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Gin steady shooter

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  1. Tbo- it was a toss up over the super Vinci and the a300 for me- the Vinci being an ineria gun: I had read some reports of the super Vinci (3.5" chamber) being limited to 2&3/4" 28g loads- which I thought mite limit its clay abilities but I since know u can get cheap 28g fast carts for clays. Also given my a300 doesn't reliable cycle less that 28g- I now think I should have got the super Vinci instead (less cleaning needed!) If u don't need the 3.5" chamber the 3" Vinci would b my first choice. I know a lot of negative review in the states about them- but a lot of good reviews too!
  2. I have a a300 extrema, which as figgy say is now badged as the 350. My gun has been faultless on heavy 3" goose loads cart, all game carts of various lengths weights and 28g clay carts. It even cycles 67mm length carts as long as they are 28grms minimum. I had some problems with lighter clay loads of 21g it doesn't seem to like these- but this may be more down to speed of the carts or the rails if they are not clean / oiled. As it a gas systems it does get dirty, but u can clean it pretty well withou fully stripping it- in fa t I have mine for 2 year with close to 1000 carts through it who thou a full strip down clean needed. It's not a light gun but then if ur firing heavy loads thIs is a good thing- remembering it's built for 3.5 carts. I bought it for duck and geese- but have used it on pheasants and clays to good effect!
  3. Lloyd90- you are correct in your assessment of he series of events I think my wife has more knowledge than she is shared with me. Either she told them or she has told her for end a number critical but of the puzzle and then have called police. Too many small details that could only have come from her one way or another. I think my wife has with not told me what has accuratly happened/ what she said to them when they approached her too, she keeps letting extra bit of information drip feeding to me that she hasn't said to me bite for. I'm totally paranoid about who, and confused about exactly what issue post to have been said and occurred since. Going to speak to basc again today to we if they can advice me in what the police have a responsibility to tell me when allegations are made against me.
  4. Cheers lads, it's perhaps not as terminal as I first thought- personally I don't see me getting cert back soon. It all circumstantial evidence but I'm sure it will hold enough water to convince the Feo that I shouldn't have access. Really annoying that his could happen over conjecture and rumours, allegations without substance- not my idea of justice!
  5. Mel b3, Thanks that's probably one of the best bit of advice posted. Will the police hold the guns for me or give a period of time to seek improvement in my home life first? Is this something they offer / request? Or do they just either give u the guns back or crush them? My guns are worth a fair bit of cash so if it's all or nothing I'm going to fight to get them back.
  6. Walshie you have summarise the events as I understand them correctly. I have no reason to tell u anything other than what I have been informed. If it sounds odd to u guys spare a thought for me- I'm having to defend against this changing position. I have an idea about who and why all this has come to a head. I suspect my wife is still not throwing straight die, as she knows who is responsible for the anno call and why they are able to give details of events only a few people know about. Basically i suspect she has fed the anno this info over the last 6 weeks and our recent argument has been the tigger point for the anno caller to take action. This is my conclusion. But I will know more once I'm interviewed.
  7. He didn't give a reason: I offered that he may not have wished for my wife to have keys to a cabinet that may hold guns in the future as being why he took he action he did- he didn't confine or denie this idea. My wife said they were looking to take carts too but couldn't find them. To be honest I don't understand why if they thought I was going to shot my self, and as the Feo said this'll was a primary concern, they didn't come to my house first- why go to my wife's place of work first? In now a bit sceptical about the police motivations / what they are now telling me I'm actually being accused of. Lessons to be learns about the keys though Dayvo I assure you its very real- I wish it wasn't!
  8. I'm splitting hairs- he said keen to get these keys back to u ASAP. I said no rush just wanted to make sure they weren't lost.
  9. Actually he didn't ask- his starting position was he was keen to get them back to me. I said no rush on my part I was mainly concerned to know where they are, as we were searching the house last night looking for them.
  10. He said there are some one smaller allegations that still need investigated before he could share these with me. I'm totally confused now!
  11. Up date - Feo called me today to say he had the keys and would I like like them back. Also he said he was concerned about the ease at which my wife found the keys, I think this is a bit double edged as he asked her to look for them after she said she didn't know where they were, when she found hem she didn't know what they were for or how to access our attic to get to the cabinet! I took r opportunity to ask him why my guns had been lifted as the police haven't told me this directly- he said that was because a source said I had said I would shot myself. And that the source had said the guns were left out of the cabinet lying in the kitchen table. This might be confused by my air field was out sitting in hallway after the domestic and could have been mistook for a shotgun- I suppose? Totally confused what the actual allegations are. The Feo when asked about allegations pertaining to shooting of cats- denied this was a concern the anno called made. Which is conflicting what the officer told my wife.
  12. Thanks guys, she is willing to amend the confomation she gave to the police about what I supposedly said regrading shooting the cats- she is unsure of what I did say ( probably beacuse she didn't hear me say it) and that is enough to provide doubt / contraindications over the issue- basc inform me this will help me, not least because it's the truth- but I'm less convince the police are interested the truth. It's a totally mess tbh: that a domestic, no violent non threatening, argument between a husband and wife has resulted in some serious consequences, initiated by those that should have kept a more balanced view on what there were told / heard. (Her family / friends) Btw I totally understand why the police took the action they did, as they cannot safely tell rumor from fact- I just hope they can see the genuine truth that I'm telling them and not seek to remove my cert for quick wins. Will update u on the outcome once know.
  13. Thanks for the replies, I shall try to answer some of the questions raised; For clarity; I have an idea about who may behind the call, not that it matters now, but my wife has confided in her family and friends about our recent arguments, and Also the 6 week old one where she thinks I stated I would shoot our cats. This is the most likely explanation as to why the caller waited 6 weeks to make a call and quoted verbatim what my wife had charged me with saying. My wife is the one who has repeated the line; you said you are going to shoot our cats- she has done so to the extert that she now believes herself and has convinced other of this- hence why I know its likely to be someone she told. Either that or we have a neighbor that is intently listened to our ever word over a period of several months- impossible! I don't feel my wife wanted this outcome, in fairness to her, as she has had panic attacks about it and is now worried about the effect on our 3 year old daughter, and the ensuing social care visit that she feels is imminent! Her motivation for making me out to be a car killer are selfish and done to generate a sympathic effect to those who listen to her. I belive some one has taken her too literally, or she's just laid it on a bit too thick with the wrong person who has believe her unconditionally and acted on this. I know I did not make such a threat as I'm very careful about what I say- I get paid a good salary as a well respected professional to be accurate in my communications using specific words and language appropriately often on the behalf of cabinet ministers (although you can tell I cannot spell for ****!); So I'm no fool, I wouldn't b comfortable saying something that I wouldn't like to be held to! My choice of words during our argument were specific, exacting but non binding in there nature. And I never mentioned or insinuated about use of shotguns in any heated conversation otherwise I would only have my self to blame for this situation. But its not PW I have to convince of this. With respect to the keys- in all fairness my keys were hidden and my wife was directed by the police to search for them- she did not know their location until she spent time looking hard for them. I have check the legalities of this point with basc who are confident no laws have been broken. I can appreciate now why the officer may not have returned them to her as she is not permitted to have acces to the weapons, now or the possibly of her acces in the future, should the guns be returned to me. I will check with the officer to make they aren't lost. On the point about taking my cert with me when visiting my parents up north- as a previous post eluded to - my parents live in a remote rural area where on route I can choose to drop off at a good number of gun shops in my quest for specific ammunition for my goose shooting- heavy loads not being readily available in my own local or at least not unless I buy in bulk which I don't need. If I see something I like or need I buy it. I also appreciate my wife has done me no favours in mentions the drink and stress, I could react to this and take certain action that will effect her financially but this would only effect my daughter too which I don't wish to do.
  14. Hi yes I'm a me,bet of BASC- first thing I did was call them just before police arrived to collect the cert, they are going to sit in with me when I'm eventually called in for re interview to assess my suitability to get my sgc back. BASC wouldn't give indication on likely hood of success- understandably. I just wanted to know if other PW members have experienced similar domestic events and what the outcome was. BASC tell me in Scotland they deal around 2-3 cases a week like mine so not uncommon.
  15. Sad times fellow PW readers, Last Thursday police Scotland turned up at my wife's work, hauled her out, interviewed her, took her home and got her to search the house for my cabinet keys. Took the keys and removed all my guns. Asked where my cert was- she didn't know. I was out of the house at the time, driving north for a holiday with our daughter at my parents house And had my cert with me in the car glove box. What is known; 1) allegation put to my wife only- anno caller claimed I had threatened to shoot our family cats and he / she concerned about safety of wife and child. 2) police later turned up at house for a second time demanding again to know where cert was at 2am! Wife by this point knew I had it with me some 150 miles away up north and told them this, then she had a panic attack! 3) police in my parents area arrived the ollowing day at 9:30 at their house and lifted cert from me. 4) wife told police that i have not been a threat to cats or child or her, or that she feels threatened. 5) wife did explain we have had relationship issue and that she left with daughter after heated argument some 6 weeks ago but returned with 5 days. 6) wife confirmed to police that anno caller was correct In saying that I had said I would shoot our cats, ( I know I did not say such words during any arguments) 7) wife has since told me she is unsure of what I exactly said during heated argument about the cats as she was emotional. 8) wife is going to correct what she told police about my supposed threat to cats- and explain # 7. 9) police were alarmed to discover a third gun I was not register to hold, supposedly. 10) has since transpired that I correctly sent the notification of this 3 to gun to them 2 years ago- but they did not process this. ( I have emails and proof of recivial from them- which I have forwarded on to them) 11) police woman Who lifted my cert from me said their system showed I held 2 shotgun Certs- not true- prob due to when I was first issued with my sgc they incorrectly provided me with a license end dated 2 years from issue- instead of 5! when I notice it one year after issue; they provided a fresh cert from year 2 to 5- obviously not cancelling the old cert- hence I apparently have 2! 12) wife cannot find the cabinet keys- cabinet is locked up but wife doesn't remember being give back the keys- this is worrying as I have some other valuable items in there and no key to access them. 13) wife also told them I'm stressed at work and drinking 2 beers every night- evidence of empty bottles in kitchen (gin) and recycling 1 months worth of wine and beer- raised a few eyebrows! My ask- what does PW think likely outcome will be? Am I totally screwed given the circumstantial evidence and the 2 sources confirming my apparently murderous intentions towards felines! (Which I completely refute). You experience of similar he said she said instances grateful appreciated. Cheers. E
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