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Posts posted by RockySpears

  1. 7 hours ago, TRINITY said:

    What may help is a single one off payment for sterilisation.

      Why?  It is free on the NHS.

      Maybe nightclubs should have a passport system only allowing in guys that have had the snip, then the girls know it is a free for all with no risks!  Seems to be what they want,



  2. On the news was a bloke crying because he had to sell his parents house to pay for their care.  Dad is deceased and Mum has dementia and in a home.

    Why not sell the house?  They saved their money and it will now fund their care, why not?  Oh, maybe he was crying because he was not getting his inheritance?

    The fact is almost nobody can afford to pay for their care.  You may have contributed Tax and NI for 50 years or more, but that is still not enough.

    "The average weekly cost of living in a residential care home is £704, while the average weekly cost of a nursing home is £888 across the UK. The monthly average cost of residential care is £2816 and receiving nursing care in a care home costs on average £3552."

    Source: https://www.carehome.co.uk/advice/care-home-fees-and-costs-how-much-do-you-pay

    • Over a lifetime, an average household will pay £107,045 of Employee’s National Insurance Contributions."

    Source: https://www.taxpayersalliance.com/average_household_will_pay_826_030_in_taxes_over_a_lifetime

    So a whole household only pays enough NI to pay for a care home for about 3.1 years for a single individual.  That without putting anything into the NHS or any of the other myriad things NI pays for!  The rest is general taxation.

    People who make the claim "I've paid in all my life and deserve my care to be paid for", no, no you don't, unless your earnings have been way up with the 1% of earners in the UK.

    Company NI contributions and Corporate taxes pay for most everything.

    Yes there are the doleys who just make it all look so unfair, well if that makes you unhappy, get into politics and change it.  Put the single mums on the streets, let the children of doleys go hungry.  The World is not a fair place.





  3. 3 hours ago, oowee said:

    Unfortunately there are many deny'ers and home scientists qualified in jack carp that will be unable to accept global warming

      Hope that is not me.  I am certain climate changes, Ice Ages much?  I am qualified, in lots of thing, including being a Pilot of light aircraft and a with degree in Applied Physics, so I don't mind reading difficult stuff and at the very least getting the jist of it and can spot inconsistencies, cherry picking etc etc.

    3 hours ago, oowee said:

    Unfortunately as a species we are as @Stonepark says unable to control our population

      Yes we are.  In fact, it is cause for concern that the now developed "West" is having a crisis of low fertility with the Netherlands having a fertility rate of only 1.6 ( https://gefira.org/en/2018/10/04/thou-shalt-not-talk-about-the-disappearance-of-the-dutch-population/ ).  I realise this sounds good.  But where is the Dutch Government going to get taxes from to pay state pensions and care for the elderley who will soon outnumber the workers?  In fact, fertility reduction happens EVERYWHERE there is cheap, stable energy and good education.  Women want more than just motherhood and a stable economy gives them liberty to get that.  By denying Africa and other developing areas access to the cheap power (the IMF prohibit lending for Fossil fueled power, just so we keep them in poverty) they need, then the best solution for an individual is a large family.

    2 hours ago, Westward said:

    China, a member of the UN security council, has just announced they're starting work on 28 new coal fired power stations.

      I think it is actually 43!  https://time.com/6090732/china-coal-power-plants-emissions/

    and Time magazine is as Climate Alarmist as they get!!

    3 hours ago, oowee said:

    Fortunately the recent IPCC report has comprehensive international support

      The IPCC report has not yet been issued.  What I think you mean is the new SPM, this is the Summary for Policymakers, the result of negotiations between governments. In other words it is a political statement, not a scientific document. The actual Report won’t be published until much later, probably long after COP26.

      The Afghan and Iraqi wars had "comprehensive International support", do you think they were good ideas too?

    So, there you go, at no point do I call you names and I post data/articles from Climate Alarmist Agencies that suport the view that there is no "Climate Emergency".


    You're welcome,


  4. 3 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Only the climate can alter our demands.

      Yep,  so here is what the Met. Office has to say about temperatures over the last 400 years (yes, there are records that old, but they are generally kept hidden as they do not fit the narrative):


     and sea level rise, well lets look at that data too:



    Sea levels falling during the Little Ice Age, then rising again at a pretty constant rate since 1850 as the LIA ended.  Little to no change of rate of increase at all except, you can see how the rate slowed in the 60s and 70's, when, many here will remember, the World was getting colder and fears of a a new Ice Age were upon us:




  5. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    but if so, why do so many (such as the David Attenboroughs of this world) who do have a much more knowledge as well as access to the top scientists have very grave concerns?  Too many 'well known top names' to be ignored.

      Their funding.  Never ask a man to disagree with the people that pay his wages.

    Attenborough is full captured by the environmental movement and simply puts his name to others work these days, look at the lies he tell over the walrus deaths.


    and Polar bears:




  6. Sovereigns and 1/2 sovereigns for sure.  You are stacking, not collecting.  1 oz of gold is hard to split.  A penny and a £10 set of 100g scales off Amazon and you are very unlikely to be diddled.  A sovereign is just thinner than a penny, lay them side by side and you can just feel the difference.  A penny sits just inside the edge of a sovereign.  Fakes that are not easy to spot are rare, especially if you buy from a gold shop.  Coin fares are often good sources too and you can normally get newly minted sovereigns at a couple % over spot.



  7. 51 minutes ago, Bigteddy1954 said:

    why bring a system in then when the going gets rough dabble with it

      Because times change.  No one could have foreseen the absolute turmoil caused by Government overreaction to the Pandemic.

    A rolling 3-5 year average would seen an excellent solution for that lock.  You wait until we hit the 1970's era inflation @25%, see what happens to that lock too,



  8. On 16/07/2021 at 11:21, oowee said:

    Try to avoid the Chinese spy phones, Huawei, Lenovo, Xioami etc. 

      As opposed to the American spy phones from Apple and everything running Android (Google/Alphabet) eg Samsung etc etc

    When choosing a phone you need to think who you want to be spied on by.  No good options at all I'm afraid.



  9. I watch the YouTube channel.  Shows broken down into 5 - 15min slots.  I use the "Play All" option and just skip Dan Wooton or anything else not interested in.

    It is quite good with a much more balanced approach to subjects.

    I think trying to fill full days with news is always going to be a bit tricky for the UK.  Even with interesting World news there is not enough to really fill a day.


  10.   I am visiting a friend this afternoon in Yarm (from Norton, not using A19).  Used Google maps on my phone to find address and route.

    The route marked out 1 "point of Interest", something called Motorpoint cars.  There are a lot of car sales places at Preston Farm where my route takes me.

    1/2 hour later I am on here and what advert pops up first?  Motorpoint car sales !!!

    I did not click the map link or look up the place, it was just there on my route.  So 1/2 hour is all it took to associate my route search and my appearance on PW.

    Wow, just Wow.

    Would be interested if others tried this, Google a route, see if there are any advertised locations, then come here and see,

    Scary or amazing?


  11. On 15/06/2021 at 19:39, Westward said:

    So, in your opinion, should someone with say epilepsy, be allowed to decide for him or herself about using firearms


      Because why would a professional say anything but no.  If there is the slightest reason for rejection, then that is what they will do.  Because - litigation.


  12. 19 hours ago, Westward said:

    Medical records and Criminal records are not the same thing.

      Correct, but that does not stop a bad medical record stopping you getting things like Firearms certs.  At the moment I think only mental health issues are looked at, but there is no reason I can see, that mission creep will mean more things get looked at:  poor vision?  poor hearing?  what about epilepsy?

      Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching me!



  13. 4 hours ago, Westward said:

    I don't care very much what they do with my medical data

     ... until they take you gun licences away or your children.  Why?  Becaus a 3rd party, with whom your data were shared, says you are a risk.  Which 3rd party?  Well we do not need to tell you unsleess you take us to court and it will cost you £30,000 to do so, and we might appeal that and you need another £20,000 to do so.

    Your data, our interpretations.  How dare you object to your overlords using your data to protect others.


    Don't be silly,



  14. 17 hours ago, Jim Neal said:

    Jobs like this seem very simple in essence but it's easy to get it wrong

    Wow, reading this lot is amazing.  Thank you all. 

    I can't do more than 2" around the edge as a lip around the pit was made to take planks covering it when not in use. It is well whacked down (sledge hammer) but a couple of bags of gravel over the top seems an idea, bonding seems sensible but chamfering is moving this task to a new level! 

    Delivery of ready made seems to be cheating, but a great idea. 

    This needs more thinking and a reread of the above.  Wife cannot believe the effort people here made to help, 

    Thank you all, 


  15. OK, does that work in my instance:

    Double garage, one side had an inspection pit.  Filled pit with rubble from house alterations, bricks/rubble.  Levelled off 2" from surface.  Thought I would put some reinforceing steel mesh on top and then cover with concrete.

      How well would the idea of covering in dry mix and then soaking down work in this instance?  I'd like the finished work to be level with existing floor, if I just wet it down, then presumably float over would I not risk dry spots which would crack easily once the car is going over it regularly?  I thought to mix up the concrete and then lay that over the mesh so as to have a solid concrete layer with no weak spots.



  16. 1 hour ago, Clive hayden said:

    has anyone got any idea.

      Have you tried feeding the 12V from the joystick input direct to the output?  If the contacts within the joystick are corroded or just broken down by use this could be your issue.  I know nothing about your machine, but have had plenty of electro-mechanical issues.  Sound like there is not enough power passed by the joystick to the solenoids.  If this still does nothing then likely it is the supply to the joystick that is at fault,



  17. On 16/05/2021 at 18:27, chilly1981 said:

    CLEVELAND police tend to be pretty good at sorting stuff out very quickly 

    Used the online form yesterday morning to contact Cleveland FEO.  They called back 2 hours later and said I should have the old limits back on a new cert they would send out.

      The problem seems to have been my misunderstanding of the renewal form.  It asks "How many do you hold", for each calibre.  I put in the rounded up numbers in my stock.  After submitting the form I got some more ammo as things were opening up, but still below my current limits.  What it actually means is "How many do you want to hold."  So the limits were lowered.  However they guy did read the question aloud over the phone and even he realised that it was ambiguous as to what was wanted.

      So, my fault, their bad form, but all sorted in no time flat,  well done Cleveland Firearms dept.


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