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Posts posted by GADWALL41

  1. thanks for the info guys ,

    I can see a rush to have Our semis sent to the UK for work done and Proof house Magazine stamps .

    I can also see the cost go shooting Upward for Shipping etc ,


    I will call into my RFD for a chat this week ,


    I found the Spec CaptainB mentioned and if that standard satisfies the UK authorities , it should do here , I hope ,



  2. Hi ,

    thanks for the info .


    Yes It is my considered opinion that the Police in this country do Not want and have not wanted Guns of any sort in Private hands for Many years past .


    Relations between all parties are very poor . We have just 4 years ago undergone Huge changes in Licensing , etc and we all had the hope a period of Stability

    would be reached , silly me .


    att , the wording , with no standard set out in the proposed

    act or notes as to what they consider PERMANENT ----and the reasons for no compensation , A DANGER TO PUBLIC SAFETY .


    Yet the Revocation process is only due to take place upon renewal date of the said firearm .


    SO ITS DANGEROUS , YOU WILL NOT BE COMPENSATED FOR ITS LOSS and you can hold onto it until your licence is due for renewal .

    Boy that's as they state , makes no sense to me .




  3. We are the Same here ,

    But what is different now is that they will no longer ACCEPT a Crimp Or a Plug .


    I Have had semi autos for over 25yrs and I have never ever Removed the plug and gone shooting with the gun .

    Once a season Strip down and clean it all , plug comes out .


    I used to have a Maxus , until it had to Go Home to Belgium for 5 months for repair. That guns plug just twists out , Viola 5 Shots !.


    I have a Beretta XTREME 400 12g, 3 shot , plug out 5 , same with my Just brand new first season 20 G A 400 , Easy to remove plug .


    So it has to be 3 and Only 3 .. I was surprised to see from their quoted figures there are only just short of 9,000 Licences for semi and pump shotguns

    over here out of a total of 180,000 Shotgun licences in total, so that's a very small number , more Likely to be screwed over .


    The FABARM EURO 3 has a much smaller forend to hold just 2 rounds ,



    If anybody has time , there are loads of round the world examples they quote of incidents and legislation to back up their proposed legislation ,






  4. Does anybody Know of a Semi Auto or Pump action Shotgun Available New to buy on the market ,

    That will Only !! Hold 3 Cartridges ?. ( 1 in the Spout and 2 in the Magazine ).


    My Home Police force want More changes to Firearms Legislation here and are seeking to Ban ALL Semi and Pump Action

    Shotguns , among other changes , that Can take more than 3 rounds . They do not want to accept any guns that are Plugged to hold


    They do not state what modifications they will accept or who will inspect the Guns so modified .



    Lovely . The police here and Gun owner organisations have been at each others throats for the past 5 years at least and here we go again .


    Fabarm used to make the EURO 3 and I had 1 , till I wore it out , 14 years and 2 new ACTION BARS fitted and broke , it just wasn't going to last



    I stand to loose NEARLY €6000, IF THIS GOES AHEAD , so any help or ideas would be Great .


    I have looked at , cutting the Mag tube and inserting a disc and brazing it up to hold 2 carts . But again, that could be undone , so who knows if they accept that idea.


    Much gun regs and issues from around the world quoted in their documents , if you wish to read , hit the page link and look at the bottom of the opening page for this item

    Department of Justice and Equality/An Garda Síochána Working Group on Review of Firearms Licensing





    any ideas would be Great , thanks

  5. So ,

    your out and about on the Great expanse , Of Oozzee , Slob , Mud and sand .

    While out there , we are privileged with views and sights , other Mortals , never see , Mostly good and some not so good ( think Plastic etc).


    Now I have been thinking about this for a few days and not wanting to Open all the cupboards and backdoors that were opened a few weeks ago, with the wounded Goose debate - I didnt comment.


    Things happen and people deal with them in different ways . We are all aware of the Wildlife laws and acts , but sometimes they do not cover the situation one finds oneself in . I myself on more than one occasion have stopped my car to despatch various misfortunate Birds from Wrens to Rooks ,on the roadside , much the alarm of some passengers I might add . I just cannot abide Un necessary Suffering . I shoot to Kill not to wound and injure .

    Now while on the roadside , using my hands , I have No Gun Licence to loose , on the Foreshore with Gun in hand its another story.


    3 Days ago I came across the Brent Goose in the pic below , you can see how close it let me approach and for sure its right wing was Damaged .

    The local landowner told me to expect to come across it as he had earlier that morn , trying to get down a Fox Burrow .


    It plodded along in front of me and I let it wander off , my dog was at home as I was in Fact after Snipe at that location and he was not needed , so the Gosse was not stressed . It looked in good form , though definitely suffering in some way , but Not enough to Warrant me Putting it down .

    What would you have done in this circumstance ?,


    James T. Kirk and the Prime Directive ?. ( not to interfere with Alien Life forms ) .

    Not always the way to go , in seasons past , after a real Blow , Gulls , Ossies ,(oystercatchers), Godwits, I have often come across with a broken wing . Now for a bird on the shoreline a broken wing is a slow Death sentence . I have taken the appropriate action , putting my FAC at risk , but I will not pass by and do nothing and if I have to explain that to a Judge , by way of a prosecution or a lost Licence appeal , then so be it .


    What would you do , in this Event ??


    I hope the Creaking Doors are left closed and consternation is left in abeyance ,


    Perhaps it is a case covered by a Text message I got from my Son a few weeks back , He came Across a poster I would be interested in , It goes like this !









    NOTHING !!


    Pic below.


  6. As I always tell my son , The Most important shot you will ever take , Is The next One .


    I had my SxS wows many years ago , changed to an OU and then added a Semi or 2 and never looked back .


    Last Night , 2 MALLARD , 3 WEGION and 5 Teal , some cracking shots , but the important shot is my Next One ! .


    Forget it all, start afresh , enjoy.

  7. Good Stuff lads !,

    I feel better already .. .


    I usually sit on my Home made game bag , a chest wader net bag with a backing of max 3 waterproof camo material stitched on , bought on e bay , Very light .

    I also made a Gun slip out of it and that rolls up nice and slim and if I do get something for the game bag , I sit on that .


    AH , NOW I KNOW WHY ALL MY CARTS ARE GOING RUSTY ! , bringing too many and not using them , lol.

  8. I have owned a Maxus and had my share of issues also , its now sold .


    First thing I would sujest is try a different Brand of shell , if that still turns up a FTL , try WD40 SILCONE on the breech area , shell carrier and lightly smear one or 2 shell brasses also , see where that gets you . Do not spray all over the place just a light coat will do . Make sure theres no dirt in there gumming things up to before you squirt ,


    let us know how you get on , it worked for me just this week !

  9. Well theres food for thought ,

    thanks for the tips and insight . It obviously is something we all have an eye on in the Future and I sure couldn't stick more than one Winter by the fireside without being able to Get out There AND listening to Jon Swift singing Run River on MP3 , look it up on youtube , a great song , touching on our favourite place .


    Yes the Back pack is a great help , much more control of the load carried , fewer items inside it to . Think regular swimming pool trips might be needed to .


    45 YEARS of knowledge of local areas and still learning of course , well this Season I get to spend some more time with my son - Sherpa , as he has finished his 12 month College stint in London. He has been shooting with me since about 8 years old , but Rugby and College have kept him away from salt water for to long . I am doing my best to pass on what I know to him and at least he will get up at 4am to go out with me in any weather , I love the Wildest days .

    Of all the Guys I know only 1 , yes 1 other person would be there at , 3.30 or 5.30 am if you arranged it with them to be all the others just wont make the effort, so no other apprentices at the moment .


    Beretta A400 XTREME, on Slack days I will walk across the marsh shooting Snipe with this gun , getting a little heavy for that now , so that's my next slim down job ,


    I am lucky I have never smoked and never ever had a drink in my life , however that doesn't help the Blood pressure, 4 pills for Brekie and 1 for tea cut into energy levels, must have a talk to the doc about that next visit ,


    Yes the pass in the Night peacefully would be my choice But knowing my luck it will be , stuck in the Mud on a slow advancing spring tide with no credit in my Mobile and a spare signal flare in my Blind bag with sambos that the dog ran off with !


    Still you got to have a sense of humour about these thing to !!

  10. Well ,

    not quite yet ! .


    I have been thinking about this for a Long time and am Genuinely interested in your views and tips, Here is my Dilemma.


    As a Gentleman of a Certain age , it is becoming apparent that I can no longer do as much as I once could .

    The days of Hauling myself ,Gun , net , dekes , torch , gear bag , seat , ammo and spare ammo , just in case its a once in a season day Oh and of course ,

    Mutley if he is in that form again Oh and the Fallen , if there is any , across and through Mud , water and all kinds of God made Slime and other growth , well is becoming too Much for me .


    Cut back on the items I bring , as much as possible , but theres only so much you can do . I have gone from chest waders to Pants waders and cross the tidal channels earlier and later .


    How do you manage ?.


    Given as read , we are all Different , How Old is to old to go Out wildfowling ? Purely from a safety and what one can manage to do view point ,


    At what stage does THE FAT LADY SING ?,.


    With the above said and as the day is nearer and not farther away . I have taken to video recording my trips on the coast . Not for any Trophy re living moments , but , when the Chair and Fire are all I have to look forward to, I can put on a DVD and it will be My corner on the Coast and my dog and my memories and not Chris Greens !, .


    No I am not past it yet and tomorrow holds the prospect of an early morn and an afternoon trek and Tide flight , but who knows ?.


    Some days it is a struggle to get out there , though there is no where else I would rather Be !

  11. Hi Birdsallpl,

    I Have 2 types now , that one and my fav is the Sony HDR-SR15, HD quality footage , colours are great , that still does not do it justice .

    I have the GO PROs also , but the Head mount for those is central on the head , to the side with the sony and image not so great .I use the G P , mounted on a stake outside the hide these days .


    Why do I record ?, I am aware that some folk don't like the idea of this and there are reasons which I shall come to in a Related post this evening , as the Joy of work awaits me now .


    Teal goes down , using B 725. as I said the vid is in HD , its just a screen capture , snipping tool.


  12. Hi,

    there is a Catcher model that will fit the Maxus . USA gadget, Cabelas used to have them , a wire clip on stick on job .

    They are designed for Clay stands , so you don't Clatter your neighbour . Most only catch one shell then the second as no 1 falls to the ground , though I did see one that caught and held 2 shells some time ago.


    There are vids on youtube of some of these . They wire ones can give trouble , but some newer models are mostly plastic.



  13. Just in the door , missed a Teal Fluffed the mount.

    Saw An Osprey diving on Mullet , only the second time I have seen one , so not a bad outing .


    Books , Books and More books . Just moved house , box after box of books , I never want to buy a book again .


    With that in mind I have been searching the web for a source of free downloads .


    Col Hawkers , RPGS , French , American wildfowling books all out there to be downloaded.


    Here is a flavour of what I have found ,



    just some of what is out there .


    For me BB always captured the mood and for a throw back , RALPH PAYNE GALWAYS a FOWLER IN IRELAND is a book to let you see what once was and what might have been , if only we had been born at another Time ,







  14. post-70158-0-48784500-1407528840_thumb.jpgHi ,

    I prefer Waist waders myself and if crossing channels is needed I arrive early and leave later .


    I use Scierra waist waders as pictured here . This type is the newer issue , the earlier ones had no ridges on boots and were a slightly different colour.

    Both types can be found for sale online from £80 to over £100 , depending on model .

    My first pair lasted 5 Hard seasons , pair 2 in season 2 very shortly and used for fishing in the summer also . No leaks at all , I wore the soles out ,

    Also I find the Neo doesn't suit me in Bushes and Briars , this with last longer ,

    Enjoy whatever you choose,



  15. Hi ,

    well apologies if I jumped to soon . The blood was up , 2 Bull Mastiffs , Off lead, bounced my Springer before I sat down in front of the pc last night .

    Hes ok .


    Apologies to Greenshank also , indeed Im sure he might be sorry .


    Indeed Briley chokes perform well , though they are short .


    That Maxus is Gone now . A400 Xtreme 12g 3.5 . a nice gun , use a B 725 12g and have a new un tried A400 20g , for the Finer things in life , Teal , snipe , woodcock etc .


    I have Ext chokes here, from Beretta , Comp n Choke , Muller waterfowl , Patternmaster , Teague and Browning . Sure they all make big claims for there products. For my shooting I prefer the C n C and the Mullers now that's with lead and I have found , small shot size steel , 5 and 6 in the Master dosent work as well , perhaps larger shot size steel might as that is what it was designed to do .


    As we know if your not On , then a choke will not kill anything , but For me , the above mentioned work and put those extra , crucial few pellets in the Kill zone .

    My dog is much happier with them to , not much underwater diving required ,


    Anyway , Greenshank if you are reading , good luck with whatever you buy and anyone else who might like a change , improvement call it what you will , you have time enough to put an Ext Choke on your Xmas Pressie list ,


    Quack Quack ! ps other chokes on guns in the safe .



  16. A combination of , Choke , Barrel length . Barrel length mentioned , as a starting point in the post of 30 inches for an all round gun .


    Extended choke adds length , hence length mentioned again .


    I was in fact steering away from Longer barrel lengths , to allow for walked up shooting , adding an ext choke for better patters at Fowl .


    Anybody reading this want to go woodcock shooting with 32 inch gun ?. yes its all about , swing and follow through , but at at 15yds in cover its a snap shot and no lazy swing .



    Ext choke into barrel of a 28 inch gun, giving better patterns on the Foreshore , Hence no need for a 30 inch gun and a single all round gun is more versatile .

  17. Hello ,

    so now I am talking non sense . Each entitled to their opinion .


    But here we have the same problem again, with all things do with reading english .


    I said , "by 16 inches or so " Not "of 16" for maximum efficiency" . Now , after 1inch maximum V . So do I take it you advocate , say a 10 inch barrel , giving you room for screw in choke threads.

    You did not mention , your preferred Barrel length ?. but then , "That Means nothing ".



    Yes I agree , ( again that's a given ) you vary the Shot size , load powders etc at the chamber End . Now if you take any given cartridge , load combination 3 in 3.5 chamber anything you like , pull the Trigger and BANG ! . In any fixed choke shotgun of a set barrel length, in theory , you will get more or less the same result at the smokey end .


    Now , heres the Magic bit , after we choose cartridge, load etc , in our average 28" barrel gun , how do we change our range and spread , at 35, 40 or 50 yards even the smallest amount . Choke size and barrel length . Ballistic performance for a given barrel length is not the issue , more pellets in the Pattern is .To Achieve that , at range is

    what I am striving for , thereby making a clean kill and not pricking any birds .


    Hold on hold on , don't jump , please I will share a few secrets with you , or better still try it yourself and see.


    So, your chamber in any 2 3/4 , 3 , 3.5 inch gun of any manufacturer is pretty much standard ( no I don't have my Micrometre out , of course barrel wall thickness varies with each company ) same results . How long is your Forcing Cone ?, how long is your tapered choke ? what size is your choke ?, is it actually throwing the correct choke for the markings engraved on its side ?.


    Put a 28gr Clay shell in your bog standard 2 3/4 inch 28" barrel gun 1/4 choke , 35 yd clay bang break . swap out your choke , put a " comp n choke " 1/4 choke in . your barrel length is increased by nearly an inch and a half . Same shot same distance same presentation , you will see that clay smoked ! .


    No B.S. , I have spent over a grand on chokes these past 2 years on various guns and tested them on pattern plates also , I have done it .


    You Vary your shot spread , killing power pattern at the Smokey end , not in the chamber .


    Example , Browning Maxus , over bored , very over bored , to the point where it wouldn't make the 50yd kill even with a 42 gr no 5 load .

    Beretta , A400 , same shot , same cartridge , different boring , make the kill no problems at all .


    If I can get an Extra 2 , 3 or 5 pellets into a bird at whatever range to ensure a clean kill , with an after market choke giving me a longer barrel, as necessary for the quarry I am after , even with a standard load , I will do it .


    Remember ,

    the Original post was for A single all round gun . I advocate my solution as a way , maybe not the only way , but as a way to allow a 15 yd Woodcock in cover to 50yd Screaming Teal kill , to be taken using one Shotgun .


    So far I have not read an alternative solution put forward .



    I am not on here to argue with anybody , I am happy to debate any issue arising from my post , but please no personal stuff and remember if you think it is non sense , you do not have to reply . I do not want to hijack another members post . We are all entitled to our opinions , mine are based on observed findings , not those found in quotes from a Birmingham Proof house or Berettas Test range .



  18. Now , not wanting to start a Barney , But I feel I have to say the following .


    The post was one for a general all round Gun , Rough and walked up shooting , with more and more Shore time .


    Neither a 24" nor a 32" IMHO , could be considered a general all round Shotgun. So again imho , barrel length then falls to 28"-30" Range .

    With the Current majority being walked up , 28" Ideal - and 30" was the requested Post rating on The MK70.


    Given all the Warnings and advice on Steel shot , Chamber size (min standard 3" )and chokes etc as read and Given that a gun is a Gun of choice and the Fit is right etc .

    Then the only Variable is Barrel Length, choke combination .


    As most Modern Cartridges powders reach maximum efficiency by 16" or so down the barrel , why are we not all using 20 inch barrel guns ? Longer barrels are not just for balance , for larger guys or those who prefer a Heavy gun .


    I am comfortable with my answer and with how I adjust my , barrel length , choking combos etc .


    To achieve the most from a Single Shotgun in all the types of shooting mentioned , I would chose a 28" barrel length for walked up , rough shooting and shooting duck over decoys . For longer range shots on the Shore , passing shots etc , I use an extended Choke ( use comp n choke and mullers waterfowl and have a patternmaster in my A400).

    That gives me a tighter pattern at a longer range, allowing me to take birds That I would otherwise not be able to Harvest .


    If one wishes to consistently make a 50yd passing duck Kill , then the smallest variable matters . Who would try that shot with a 24 or 26 in barrel, Not I .


    Under No circumstances could the same combination be considered for walked up Rough shooting . Try shooting a 20yd snipe with a Mullers waterfowl Passing choke (near 30" barrel and 3/4 to full choke ) and see how you get on ?. Or would you rather take the same shot in a 28" 1/4 choke gun ?. I have done both ! , I was lucky in the first case , the body of the snipe was untouched, the head was clean gone .

    Now , no doubt some will say that was all about Choke and not barrel length , I disagree it was a combination of both .


    "Barrel Length means nothing"


    A. Carry a 32" inch gun around a walked up shoot for a day and it will !.


    B. How many 24" - 26" inch Shotguns do you see being used for Duck shooting each season ? and why is that ?.


    C. Pattern test a 28in and a 32in barrel gun , at the same distance using the same shot size choke combo . Id be delighted to hear the results .


    Again , if it means nothing ?. If you see a guy using a 32in gun on the Skeet course , he is either an Olympic gold medal winner or a gluten for punishment , no disrespect to either Shooter type.


    ps . I have some spare Hack saw blades here for anyone who isn't botherd by Length and wants to Lop off some steel , before Sept 1st ,


    pps. I have the luxury of being able to still use lead shot by law , so can make those 50 + yd shots count , I wouldn't try it with steel .

    The chokes mentioned in other posts using steel in effect tighten up by one or two sizes , so you are shooting a tighter pattern with a 28" barrel firing steel vis a vi lead .



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