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Posts posted by Foxwit

  1. Is it really essential to buy a torque screwdriver to ensure the right amount is applied when putting the stock back on my tikka t3 in .223? Only took it off as was out in the rain and did it back up nipping it in tight but without excessive pressure.

  2. I can't remember my first to be honest (so long ago) but I still get excited now, and feel my heart hammering!!

    and that's after 45 years of shooting.


    It's a bug I tell you, and once you get it you've had it :yes::yes: :yes:


    Too true had a few since that one now including a nice big dog fox last night!

  3. I wish I had time to get out more but it is a toss up sometimes between the shotty for pigeon, rimmy for rabbits or air rifle for rats.

    Bloody weather don't help either.

    Warminster is ok, I go diving in Vobster and got my van in westbury so go through there a bit.

    Thanks everyone for the kind comments.

    I know what you mean I have shotgun .223 .22lr and air rifle finding time for all is not easy!

  4. I'm in Warminster Danny - Generally been a shocking year for all quarry and the rats have not been about in numbers (probably doing too good a job :innocent: ) Left the ratting for a few weeks as I got my FAC through so was out with the new kit a fair bit. But went out last night with the AA S410 and nite site and they seemed to be everywhere not sure if its because the farmer has turned the cows back out to pasture now or because its been left a few weeks.

  5. Air rifle of 12ftlbs never moves off 4x mag for me and am very consistent with it my .223 won't move off 7x mag. I agree that anything more is not really needed. Try following a fox at 100yards under a lamp on 32xmag. You'll soon want to mag back out so you can have a better field of view.

  6. So today just 5 weeks after I posted my application my fac and sgc arrived this morning 2 hours later the first slot was filled and half my ammo quota filled. :-)


    Whilst chatting to a few people and mates it seems nearly everyone I spoke to had their cert arrive on a Saturday morning as well. Is this the same for others? Maybe they sign them on a weds afternoon and post second class (for the money they could first class it!)


    Who else got theirs on a sat or is this just coincidence!?

  7. I'm left handed and left eye dominant but I've always shot right handed. You do get a greater choice and it's not hard to get used to. You need to give it a go before splashing the money out.


    I have been shooting left handed for so long there is no way I could start to change its just not comfortable for me. Infact it is quite awkward. I can shoot right handed guns in a left handed manner but a right handed bolt for a left shooter is a pain


    my point exactly 7 guns available on guntrader in the country! I am seriously considerinf going to have a look ad the remington.

  8. So Its very expensive and frustrating being a left handed shooter. I'm currently looking for a left handed .223 I want a cz american 452 (not the lux one with hog back stock) but I cant find a price on one or even find a stockist. Should I just get used to shooting a R/H bolt?! mind you I have seen a nice Remington 700 cdl in left hand.


    what are peoples thoughts - any other lefties have the same problem? I mean to get a new lefty is so expensive and they hardly ever turn up S/H in my searches.



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