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Posts posted by RockySpears

  1. 22 minutes ago, Hamster said:

    isn't  it a little odd that this substance can lie dormant for such long periods of time seemingly untouched by human hands ?!?

      Radio 4's "expert" this morning, said 4 months was more than enough time for nature to have washed all traces away.  I do not think he realised this would NOT help calm the Public:


      1h 43m 30s into the show

      Listening again they even say that you need to ingest the material, ie eat it.


  2. 1 hour ago, Old farrier said:

    the powers that be need to get on top of the situation very rapidly 

       ... but they can't get on top of it because they have made assumptions about the 1st attack.  What if blaming the Russians so quickly has been a mistake?  What if it is a "nutter from Portland Down"?  The attacks on Russia meant the expulsion of Diplomats, sanctions and general bad press for Russia.  How can they go back on this?  Can you climb down from such a thing?  The whole thing, right from the start seems to have been poorly handled and used for Political gain, only now, well, maybe not so much.

      On Radio 4 this morning some "expert" was saying the Public risk was very low as none of this linked back to the previous incident.  To me that makes it even worse because it means a fresh dose of the mildly sick inducing deadly chemical weapon is out there.  How many more?  How much could the "nutter from Portland down" have?


  3. OK, just maybe to add a bit of learning:

      If you are not cable, you are probably ****e

      Nnothing more.

    If you are are on a new cable network, with a new cable to the house, not a pole, not old BT/Telecom/****e, chances are that if you are not within 1-2Km of the exchange, you are going to get **** Broad Band.  End of story.

      Want to know where your exchange is?  Check Sam:  https://availability.samknows.com/broadband/exchange_mapping

      At work, you will have 4 pairs of twisted cable, newer places will have 4 pairs of shielded, twisted, cable.  You are given 100 Mb with this cabling, have been for 20 years.

    Telephone lines are 1 pair of crappy, solid core, maybe copper, maybe aluminium, maybe 2 ANYTHING THEY COULD LAY THEIR HANDS ON **** IN THE UGANDA COPPER CRISIS.

    BT, Vodacrap, Orange ****, Talk ****, etc ****, etc **** ALL use the crappy wires to your house.   Cable companies, that have laid their own cables , stand head and shoulders above these;  their worst, is better than the others best.

    IT DOES NOT MATTER YOUR SUPPLIER.  THEY ALL USE CRAPPY CABLES, unless they have laid new cables to you house, one is the phone, one is the important stuff: TV, Broad Band.

    You can choose BT or Talk Talk or "cheapest out there", but if they us the crappy cables that have been at your house for fifty ears, tough.

      Country folk are mostly screwed.  what's new



  4. 19 hours ago, Jaymo said:

    even the much mooted Airbus whereby we have invested heavily and if Airbus Industries pull out we then loose out

     Getting back to the OP.  Companies do not often just "pull out", they are paid to leave one place and go to another.  I worked at BAe at Dunsfold and Brough, one R & D, one assembly and testing.  You cannot just up-sticks and leave, you simply can't.  You have to build a new facility whilst operating the first, you have to duplicate machinery and men and materials, then you decommission the old plant.  This is massive duplication if you want to avoid a hiatus in production. There are only a few times when you might be able to do this and that is when you are setting up a new facility making new parts and that is a rare occurrence.

      The whole point here is that firms follow the money, the money we pay in that is then given to firms to go somewhere else.  That is wrong, so we're leaving.



  5. 17 hours ago, Ricko said:

    Going back to the original title of the thread, I've just read a news article online via the BBC about a Food Bank being broken into and robbed in Dorset. 

    (a) I can't believe that people could be so stupid to rob a Food a Bank that is supplying families who face hardship.

    (b) I can't understand how they expect to profit from it. 

    I don't think that law and order has broken down, but is in the process of breaking down.

      With respect to b), our garage was broken into a couple of years back, they took a small chainsaw, orange juice, washing up tablets, tinned food and packets of pasta we keep in a cupboard out there.  They were not looking for profit, they were looking for food.

    Let that sink in.  People in the UK feel they need to steal FOOD.  Was this not how the French Revolution begann?



  6. 16 hours ago, old man said:

    Too fractured to fix?

      I have to believe there is hope.  I have to!  But looking at the current situation, our laws have just become a jumble of nonsense, comprehensible by only a few, and then only after years of training and experience.  The law should not be like that, it is almost always obvious who the bad guy is and what he has done.  Having served Jury Service, I am astounded by some peoples attitudes, in one case a fellow juror did not want to find a guy guilty of rape, DESPITE the overwhelming evidence, both forensic and witnessed, her reasoning was "What if I am wrong?"  She could not even trust her own judgement.  If people do not even trust themselves and have belief in their own convictions, what chance do we have?

      Cases just seem to take far too long.  I am all for a fair trial, but if it goes on for months, how are you, as a juror, expected to remember the finer points from 16 weeks ago.  Not to mention the fact that if you are self employed tough, your business goes under.  You can get away with refusing once, my wife has for exactly this reason, but you pretty much have to take the next service call.

        The system is not fractured, it is bloated to hell,



  7. 1 hour ago, ditchman said:

    christ this is complicated......................i think it wasnt well thought out when the labour benches shouted "shame" at the conservertive bench because the MP ...and i well believe rightly so.blocked this commons bill................he well knew it was beyond the caperbilites of 90% of MP's in the house...to understand the process and to have the intelligence to bring a law forth..............in a non knee jerk manner...

    This ⬆️  + 100



  8. 15 minutes ago, Zapp said:

    it's an existing law being amended to take a new offence into account.

      By whose definition is looking up a ladies skirt with a camera not "Voyeurism"?  How different is it from peeking in a bedroom window and I'm sure that is covered.

    The law is too complicated if these two things are not treated the same,



  9. "Off-Topic" keeps reminding me that I am not the only one thinking like this.

    I scour "Events" hoping for Durham/North Yorks events, mostly in vain.  Maybe I should organise one, something simple like a clay shoot.  http://teesvalleytargetsports.doomby.com/  have a couple of throwers,  maybe they would lend them out for a donation. Then all we need is a field, which I suspect is the hard part.

      Reading "Trading post" makes me sad we don't have a Wabbitbosher here, mind you, I would have more guns than I could use.  Not a bad thing, unless the wife looked in the Bank. ?

      I have been very late to shooting and seem to have missed the halcyon days of pistols, open countryside and a less terrified public.

      One day I will get out and bravely defend the peas from the pigeon hordes, but I don't think we grow peas around here,



  10. 22 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Surely a way of wording the bill could be found to outlaw any use of a photographic machine to gain private shots of either male or female without their knowledge.

      Do we not have laws on voyeurism already?  Do we need a law for every single act?  

    take using mobile phones while driving:  Why have a new new law?  Is it not "driving without due care and attention"?

      Maybe they need to keep making new laws to justify their jobs.


     Gun laws should be: "Do not shoot any one or any thing that you do not have a legal right to shoot.  Do not shoot in an area where is could harm others or their property."  Penalty - Min. 5 years, no upper limit.



  11. 10 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    I am a frequent visitor to the US, I just got back from my latest jaunt, what never ceases to amaze me over there are the number of police everywhere, in cars, on the streets, in the malls. Just showing the badge as they call it. If there is an incident anywhere there are ten cars on it immediately.

      .. and still there is crime?  So having lots of coppers is not the solution?

      It basically comes down to the fact that if criminals want to, they will.  They do not fear capture or punishment.  Maybe more cops on the beat gets a faster response, but it seems to do little to actually prevent crime.

      We have crime because we have criminals.  What we should NOT have is a second time around criminal.  

    One strike and you are out, that is probably the only way to get this sorted.   I don't mean locking them up at our expense either,



  12. 22 hours ago, RockySpears said:

    we virtually beg for some kind of police state

     My question was more aimed at this bit ⬆️

    We may all think the coppers are not doing enough, and want "better" policing, but we have never invited a Police State.  I cannot think of another country that has done this either, at least, not one where the Police State was not already in force,


  13. 1 hour ago, old man said:
    On 10/06/2018 at 14:57, Rewulf said:

    Absolutely true.

    However,at some point if general crime and lawlessness continues to worsen, there will come a point where we virtually beg for some kind of police state, given that usually comes with a suspension of citizens basic rights. Is this the path we want?

    I often ask myself if our policymakers are doing this by design,or is it just a consequence of poor management?


    An astute observation sir!

      When, approximately, was this observed to happen?



  14. "Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…"

      Not even Chrchhill thought Democracy was grteat, but he did think it the best system so far.  Our challenge really is to find the next "least worst" form of rule.

      Currently it seems those that have a single ruler, for an extended period of time, that seem to be doing rather well.  For all its faults, China seems to be doing well, how long that continues remains to be seen.  Russia too seems to be in favour with many, Putin is lauded by many for "standing up to the West".  Syria is a prime example of a Western invasion that has been thoroughly repulsed because Russia stepped in to aid a "Democratic country".  Sadly Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen etc etc do not have Democratic regimes, so obviously the West stepped in to save them.

      That went well,



  15. 5 hours ago, AVB said:

    9) they are cheap to run. Free/cheap electricity, no/lower car tax, no congestion charge and from 2020 BIK tax reduces to 2%. 

      You mean I pay for all your free stuff?   Show me the free electricity, I want some.  Why no car tax?  Don't you use the road?  Is your vehicle not heavier than the average car and therefore more damaging?  Why no congestion charge?  Does you car not congest the roads?

    You live off us, your car lives because we, the taxpayer, pay for your car.  No you are not green, you are a freeloader on our taxes,



  16. 1 hour ago, 243deer said:

    Maybe RB should have read this article first



    Then there is the already failing electricity supply in some areas


    Add 30000 electric cars being plugged in at around 6pm to the above and see how well the Tesla battery would cope then

    On a worldwide scale I do not think that the figures for electric vehicles make any sort of sense.


      Large scale adoption of EVs is not going to happen, probably never.

    1) Electricy production would need to be ramped, but no one is building power stations bar Hinkley point.  Things are tight as it is thanks to Wind and Solar sucking up all the demand.  Except when they can't:  https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2018/03/13/beast-from-the-east-exposed-our-energy-failings/

    2) Approx. 30% of our housing stock is terraced houses.  Tell me where the charging points will be?  Oh, and there are two and three cars at many addresses.

    3) Storing all that electricity in one place (just between your legs) is just dammed dangerous.  You can put a petrol tank out of immediate danger zone, but electric cars are, for the most part, one big battery storage.

      I would be happy to drive electric, but whilst the batteries are huge and the supply of power is so limited, it is not happening.



  17. Hydrogen is a non-starter:  https://phys.org/news/2006-12-hydrogen-economy-doesnt.html

      ... and does any one want to calculate the cost of conversion of existing systems?

    The fossil fuels work just fine and are doing no harm, whilst keeping the World turning.

    If diesel were so bad, then how come there are so many old **** around from a time when EVERYTHING gave out more particulate, poisonous gas, CO2 etc etc?

      The climate changes, because, well, Ice Ages for one.  There are NO Climate Change "Deniers", just Climate realists,



  18. 2 hours ago, Harnser said:

    It wouldn’t help 1 iota taxing mopeds or putting restrictions on them . This scum steal them and flount the law anyhow .they don’t give a toss about anything or anybody .


      Yes, but the point being - Guns -  Because bad people do bad things, the Government punishes the innocent.

      Let's see them do the same to those with "legitimate" mopeds and see what the papers have to say about it,



  19. Does it matter what sort of glass?  I have a convertible that puts the lid into the boot, but over time I think it has scuffed the carpet in the boot.  I have stopped futher scuffinf with double-sided tape to keep the carpet low, but wonder if I could get the marks ot of the rear window.

     Tthis would be tempered glass and not house window  flat glass, so I was wondering if it made a difference to what I might use to tidy the glass up?




    PS No need for any comments on the car.  OH and I enjoy whizzing around the countryside with the top down, even when it is cold, so long as there is no rain, the top is down.  Still room for small suitcase and bottles and picnic in the boot too.

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