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Posts posted by BOLTA

  1. Hi mel b3,


    I am quite aware that you can get European made Gen. 3 equipment. Myself have Gen. 3 NV equipment so that is not the issue here. But try to get you hands on US made Gen. 3 and especially Gen. 4 (which can not be exported from the US) equipment without an export licence - you will run into some serious trouble, mate.


    And as I have said before thermal equipment, especially sights, you can´t get your hands on either because they are even more classified than NV equipment. Even something like simple Laser Rangefinders and some riflescopes too can nowadays not be exported from the US without some form for export licence. By that I mean, after 9/11 things have been tighten really up. I know it because I have been there and tried it.


    Cheers - Bolta

  2. Hi Rimfire,


    Still, it is very hard for me to believe you got and handle one of these scope. As I said before it is classified stuff and no ordinary people can get their hands on such stuff without it been very HOT. Alot of things can be found on the internet by just looking...


    I remember some years ago I tried to get information about thermal sights and thermal equipment - just information, BUT the door got closed quite quickly. And I don´t think things have change that much since. If Gen. 3 and Gen. "4" NV equipment is been classified as military stuff - you can bet that thermal equipment is under even more strictly control.


    Cheers - Bolta

  3. Hi TG,


    I am not familiar with the NV rifle scopes but they work in the same principle as NV goggles, if used in daylight they burn out the PMT.


    The better option is an IR scope such as the ELCAN Specter IR. I have one of these and it is awesome.



    I don´t exactly know if you got one of these ELCAN Specter IR scopes but if you do you have to live in the States because these scopes are classified as military/law enforcement stuff. And they normally don´t get sold to the public. I don´t know how it is in the US but I don´t think even there you can get such a scope without some serious licence.

    So therefor I don´t see why we should talk about stuff "we, ordinary people" can´t get any hands on. This does not make sense.


    But you are right that if you use normal NV equipment in broad daylight you destroy the tube of the NV unit completely. Normally a cap with a tiny hole in the middle is provided with each NV equipment so the unit can be switched on in daylight for sighting in NV riflescopes or just for making sure the unit is working - but I would never recommend doing this (either there is too much light or too little light for any good image).

    How ever you can get day/night riflescopes where you take the NV unit off during daytime and putting it on again at night. There is also a cheap special NV camera you can buy that you can use during daytime (Weaver, I think) - but it is not a real NV unit like the rest of the NV stuff.


    I hope this gave you a small picture of the world.


    Cheers - Bolta

  4. O.k. sorry if it has been asked before BUT what is the best ALL ROUND pattern for the British country side?


    I'm convinced that despite all these specialist patterns such as Real Tree and Mossy Oak you have to go a long way to beat British combat DPM as an all rounder.


    Oh and another thing is the material, as far as I'm concerned DPM is silent but some of these fancey fabrics seem to be a bit rustley!



    If you want complete quietness nothing beats pure wool or fleece clothing. They are absoultely the best clothes for stealth. Plus you can get these clothes with either wind shields or completely waterproofed if you like.


    What pattern you should choose - well, this depends of what particular country side you are in ? None of the existing camo-clothes on the market can cover all season and in every country side. You have to choose here.


    One good advice. Don´t dress up in the same pattern (jacket and pants) because you better blend into nature if you wearing different camo patterns. So dressed completely up in DPM is no good. Therefor I suggest you mix Realtree and Mossy Oak instead - this gives you a better camouflage pattern than DPM ever will give you.

    And don´t forget DPM is a military pattern and it works fine for rabbits because of their bad eye sight but it doesn´t work for crows, magpies and other sharp seeing creatures.


    Cheers - Bolta

  5. but from what i hear if there is any wind .177 will get blown off target more than .22

    No, sorry, that is wrong, larger pellets are blown off target more than smaller pellets.This has been proven and reported many times in magazines,various web sites and other places.

    There was an article a couple of months ago in one of the UK airgun mags which fired guns side by side to see how the 2 calibres coped with wind, and the smaller pellet was always closer to the target.




    This statement certainly depends on what speed or rather power these airguns have. If we are only talking sub 12 ft/lbs guns this statement may be true but not with high power FAC guns I can tell you. Nothing beats a heavy weight pellet with alot of power behind it.


    Cheers - Bolta

  6. i wouldnt chest shot a rabbit or squirrel or advise it either but things like pigeon, magpie, crow i have seen drop from a chest shot 1st shot. This is usually aiming for the top of the chest and only with a confident shot. I saw a maggie drop in 1 from a shot to the neck aswell.



    Shooting crow or wood pigeons in the chest area with a sub 12 ft/lbs gun is NOT a good idea. If you want to take these birds with chest shots then get a FAC airgun instead (around 20 ft/lbs and going up will do the job properly).

    I have seen a lot of both woodies and crows too flying off after they have taken a pellet in the chest area with sub 12 ft/lbs guns. The pellets either don´t penetrate the feathers (the feathers simply catch the pellet and absorb a lot of its energy) and therefor the pellet doesn´t make it into the body of the bird OR the pellets don´t make enough damage inside the birds to get a clean and instant kill. So the best advice is to leave chest shots to FAC guns instead because they normally have the power to penetrate the feathers and also to make the pellet expand enough for clean kills.


    The same thing is also true then shooting rabbits with chest shots with sub 12 ft/lbs guns. Again this is NOT a good idea, leave it to FAC guns instead. They have the necessary power to take such tough quarry clean out with a perfect shot. Even with FAC guns head shots are the best shots to take on rabbits !!!


    Cheers - Bolta

  7. Bolta,


    did you hear that, yes I guess you did so that should be the end of it.


    If you can not take it that people have opinions then go and find another forum because this ones a good en with lads who listen to each other rather than saying someone talks c@#p, when its obvious to the others that I'm talking about a subject that I know about.


    Hey I will say this though Bolta, your grammer has improved over the course of this topic so please send me some fee's for getting rid of your grammer gremlin. :D


    The PM



    First of all. You started by saying that DPM is better because of IR blend. I asked for information about this statement - you didn´t come with that info, so in my eyes you are a BIG liar. And nothing else !!!


    Second. People can have their opinions, I don´t care !!! But this was not the issue, liar - you put a statement up which could not hold water. I don´t like such people. In my eyes they are just ****


    Cheers - Bolta

  8. Hi,


    Always be aware of the ring alignment of any scope mount !!!


    Some of the one piece mount is made in aluminium and do you really think that such piece of metal can stiff the area where the mounts are mounted ? Then you tighten the screws in the mount you will bend the mount slightly over the action and your rings will be out of alignment !


    People that don´t take this problem in consideration will bend their scope then they mount them without knowing it !

    And it doesn´t matter if the scope is being mounted to an airgun, rimfire or centrefire rifle - the problem will still be there and should be dealt with.


    Cheers - Bolta

  9. Hi,


    Lapbars can easy be bought from the US. Sinclair International sells them and perhaps Midway too plus probably many others sell them. Have a search on Google or similar search machines for information about lapbars and lapping of scope rings.


    Cheers - Bolta

  10. lol


    but how do you make sure your scope is aligned right, so its vertical to the barrel.

    Hi there,


    You can get a special tool for this called Vertical Reticle Tool from Long Shot Products. This is one of the best tools I have found, if not the best, for straighting up any scopes on any rifles to be complete straight and in angle.


    Another thing strikes me. Are you aware of the ring alignment of the scope mounts ? I mean you are going to either lap your lower ring halfs with a lapbar or use the epoxy methode, right ?

    If you don´t take this ring alignment in consideration you will bend your scope then mounting it or you can permanent bend the scope !


    Cheers - Bolta

  11. Hi Pigeon master,


    Yes, I am still on.


    One more question for you regarding DPM vs. the other camo patterns on the market. Why do people buy more of such clothes if DPM is the best camo pattern ? Wouldn´t they not be buying DPM clothes instead because this is the best camo clothes in your opinion but not in the eyes of the world ?


    And by the way, you still have not giving back ground information about that statement you made about DPM is better because of IR-blend? at broad daylight. Where is that information, pigeon master ? Where is it or is it just a lie coming from someone who has no clue about what hunting is all about ?

    You put that statement up - not me. Now we all want to know the real facts !!!


    Cheers - Bolta

  12. Hi pigeon master,


    I think I got you there.


    This information I gave about the IR range of nm is something everyone know and you ought to know it too since you have so much NV training.


    You put this statement up that DPM is better than the rest of camouflage clothes because of IR-blend - I did NOT put that statement up. Now I want that information right here and right now. If you can not deliver this information no one on this board will ever believe you again !!!


    Now it is up to you. The information, please !


    Cheers - Bolta

  13. guys, a gun of this is still in production! they are made custom from the states, you can get then over here like, you have to have some mad pellets to stop them melting n all that ****, as this is many times the speed of sound!.



    I don´t know exactly if you mean the slugs are going supersonic or what ? But any airgun would perform best with pellets or slugs if the speed is kept under the sound barrier. This have something to do with the shape of the slug or pellet - in other words aerodynamic !


    It won´t be easy to construct a slug that is going to have the best of both worlds (supersonic and subsonic). The best thing is to keep to one of these worlds and forget about having a slug that can do it all !


    Cheers - Bolta

    they may be using other gasses, but it is impossible for a pcp using compressed air to propell something over the speed of sound for any distance.



    You can easy shoot over the sound barrier with a pcp gun - absolutely no problemes in doing this. I have heard this story before and it is completely untrue because people have not tried it simply because you lose accuracy (the pellet will not fly through the air but instead tumble). I have croned my airgun over 1250fps with a low weight pellet. Have search after the Talon Condor airgun which states speeds over 1200 fps too.


    Don´t believe such stories - obviously people do not know much about airguns I am afraid.


    Cheers - Bolta

  14. Hi Pigeon master,


    I will not let go of this subject because you stated some things that is not true and I personally don´t like this kind of information. If you have some valuable information to share then please come with this information or else keep it to yourself, please.


    The reason for humans and animals can see the normal IR light (the visionable part) from IR iluminators is because you can´t hide this part of light - you can´t simply not convert all the lower IR waves to higher values. But in fact you can easy do this but especially Gen. 1 and I think most Gen. 2 equipment too will not work because they will not be able to use IR light from approx. 850nm and up. The normal IR illuminators are around 810-820nm and therefor can be used with all NV equipment. Gen. 3 can easy use over 850nm and up to a certain border (no visionable light here).

    Now I have giving some really valuable information that people can go checking if they like to see that I speak the truth. You just put statements up that DPM clothes are better to use in hunting situations with ABSOLUTELY no backup information - do you really think this is smart ?


    I am not interested in hearing people´s opinions but only the truth and nothing but the truth. If people have opinions I would like to hear them too but people should clearly state that this is their opinion and not the complete truth.


    Cheers - Bolta

  15. Hi again pigeon master,


    I am quite sure that MOST animals like for example foxes or especially rabbits can not detect or see any form for IR light or heat - I have never seen them running around with NV or thermal devices. So in the end I can´t see that any form for IR-blend or anti-IR suits will do any good in hunting situations !!!


    Out from this we can conclude that DPM are no better hunting clothes than other camouflage clothes such as Realtree, Predator, Mossy Oak or even plain dark and green clothes. It all comes down to one thing again - MOVEMENT at the right time !!!


    What you may not know is that some birds and maybe some animals too can detect UV light comming from other animals or for that matter humans. Here again the IR-blend suits will do you no good either.


    Actually, I would very much like some information about this statement you put up that animals can see or feel IR light or heat for that matter because it is the first and hopeful the last time I am going to hear such **** It is so easy to come with that information without having anything to back it up with. So come with that info, please.


    Also remember we are only talking hunting here and NOT combat situations there two or more parties have NV or thermal devices to detect and see each other with.


    Cheers - Bolta

  16. Hi pigeon master,


    I will still say DPM was meant to used at 200-300 yards looked with the human naked eye and NOT with animal eyes. This is completely true and many others military camo patterns is made for this too - it is on the battle field military forces need camouflage and not close by an animal that can both hear you and smell you and probably see you too.

    One thing more about military camo vs. civilian camo (which in fact military forces are beginning to sturdy and use) if this type of camo didn´t work no people will spend their hard earned money on this type of clothes - so clearly the clothes is working.


    About NV equipment. Funny this seems, I have done tests myself with Gen. 3 equipment and found that olive green color is the best camouflage to use at night time viewed from such a device.

    Now there is something I don´t understand you say that NV can not pick up heat waves from humans but then you say it can pick up heat waves from foliage. You better explain this better. NV equipment can only detect light from either the stars, the moon or from artificiall light not heat waves - so I can not see what anti-IR impregnated clothes should do much good viewed with only a NV device ?

    I have seen heat pictures from small handheld thermal devices that really show that heat waves can be completely removed from persons wearing anti-IR suits but I can hardly see this has anything to do with NV devices because they won´t be able to detect heat waves.


    And I can really not see why such anti-IR clothes should do much good in normal hunting situations because animals (most of them) will no way could detect any IR waves from humans unless we are few inchs away from them or directly touching them. To me this information is completely ******** and has nothing what so ever to do with hunting either in broad daylight or at night time.

    Plus you can many times point IR light directly to the eyes of animals and they won´t react - they can simply not see IR light.


    Eye sight of many animals are better than humans at night BUT not all animals. Most animal eyes react on movement as you correctly say and therefor I have all the time said that THIS is the most important fact in hunting. You can wear what ever camouflage suit you like but if you move at the wrong time you will get spotted.


    Cheers - Bolta

  17. guys, a gun of this is still in production! they are made custom from the states, you can get then over here like, you have to have some mad pellets to stop them melting n all that ****, as this is many times the speed of sound!.



    I don´t know exactly if you mean the slugs are going supersonic or what ? But any airgun would perform best with pellets or slugs if the speed is kept under the sound barrier. This have something to do with the shape of the slug or pellet - in other words aerodynamic !


    It won´t be easy to construct a slug that is going to have the best of both worlds (supersonic and subsonic). The best thing is to keep to one of these worlds and forget about having a slug that can do it all !


    Cheers - Bolta

  18. Its true? Bloody hell! Thats some power from an airgun! Is it pre-charged?



    Yes, it is precharge or else you probably wouldn´t be able to do it.


    Try have at look at Gary Barnes website www.glbarnes.com for handmade powerful PCP rifles. If I remember correct he is doing a 650 ft/lbs big bore.


    Cheers - Bolta

  19. Hi Pigeon master,


    First of all. DPM is made to be used at 200-300 yards ranges. At these ranges looked with the human eyes the pattern will blend with nature and conceal humans if they not move. Going to 50-100 yards with DMP it will not blend as well in nature looked with human eyes.


    Second. DPM has not a 3-dimensional pattern effect so animals will easier see humans wearing this type of camouflage. In this matter a ghilliesuit will be better then hiding a person. But again the most important thing here is movement.

    The other camo patterns like Realtree, Mossy Oak etc. have a small advantage over DMP because of the 3-dimensional effect - BUT movement is the important factor here.


    Third. If a NV unit is used at night the best camouflage for persons is simply an olive green suit - just that plain and simple. Because you will get a green picture from the NV and olive green will blend with nature then looked through such a device. Other patterns will stand more out than plain olive green colour.


    Fourth. NV equipment can not pick up heat waves from humans. Some thermal sights can do this but many of these thermal devices can only detect heat waves from hotter things like running cars and fires etc.

    Besides, good thermal devices are not available to the civillian market.


    Cheers - Bolta

  20. Hi,


    The use of the tripod is also known in the circles of police snipers. So yes you can use such a tripod for a more steady aim. Somewhere on the internet there is an article about making a "sniper" saddle to put on the top of the tripod to rest the rifle on.


    So if you want to use either a shooting stick (alot of different designs are available), a bipod or a tripod is actually up to you. You can have it what ever way you want.


    Cheers - Bolta

  21. Hi,


    Well, it actually depends on what you want and how large your wallet is.


    I don´t know how long you have been into airgunning or shooting for that matter but longer you have been into it more you know about things. Many airgunners choose to buy low cost sights first and many also change to better sights afterwards.


    By choosing the right and maybe expensive sight first time you will have a good and joyable piece of tool for your shooting. Yes, expensive sights do offer more than low budget scopes ever will could deliver. The better sights deliver better optics, more reliability and may have other useful features such as thinner crosshair, low turrets creep and can stand harsh weather too.


    In my opinion, always buy the best sight you can afford - don´t compromise !!!


    Cheers - Bolta

  22. Hi,


    About the exit pupil size.


    Well, 7mm is alright for young people up to the age around 30 to 35 years. After that the eye sight will begin to fade. So the exit pupil could be as low as 5mm or even lower for older people meaning the last 2mm (from 5mm) up to 7mm will be lost. You can´t simply not use it anymore !!!


    But since the user is only 18 years old this information don´t have relevance yet BUT it will come one day.


    Cheers - Bolta

  23. Pumps are very hard work so wouldn't recomend one unless your miles from a dive shop to get a bottle filled. Also bottle air is clean and dry. Pumps can produce a little moisture in the air they produce leading to corrosion inside the gun.






    Handpumps may be hard work or not - depending on how you are built and how good shape you are in.


    Second. There are some confusion about the quality of air coming from handpumps. Some say they contain too much moisture - this is not true. Hill´s Drypac unit can take the moisture level to almost zero so no worries about rusty cylinders. Also a good thing is to pump in low humidity air to keep the moisture level low.

    Also accidents can happen then filling diver tanks at the diver shop and the tanks don´t get clean air then. But this doesn´t happen often - it simply mustn´t !!!


    BUT one thing to remember here NO MATTER if you are using a handpump or air from diver tanks to fill your gun with is - that you always can and will get rusty cylinders over time by not treating the system correctly. By this I mean if you take the gun or the charging gear from cold temperatures to hot temperatures or the other way around you will get condensed water in both the cylinder and diver tanks. THERE IS NO WAY AROUND THIS FACT !!!


    To end this discussion I have yet to see a cylinder filled with air from a handpump to be completely rusty and non workable anymore !!!


    Cheers - Bolta

  24. Hi 1 of 5,


    You are absolute right about Gen. 1 NV sights. Putting a higher magnification on these scopes isn´t a good idea at all - to dark an image.


    If you want higher magnification above 4x you have to use Gen. 3 NV equipment to get a useful picture. But the units over 6x is normal only for special forces operation for longer distance shooting.


    Cheers - Bolta

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