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Posts posted by Wilts#Dave

  1. A little late to report but have managed a couple of outings in the last ten days……earlier than usual for me, but I’ve kept up the weekly recce and noticed one field of peas in particular where there was always a few on but not enough to warrant decoying.
    I looked again on the 30th May knowing I had a free afternoon the following day and to my surprise there was a good number there now and more importantly upon watching for an hour or so a good line in. 
    The next day when I arrived at 1 o clock there wasn’t the numbers I’d seen the previous day but trusting the reconnaissance set up by 1.30 with the little 28 bore for a change where I thought they’d be. Within a few minutes the first one in and down disturbed birds from all over, with the next 15/20 minutes accounting for 20 pigeons. 
    The following 4 hours provided a consistent flow of pigeons, flying across the field into the wind and heading for the pattern, the majority decoying well with the rest offering nice flighting shots. I’d say 90 percent of what we saw came to the pattern, which made for lots of opportunities and when I stopped shooting at just after 5.30 picked up 176. 
    An amazing afternoon that far exceeded expectations (I’d expected to shoot maybe 50/60). 
    Over the weekend I checked another field close to home where I shot on the drilling and they’d started to find that field also, so checking it again briefly on Sunday couldn’t resist shooting that on the Monday afternoon. Setting up again around 1.30, it wasn’t to be an overly long session as the farmer was spraying it at around 5 o clock so said we’d be off the field by then. 
    A slow start but picked up steadily as time went on, and would have definitely shot more due to the action hotting up from 3.30 onwards but packed up just before 5 and off the field picking up 75. 
    Hitting the peas here a little earlier than usual, hopefully more to come! 

  2. 24 minutes ago, Agriv8 said:

    Still brings a tear to my eye when his mate carried him over the finish line on the marathon ! Everything that right about rugby in one photo,

    rip - Rob Burrows 

    RIP Rob, what a fighter against such a terrible disease.

  3. Nice one Ben, glad to see you’re finding them! Takes some doing at time but those days where you really have to work to find them are some of the best 👍🏼 
    I managed to find some myself, will put a report up later. 

  4. Used thousands of the 29g Superfast pigeon, on pigeon and they’re a terrific shell…..hit really hard and smooth shooting too, shoot some mega birds with them! 
    They also do a 32g 5.5 shot I’d be tempted to try on driven pheasants, it does depend on what sort of pheasants you’re under though……farm shoots for example driving out of cover strips etc won’t require the same sort of stopping as 50 yard plus driven off the top of hills etc on the high bird shoots. 

  5. Cracking result Jdog, that would have been an exciting hours shooting no doubt! 
    Been the same drought here since I shot a few on the drilled peas, a few have just started appearing on the first lot of peas I shot over but not yet in any great numbers. It’s not usually until June when they seem to appear again here. 
    Well done on keeping an eye on a crop they would usually be feeding on at this time of year. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    I dont stand up when shooting from a hide .I stay sat down and just lift the gun from where ever it is and shoot  .it's usually to my right leaning against the hedge  .


    Just shows how we all differ, I’ve never got on shooting from a sitting position as I don’t feel it offers me a good arc of fire at flaring birds / locking on quickly to second barrels or those snap shots coming overhead etc.

    Can see the advantages doing so though. 

  7. 12 hours ago, millrace said:

    Probably only place you'll get the 2014 TT is youtube...😂 now this years 2024 TT is via pay per view for £20 or think its itv show highlights..

    Think that’s a typo somehow 😂🤣

  8. 11 hours ago, team tractor said:

    That means you’re 40? 
    the derbi senda was a great looking bike . 


    I’m 41 so yes spot on! The derbi senda was the one to have if you had a bit more money than I did….always thought I’d go onto a dt125 or Aprillia rs125 but alas I got my driving license and cars took over. 

  9. Loved my DT50…..I remember paying £700 for a late model that was immaculate owned by a 30 odd year old who lived at home with his parents. Brakes were non existent though! 
    It’s a shame all old bikes/cars have shot up in money really.
    See if you can find an old Derbi Senda, that’s what I really wanted at the time. 

  10. Good going that, must have been a busy afternoon flight! 
    Personally never bother going until after lunch (12 o clock) at this time of year onwards as generally get the bulk of the shooting though the afternoon then again 4 o clock onwards for their last feed.
    Got a fair few fields of peas in here, 109 the best afternoon on drilling where they came later on too. 
    Sounds like you’ve got a busy schedule coming up 👍🏼

  11. Heartbreaking to read that article and think of those poor defenceless little monkeys being so badly mistreated, beggars belief what some people seem to get off on. 
    The sort of sick people paying good money for such depravity would also pose a huge risk to children in my opinion, and just a few years in prison will do nothing to sort those sort of people out. 

  12. Another cracking session, those peas are providing you with some good sport already! 
    Had more peas go in on my farms than previous years which is nice and fingers crossed for some good days in the coming months. Had great afternoon recently on the last farm to plant theirs and shot 109 which is much more than previous years on drilling which has never proved overly fruitful.
    Personally always find they leave them alone for a month or so until June when they’re up a bit, but as always will keep an eye out just in case they arrive early. 


  13. Cracking stuff Jdog, had you went the day before you may have avoided that heavy shower. Been great weather for pigeon shooting the last few days (although I’d never choose to have the wind in my face), sounds like you made the most of it! 

  14. One of the absolute lowest things you can do, we work hard and need all the tools we build up to do our jobs…..I’ve never been broken into touch wood, but would never be surprised if I was.
    Seems to happen in every area with no prejudice, and I’ve never heard of any getting caught and handing back the tools! 
    Insurance is very expensive and there’s a lot of loopholes to prevent paying out etc. 
    I very much feel for the lad, must be soul destroying as well as knowing there’s a high risk it will happen again in the short term. 

  15. 2 hours ago, stu nesling said:

    the weather was a concern, but after sitting in the office all week i was not being put off.

    put on the winter trousers, warm fleece and pullover and gave it a go. (glad iam not out today).

    old'un  shots wise on the 107 was about 140 and the 51 was about mid 60's missed a few silly ones but that always happens.

    also got a few high curling ones that just make you think....why cant i do that all the time....lol. using fiocchi pigeon 32/6 a bit heavy but they do the job when i do mine, using a mk38 32" which soaks up a lot.

    That’s a very good average, most won’t do that unless the pigeons are decoying really well and not taking on lots of long shots / birds flaring in the wind etc. I like to think I’m a fair shot on pigeons but I don’t believe anyone who says they never miss silly ones sometimes, personally think you get complacent and lose concentration occasionally which leads to those easy misses! 

    Well done on your last two outings, those peas are certainly producing for you already…..hope there’s plenty more to come 👍🏼

  16. 45 minutes ago, JDog said:

    Thank you Penelope. One learns something new every day. I never knew that Maple Peas and Vetches were one and the same.

    Congratulations to Clodhopper and Muncher for getting it right.

    They did look familiar. Have had some brilliant shooting on them later on in the year when they get sprayed off, as you’d expect pigeons love them. 

  17. 7 hours ago, JDog said:

    I have it on good authority (not from the farmer though) that they are vetch seeds.

    More importantly I wonder if they are to the pigeons liking?
    Guessing they’re part of the pea family, certainly look that way! 

  18. 1 minute ago, stu nesling said:

    i know what you mean about the right fields with the right crops in. i think these fields on the edge of a village are going to produce a lot of birds. time will tell.

    If you’ve shot an area for a number of years it becomes very apparent, a lot of shooters won’t have this knowledge which can work in your favour. 
    I have some great shooting in an area that’s not too far from a town/housing. I think it’s because those areas can hold pigeons all year round feeding in parks and gardens etc, and have learnt where there may be a food source at certain times of the year. 
    Fingers crossed those fields provide you with plenty more shooting! 

  19. On 18/04/2024 at 09:50, old'un said:

    Your be lucky to find a days shooting for 1 gun at the minute, never mind 4 or 5 guns, apart from that, the selling of pigeon shooting days does not stand easy with me.

    It’s the single most irritating thing for any pigeon shooter to have a ‘guide’ operating in your area…..certainly not my cup of tea but money talks I guess, and there are a lot of lazy shooters out there who want to pay the money to just turn up and shoot as they do with pheasants etc. 

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