many more important issues to focus on. 

    I don't believe that's correct. Farage is a straight shooter, watch him in the debates, its one thing that sets him apart from everyone else up there and he has a plan for everything, he had a straight no nonsense answer and plan for everything thrown at him. Everyone else waffles or gives answers completely unrelated to the question. Particularly on the elephant in the room no one else wants to discuss that is immigration.

  7. 2 hours ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    Hello, he is right on the over population of the UK , The Conservatives say they will reduce legal immigration but there is not much sign of reducing illegal immigration🤔

    The Conservatives have been promising to lower migration for 14 years and have not delivered every time. I'm all for migration but not uncontrolled illegal migration as happens now. Our country is completely broken, we need radical change and that won't happen with Labour or Tories in charge.

  8. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    Possibly, but if true, that isn't reported.  The Lugg eventually flows into the Wye.  Expecting the environment agency to co-ordinate anything is almost an 'oxymoron'.

    They are also the ones who won't prosecute the many water companies for pumping untreated sewage into the rivers for FAR FAR more than the allowed 'exceptional rainfall overspill' days.

    I'm not so sure on that, for a start it's early days and I've seen reports with many locals up in arms about it.

    I think their local paper held a poll very recently and over 90% were against his actions.

  9. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    An old thread, but a new report on it. 

    It is claimed (new information June 2024) that the work he carried out has reduced flooding and been very well received by the locals.


    The thing is, people further down stream very likely won't thank him for his actions as it is likely to increase flow through the area he dredged, which will back up even more when it hits the next areas of the river that aren't as clear. Action like that needs to be coordinated by the government to ensure the entire system works.

  10. 1 hour ago, Stonepark said:

    Indeed they are, everyone goes on about non-existant far right extremists As the biggest risk but historically it the far left, not the far right that have been responsible for the majority of the violence, in effect it is a form of projection by the left to justify their actions, whether antifa, anti this or that, throwing milkshakes and cement at Farage etc etc.... when they have no rational argument to respond.

    I think it's safe to say extremists are not wanted in the uk, whether that's left wing, right wing, islamist, animal rights (mostly left I know)ect. Infact I'd hope that's one thing most can agree on, no matter which side of a debate people are on.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Penelope said:

    I see that Farage has been attacked again, in Yorkshire. Someone has been arrested for throwing rubble at him, whilst he was on an open topped bus.


    And the MSM grizzle about the 'far right' being the violent ones.

    Its also msm who have propagated lies against him, giving a platform to those who accuse him of racism which leads to these sorts of violent actions.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Red696 said:

    and the tories have had 14 years to correct what you see as New Labours fault ( and what did they inherit by the way ), yet look how bad things are now…


    higher house prices

    greater illegal immigration

    Deliberately wrecked economy

    still a low skill low pay work practice

    botched brexit

    misplaced asylum seekers

    higher waiting lists in the NHS ( irrespective of a pandemic, and please don’t bkame the doctors strikes because most people would strike given that kind of wage decrease )

    even fewer dentists

    no new onshore wind generation

    less armed forces than we have ever had

    even more sh!te in the rivers whislt paying out record dividends

    highest taxes in 70 years for most of us, yet the rich still get away with ‘avoidance’


    what we need is a new way of doing politics, it should not be a career choice like it is now.


    Absolutely agreed, like I said earlier, neither Labour or Conservatives can be trusted in government. If we want change we need a new party.

  13. 19 minutes ago, Red696 said:

    Better to change a decision than to argue a wrong decision was right, here’s a list of those that did argue:







    Thing is labour got given another chance with new Labour and it went spectacularly wrong. Labour are the reason for many of the issues we face today.

    Unaffordable houses

    Illegal migration 

    Wrecked economy 

    Low skill low pay economy 


    We need a new party!

  14. 41 minutes ago, Red696 said:


     My politics don’t fit the normal left/right argument, when it comes to wealth equality I’m very socialist but on immigration & crime I’m very right wing.


    A very succinct point! And one I think alot of people are beginning to realise. Politics over at least the last 30 years has not served the average person at all. All this left right debate is often just a distraction from the issues that face normal working (and retired) people.


    The globalists call it populism, which is ironic, who would have thought people want to see a dramatic political shift that would favour the masses and not the illegals and super rich.

  15. 7 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    As far as a suggestion goes, right now I honestly don’t know who I’d like to be PM.

    I actually think what sets him apart is that, unlike BoJo whose political highlight should have been London Mayor, he knows PM isn’t for him. 

    Bang on 100%!

    Possibly true, but the fact is, we won't know unless we give him a chance, we know for a fact he's very driven and ambitious and we also know both Labour and the Conservatives are not fit to run the country, unless your a multi millionaire, as a country we have undoubtedly gone backwards the last 30 years.

  16. 16 minutes ago, clangerman said:

    as the donkeys who were  braying tory tory last time are now same ones cheering for fraud farage you can only conclude fools and their vote are  easily parted! 

    So what's the answer, who are you voting for?

  17. 13 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Is it a contest to see how bad a PM we can get, like a race to the bottom that drags us all down with it? Didn’t Liz Truss win that by a narrow margin…

    Who's your suggestion for PM?

    You said him being in opposition would be okay, I say he's at least up there with the best if not better than the current crop.

    What sets him apart is he doesn't want to be PM and is driven by passion and belief in what he wants to achieve for the country and he's not afraid to say the controversial. Most of our political class simply want to climb the greasy pole, further their own careers and don't want to rock the boat.

  18. 2 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    I can’t speak for Robin but I think the crux of his message is that Farage is no different to the rest of them. This is also in line with what Hitchens has been saying for a while now, well documented, even for the hard of listening.

    Most of what Robin states is not rubbish, to rubbish it vehemently because it doesn’t fit your narrative could be interpreted as perhaps being a little narrow minded.

    Suggesting that anyone who doesn’t agree with your views is an idiot might just be extreme irony.

    Personally I believe Farage could be useful in opposition to keep things in check, the risk is a fluke, like in 2016, allowing him to ascend to a real position of responsibility. His role in life seems to be pointing out all the problems caused by other people, very little in the way of proposed solutions in return. That’s fine for an obnoxious bystander, dangerous for a person holding power/responsibility.

    There are some who say a vote for Farage is a vote for Trump is a vote for Putin. Clearly ridiculous in a practical sense, less so perhaps, from an indirect consequence perspective, only time will tell.


    Farage getting in would be an absolute blessing, name which Prime Minister we've had in recent times that's better, I can't think of one?

  19. 8 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Robin Horsfall was a member of the UK special forces team who stormed the London Iranian Embassy in 1980.

    He’s a regular commentator on the war in Ukraine. He posted this on a professional networking site earlier this week.


    Politics are obviously not his strong point.

    Then again, perhaps being self centred isn't a surprise from someone who has obviously taken a **** on his ex colleagues by going public.

  20. 7 hours ago, ditchman said:




    it would be better to help them in their own country..............but that opens up a can of worms

    I don't believe for a second the vast majority of the UK is either. It's the uncontrolled illegal immigration that is an issue and a very large one it is becoming. 

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