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Posts posted by 12gauge82

  1. Surely he'll have an ear peice in with a team of people telling him what to say, even then I don't fancy his chances, he'll probably poo his trousers, ramble incoherently, forget where he is and what he's supposed to be saying and wander off 😂

  2. 23 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:


    Perhaps it highlights that in the complex world of today trying to pigeon hole people into one category is flawed - given the overlap between the groups on key topics, the detailed report kind of hints at this too.

    Of course it does serve the populist identity politics agenda very well though.

    Thanks for sharing👍


    Totally agreed. I think the left and right debate is mostly a distraction from getting actual issues solved.

    10 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Just done it on the bus. I am down as Progressive Actavist too 😁. 13 % of population. Reading the statement with it I can see the similarities 😁


    Interesting 👍

  3. 49 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:


    I took it and it said progressive activists, whoever they are. When I read up on them it didn't seem to fit my thoughts at all 🤔

  4. 8 hours ago, oowee said:

    I read that three more Reform candidate's have come out in support of Russia. Maria Zakharova also endorses Farage today (Russian Defence ministry), an illuminating endorsement. 

    How convenient that Reform is not set up as a political party and as a company can hide its income. 

    A vote for Farage looks more like a vote for Putin everyday. 

    An interesting message from Nigel Farage regarding msm election interference.


  5. The smear campaign against farage by the MSM is huge, they are attempting to crucify him for pointing out facts, facts that our political class are too afraid, often due to their own vested interests to speak of. I think this is a water shed moment, the public has finally had enough and if the establishment doesn't start making changes, reform is going to continue to grow until it takes power.

  6. Not to mention Germany who continues to buy huge volumes of Russian gas, or their recent blocking of a plan by the EU to ban the buying or movement through the EU of Russian liquid natural gas.

  7. 2 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    Let's colonise Mars. Stupid idea - bit like net zero - but, hey, if we don't start. 🙂

    That's just daft Gordon, let's colonise the solar system of our next closest star, it'll tax us back to the stone age and we may never achieve it, certainly not in our lifetime but you've got to start somewhere.

  8. 1 hour ago, Raja Clavata said:

    It’s an ill wind that blows no fortune. Massive industry around sustainability. What financially crippling policies are you referring to?

    I’m not sure what a typical Tory voter is but I’ve never voted anything other than Tory, not that I’ve voted at all since 2016.

    I’ll move if my local seat is taken by Reform. And if reform ever form government I’ll most likely take a foreign work assignment whilst they are in power.

    Let’s see what happens in constituencies where they do win in this election. I think things could get ugly for certain minorities in those locations. Hope I’m wrong.

    The cost of energy in the uk is huge and has been artificially inflated by green agendas which don't even work.

    Take the planned shutting of port talbot steel works, the steel will instead be made abroad and shipped back.

    Smart meter roll out, that does absolutely nothing to save energy usage, but is being paid for directly via an increase in everyone's fuel bills.

    I could go on with examples for hours but it would become war and peace. The point is idiotic policy is crippling the UK's economy for no benefit.

    Appoliges I had assumed you voted Labour/Lib ect due to some of your opinions not appearing to be traditional Conservative views, but I guess that shows how far away the Tories are from being a traditional Conservative party, which is why reform are currently ahead of them in polling.

    Why on earth would you move, what policy of there's could possibly affect you that much to take such a drastic action?

    I very much hope you are wrong about things getting ugly for minoritys. I don't for one second believe Farage is racist in any way, if I did I wouldn't vote for him and I don't believe the average person would either, reform would quickly disappear into irrelevance like the BNP did.

    I do accept there are likely racist individuals hiding within the organisation and the reason for that is they're newly formed, having been hastily put together due to the snap election and are the most right of centre political party, some extreme right wing racists are going to try to attempt to join as reform are currently successful. If/when that happens, I expect to see Farage take very swift and strong action in expelling them and it is no different from any other party, I'm sure extreme left and anti Jewish individuals will attempt to attach themselves to the Labour Party for the same reasons.

  9. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    I think for Putin it would be a wet dream to see Farage as PM. As leader of the Brexit party he voted against EU controls on Russian propaganda.

    Now if he were not leader of Reform he would be working on the Trump election. Trump, Fico, Orban le Penn and Farage are the ways in for Russia, peas from the same pod, prepared to sing from the Kremlin hym sheet. Only last week Medvedev spoke of Russias objective to destabilise the west and create mistrust through propaganda. 

    Everyone who supported Brexit blames the negotiators or the EU (ie everything and anything else) for the desperately poor and crippling outcome. None seem to blame or accept their part in this act of self harm. 

    It's a falasy to think our future rests in the hands of elected leaders. We are a tiny country that will be swept along and pushed around by those stronger than us. Including the EU, US and China.

    The fact he was against so called anti propaganda laws doesn't mean he wants to see Russian interference, quiet the opposite in fact, Farage is a staunch patriot who loves the UK, he'd be more outraged than anyone by foreign interference. What did you think his fight for Brexit was about?

    I blame the UK political class for the deal we got, we should have walked away with the deal the EU were preparing to offer us, which wasn't being negotiated in good faith at all. I'm quite confident Farage feels the same, it's why he has decided to run for election, he doesn't believe Labour or the Tories can be trusted to run the country and certainly can't be trusted to run things after Brexit.

  10. 40 minutes ago, Stonepark said:

    Man made climate change denier... Correct


    Humans are not causing climate change, neither is the CO2 we produce...


    Every climate change model, every single one of them, is a simplified version of reality which does not replicate reality and therefore cannot replicate current or past climate, never mind the future.


    The models do not even include all the energy inputs from the sun, which is the main driver of climate change and which we can do nothing about!

    I don't know if that's correct or not. The point I was making is I've never seen Farage deny the science of climate change. The point I've seen him make, is why destroy our economy, stifle business and condemn the poorest in society to a life of poverty, for no meaningful change to world CO2 outputs, while we export Carbon emissions abroad, we can make the change gradually in a non economic destroying manner as technology improves.

    1 hour ago, Shadowchaser said:

    I've voted Tory for the past few elections simply to keep Labour out of power.  While the two parties might not be able to squeeze a cigarette paper between them, I think with the Tories we have the slightly lesser of two evils. 

    I would like to see the two party system ripped up and would like to vote Reform actually, but I'm not sure it'll do anything. 

    We're in for more rinse and repeat if Labour win. At the next election or the one after that, they'll be voted out. People have short memories. 

    And more evidence of our broken electoral system.

  11. 3 hours ago, oowee said:

    Your probably right. My view is coloured somewhat, as he is one of three (Johnson and Cameron) on the block for the Brexit suicide. 😁

    Funny you should say that, I blame Cameron, to a slightly lesser extent Johnson and a whole host of other remainer politicians for sabotaging brexit and delivering instead a very watered down brexit in name only.

    If Farage had been allowed to lead negotiations as he wished at the time, I believe this country would be in an incredibly good position. Although we'll have to wait for Farage to get a shot at being PM to find out if I'm right or wrong. One thing's for sure, he can't be blamed for the limp wristed brexit we got, the only good thing is at least the uk is now in charge and not the EU and we only have our UK Politicians to blame or thank for decisions that are made in future.

    1 hour ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Only according to Russia on the ceasefire precondition. Ukrainians want the pre-2014 borders restored. Although Trump is a very real threat to realising that aspiration. 

    I don't blame the Ukrainians for that at all, if someone annexed part of the UK, I'd want to fight until my country and it's people were fully restored to.

  12. 9 hours ago, oowee said:

    The west provoked Putin.

    For crying out loud. You do wonder if he is on the payroll. 

    Following that logic, if I advised a rival gang its a bad idea to wander near the previously stable border of their opposition gang threateningly waving weapons around for fear of starting a turf war, would that make me on the payroll of the other gang? Or simply someone who wants peace?

  13. 2 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Tit for tat doesn’t really progress the discussion.

    With all due respect, beyond simple logic and basic decency if you and I agree on something then I tend to doubt my judgement. Perhaps the major exception was our aligned views on the covid and lockdown fiasco.

    Please double check his and his party’s position on climate change.

    I think your confusing being against the financially crippling policys that have made absolutely no difference to world climate issues and denying the scientific evidence of climate change. Farage doesn't deny the science l, he's against economic self harm for no benefit.

    9 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:


    I’ll be voting conservative to counter the Reform threat as I live in one of the top 5 reform constituencies.

    And this is just more evidence on why our political system is so broken, assuming your not a typical torie supporter (do correct me if I'm wrong), you'll be voting for a party further right of your choice, in an attempt to keep another party out of power.

  14. 6 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Saying the west provoked Putin is akin to a woman provoking rape by wearing a short skirt. 

    Farage is a disgusting individual. 

    I'd say it's more akin to telling a lone female not to wear a short dress and heels and walk around Afghanistan. It's not blaming the girl, but simply giving sensible advice.

  15. 6 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    I don’t think anyone is advocating Labour here, so that’s not relevant.

    This is my take on Farage:

    He basically wants us to leave everything, even things we’re not members of

    He’s clearly a Trump fan boy 

    He’s a Putin apologist 

    He’s a climate change denier

    He fronts a party which naturally attracts some pretty unsavoury characters with pretty extreme views

    He displays traits which I would personally associate with being based on various forms of racism

    So I understand why he is popular here.


    Trump fan boy. Correct

    Putin apologist. Wrong

    Climate change denier. Wrong

  16. 16 minutes ago, janner said:

    Thats what they are about,

    They are so resistant to the way that the world is changing that their followers, mostly middle class educated whites have infiltrated governments and have had 'international'  laws passed that force sovereign states to obey laws to the detriment of the individual,

    They think that their personal freedom to obstruct others going about their business is justified as they want to preserve the way our society functions, ultra conservative if you will,

    Their sworn enemies are, as you write, the multinational and globalist corporations,

    They want to restrict our freedom to travel not only from, as you write from one country to the next but any fekin where to anywhere else unless its by  impossible 'carbon neutral' means,

    They are scared of the change to society and to their priviliged white position that any freedom of movement and the change to society that the economic migration will bring, thats one part of their daft  protest, not for immigration but to stop it, they protest against a government that does nothing to stop the migration or the causes of the migrations,

    Thats what they are protesting about, the change that is happening, they are ultra conservative protesting against governments and the economics that are forcing societies all over to change, you cannot get more conservative.

    All the vegetarians i have ever met seem to be holier than tho' self entitled neo fascists.

    😂😂😂 You'll be arguing the green party are right wing next.

  17. 17 minutes ago, janner said:

    And melt away when folk realise what a load of fruitloops the membership and candidates are,

    Oh, hang on a minute, its just started, the boss has only been in the job a couple of weeks and he's already screwed up by making public his love of all things putinist.

    We can discuss this on the farage thread, but it's nothing short of a smear campaign, with part of a sentence taken out of context, read the full quote and you'll see what he was saying is that by Nato pushing up to Russians border, it gave putin the excuse he needed to invade. That assessment is probably correct.

  18. The west is in a right state. We've gone soft and so has the milatry (and I mean numbers, capability, equipment and financing, not the brave individuals who serve). We need to start seriously funding them if we want any hope of detering much less fighting a major conflict with likes of China in the next 10 years.

  19. 3 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    Are we stupid ?

    As a nation, Yes!

    And so is anyone who believes voting Conservative or Labour will result in anything different to the last 30 or so years of political stagnation that has taken a giant **** on the electorate and made a mockery of us all.

  20. 5 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    How is the question?

    If it’s so easy we have to ask why it’s not already happening. 

    That video reckons French law means Police can’t make any effort to stop them leaving … so why are we paying them? 

    Its not already happening for the same reasons migration levels continue to rise. Our political class on all sides don't want to admit there's a serious problem, have both caused or continued the problem and don't want to do what it takes to stop it.

    27 minutes ago, scolopax said:

    What will stop the boats ?  Legally


    there are plenty of illegal ways to stop them, but we would become global pariahs and our politicians would one day have to explain their actions at the Hague.  

    one thing is for certain, it will not get any better under a Labour government. 

    Do exactly as the Australians did. They did it and it worked, claiming it wouldn't or would make us pariahs is simply being claimed by our political class because they don't want to do what's necessary.

  21. 5 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    How is the question?

    If it’s so easy we have to ask why it’s not already happening. 

    That video reckons French law means Police can’t make any effort to stop them leaving … so why are we paying them? 

    Its not already happening for the same reasons migration levels continue to rise. Our political class on all sides don't want to admit there's a serious problem, have both caused or continued the problem and don't want to do what it takes to stop it.

  22. 1 hour ago, Raja Clavata said:

    So we’ve got a bit of insight into what a reform government would look like over the last couple days:

    1. £145k buying a vetting product thinking they were buying a service

    2. pledging to remove us from the WEF, something we’re not even a member of

    Makes Liz Truss look professional. 

    I think they've got some very good, common sense policys, that are backed by financial experts and would make a large, positive impact, to working people's lives.

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