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Posts posted by RockySpears

  1. On 24/07/2022 at 23:44, ditchman said:

    is it too late to plant another lot of peppars...just in case ?

    It is unless I want to heat the Green house.  Cleaned off all I could, have to see what happens, see if the peppers continue to grow, they are anly a inch or so in diameter at the moment.  Over winter, does anyone know if I can fumigate the green house?  I don't want any pupa left to produce a new batch,

    Thank you,



    PS  Sorry for long delay in replies, life is happening to me all at once at the moment!

  2. 1 hour ago, harrycatcat1 said:

    spray them with some water with washing up liquid mixed in?

    I'll give it a go, not sure I want new ones hatching next year and destroying all my seedlings.  The windows have been wide open the last month or so to keep the temp. down.  I guess that's how "mummy" got in.  Need to think about nets next year.,


    Thank you,



  3. Thanks all, bottle obtained just hours before the wake.

    Sorry for the late reply , but it looks like mum is giving up rather rapidly, the lady has nothing left it seems, despite all our efforts,




    Edit to add picture.

    Dad and Dimple .jpg

  4. The amazon seller is "Signature Bars"  Leicester, no answer on phone.  My brother is is Market Deeping tonight on his way here, maybe, if they have it in stock, I can divert them.  I wish Mum had mentioned this a week ago!!,



  5. I'm in Middlesbrough.  Dad's funeral Friday 11.00am.

    Looking for a bottle of Dimple, not the £100 stuff, just a £40-50 one, Amazon Prime not available.

    Anyone here help?

    Thank you,



  6. Is it legal to throw chemicals onto somebody else's land?

    I know you mean well, and I understand the need, but maybe a better talk with the farmer is more appropriate before taking action that may get you in trouble,



  7.   Our old house had a gap under all the skirting, but my wife did complain that the edges of carpets became permanently stained regardless of hoovering or cleaning.  The carpets came up easy enough and the gap did not extend above the carpet very much and was tight in places.  The gap was also great for cable routing for stereos etc.

      OK it looks like it is to the floor we go, the wife will be pleased.

    Cheers all,


  8. My dad, unbeknownst to me, has got himself hearing aids.  They have cost a fortune from a private company and he is shy of saying just how much.  The initial problem is that they use a smartphone app and my dad is not that good with that sort of thing.  Maybe I get him a tablet so everything is bigger,  but it seems to me he is going to abandon these soon as there is just no reliability unless he plays with the phone almost constantly.

      Secondly they are tiny, which may be discreet, but even I have trouble adjusting the volume on such tiny buttons.

      They are rechargeable, and he has let them run down numerous times, even not taking them out at night instead of putting them in their charging box.  This makes them useless next day for a while.

      I really think a set of wired headphones with AA batteries and a waistband box for control would be much more suitable.  But everything seems to be micro and smartphone operated these days.


    Just be careful, whatever you decide.



  9. 3 hours ago, Blackpowder said:

    If your problem is the copper curling due to its hard temper you could heat it to cherry red to anneal it.


      The foil is curled because it comes tightly wound up for shipping.  I have reverse curled it but it still will not lay flat.  I have used a heat gun on it, but if I use a torch on it I am likely to end up with oxidisation marks on the sheet face.  I have gotten a selection of glues now so will try some tests to see which works best.

    Will attempt some pictures when done,




  10. 4 minutes ago, Mice! said:

    I can't imagine them getting away with serious crimes though.

      Getting away with anything is serious in my opinion.

      Learned a fair bit about litigation payoffs from Alex Belfield or the Prince Andrew stuff.  It seems that if you are offered what a court thinks is sufficient money by your opponent then you have to take it and any case you might want to bring against them does not happen.  It seems that it is quite legal to literally "buy your way out",

      So much for Justice,



  11. I am trying to stick thin (0.1mm sheet) strips of copper to mdf.  I am using it to edge some splash back in the kitchen that has copper as a theme; lights, sockets, taps etc etc.  Some of the strips are vertical so I can't weight them down and the Gorilla glue I have tried cannot hold the copper's desire to curl.  I have smoothed the strips as best I can, but cannot get perfectly flat pieces.  Is there something I can get that has a better initial "grab", I need a little wriggle room when placing the strips in place to try and get the edges matching up, but after 20-30 seconds it can set.

      Any glue experts here?  (not the sniffing kind)


    Thank you,



  12. As far a Russia goes in general I am more in line with this guy:


     ... and I would bet that you will find more Communists in our once revered Universities than all of Russia.  I don't think Putin wants War or any such, he just wants NATO to stop with all their encroachment toward him.  When Russia wanted to put nukes on Cuba, how did that go?  Did the US really want a Russian base just a few hundred miles off their coastline?

    The West is making so many Policy errors, whether it be Military, Energy, Covid, Climate, Economy.  We just seem to allowing ourselves to be led around by clowns.



  13. 19 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Harpreet "Preet" Chandi is a credit to her gender, her religion and the Army.

      No, she is a credit to herself and herself alone.  Her religion, gender and occupation are irrelevant.

    She is an individual who has performed an amazing feat that I suspect none here would even attempt, celebrate the individual, not the characteristic.

    This is the shoddy, left wing, reporting that is now all too prevalent amongst the media.



  14. On 28/12/2021 at 12:54, Scully said:

    a weaker variant is no indicator that the next variant will be weaker still

      Actually it is.  Because - evolution, survival of the fittest.  If you kill/disable your host, then you don't spread.  However, if, like the common cold, you hurt almost none of your hosts and kill even less, then you circulate for years, like say, the common cold,

    That is viral evolution in  nutshell.



  15. 6 minutes ago, markm said:

    The only issue is mine is a multi fuel stove so the nails block the grate. 

      I have a few large magnets I use to pick up cartridges, so will just run that over the ashes first.

    Stove fan and moisture meter on way.

    8 minutes ago, markm said:

    I only have a single story twin wall

    The bungalow life?  My second will be like that, front room is up a chinmey, pot lined.  Just as well as the could not pull the flue liner round a particularly tight bend,


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