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Posts posted by BOLTA

  1. If you are seriously into night shooting, you need the best night vision you can get. Generally, magnification, even on the better brands is limited to 3x or 4x. A red filtered lamping unit is a better option.



    Yes, it is true that lamp option is more economic than to buy a NV sight. No doubt about that and it is the way many folks are going because of the higher cost of a NV unit.


    You are also true about that magnification level of many NV units is limited to around 3-4x but you can also get magnification levels up to 8x to 10x if you need that high. These units with high magnification have a larger obj. size because they have to let more light in than low magni. scopes have to for getting a clear picture.


    Cheers - Bolta

  2. Hi,


    My advice to you is to try both brands of airguns and maybe other brands too, to see what gun fits you best. Actually, this is very important because if you don´t get the gun that fits you best you won´t be able to get the maximum accuracy out of the gun and in the end you are going to be disapointed with the gun.


    Don´t take notice off that everyone recommend different brands - most airguns on the market are really good regarding accuracy and reliability. Just you pick the right gun you feel comfortable with then you should be on safe ground.


    Cheers - Bolta

  3. Hi,


    If you like to compare Soviet Bazaar´s XVDs to a normal Night Vision sight of the same Generation - the normal night sight will beat the XVD regarding resolution and brightness every time, no doubt about that.


    To take the XVD first. If you want to have a decent and clear picture with this setup then you have to buy a least a Gen. 2 monocular and best a Gen. 3 monocular. Forget about any Gen. 1 monocular with this setup, unless you are shooting in towns with a lot of lights around you. Second, you have to have a least a 50mm obj. scope with a good night coating on so you won´t get a "too dark" image. The daytime scope takes A LOT of light away from the NV unit - never forget that.

    Shooting rabbits out to around 50-60 yards with the setup should probably not be done unless you have the correct level of light around you to give a clear picture. Around 40 yards max. would be more like it, still best to keep your shooting under 30 yards if possible.


    For normal NV sight, many airgunners choose a Gen. 1 sight for their rabbits hunting because of the low cost. With the correct level of IR light these sights can be used out to around 50 yards with good accuracy. Still, I would personal prefer a least a Gen. 2 NV sight if I should buy a Night Vision sight today. Although they are more expensive than Gen. 1 you get a higher picture quality than Gen. 1.

    Gen. 1 may be good for shooting rabbits out to around 50 yards, depending on of course the light level present, but it is not enough for scanning a big field for rabbits - a Gen. 2 or higher is much better of doing this.


    I hope you can use the information given but anyway it all comes down to how thick your wallet is then choosing NVs.


    Cheers - Bolta

  4. Bolta dont know about the website! but the manual (er folded a4 paper) states and I "quote" the use of pellets SUCH as ACCUPELS and other "SHORTER" pellets may lead to jamming and WILL VOID the warranty? now I dont know if this is specific to the harrier 2 which I have, as I aint had a daystate before?all I know is if you load the magazine with an accupel you cannot do it "directly" ie push it in with fingers and then turn to the next chamber as the pellet will jam unless "prodded" further in?

    cheers Keith

    Hi Kdubya,


    I have been looking at Daystate´s website and found what you are talking about. But it says "COULD" instead of "WILL" void the warranty. There is a big difference between these two words. So even if you use Accupels or shorter pellets it may not void the warranty ??


    Cheers - Bolta

  5. sorry hes not wrong? see my post in the "pellets" thread!! daysates manual states speciffically that the use of "shorter" pellets like accupels will perhaps cause jamming and void the warranty? of course it advocates bisley and daystate pellets,

    I have the harrier 2 and a bloody nice bit of kit it is apart from the fact the magazine is fiddly to load ie you have to push apellet in with another and keep repeating etc< yes have tried poking with matches twigs you name it but a second pellet that you drop back out is the easiest?


    but I still use accupels because

    A) I like em and

    :) they do what it says on the tin IE they are accurate oh and they stop bunnies cleanly

    cheers Keith

    Hi Kdubya,


    I have just gone over the manual which I got with my Daystate rifle. The only things it says about pellets are :


    To prevent damage to the rifling, only use soft metal or plastic pellets.




    Pellet recommendations : Daystate FT, Bisley Magnums, H&N Barracuda - and for .25 Eley Magnums, H&N Barracuda


    There is nothing about using different pellets will void the warranty !

    I can certainly not find it anywhere in the manual and I am almost completely sure that such informations are not printed on Daystate´s website either.


    Cheers - Bolta

  6. Hi Sharp,


    That about the pellets I do not believe. I think you either have read wrong or misunderstood something - because this is not true. You can use any lead pellets in the right calibre, of course and it won´t void the warranty.


    Daystate´s pellets are good as any other pellets on the market. But you should of course find the best pellets for your gun no matter what brand they are. This is very important !

    Are Daystate´s pellets any good for hunting - well, yes they are. Just like most other pellets on the market are. Try to avoid pointed pellets for hunting and use only domes, flatheads and hollowpoints for your hunting.


    Calibre choice ? Well, the battles still goes on what calibre is best !

    Some prefer .177 and others .22 - I like a least .22 for my hunting situations.


    Cheers - Bolta

  7. maybe i did not explain well enough,the st/steel brush is stiff not to that stiff that it will remove material from your bore the rc of the steel in the barrel exceeds the rc of the brush the brush will therefore wear out before your barrel,most of your barrels will hone themselves in after many 100/1000s of rounds increasing accuracy ,in final ,i would not expect to see any of the milions of boresnakes on the market if they didnt work :)?:)?:lol:?? its not the only cleaning solution

    your solvents and patches also work




    I just need to say, that airgun barrels are not as hard as real rifle barrels. So again, using a brush or a rod solution is NOT recommended. Use only a pull through set of some kind and pull it from breech to muzzle ONLY. Not the other way around !


    Actually, many airgunners and also dealers of airguns recommend these pull through sets. So, I am not the only one here saying this !


    And remember, as I said before, that airgun barrels are more delicate than barrels of real firearms and should be treated very softly to keep their accuracy in a hole lifetime. So clean only your airgun barrels then you don´t get accuracy anymore, not before !


    Cheers - Bolta

  8. most reputable gun shop will have them i use them on all my guns shotguns rifles and handguns all calibres its like a long nylon rope with a tough stainless steel brush built in to remove lead powder copper and so on ,a few draw throughs will clean most guns your air rifle will be no prob  :lol:



    I would not recommend to use such a set with any brush what so ever - even a nylon brush. By time they will destroy the inside of the bore on an airgun (nylon). A brass brush would probably immediately destroy the bore.

    And a rod set is no good either - you may destroy the crown of the bore with such a set.


    No, you much better off with a pull through set from Otis which consists of a wire overcoated with plastic to prevent bore damage and in one end of the wire you can put a patch on for taking the dirt out of the bore. This is the right way of doing things !!


    A very cheap way. Get some thick fishing line with a patch in one end instead of the Otis set.


    Cheers - Bolta

  9. Hi Gamebag,


    If you really were told not to clean the inside of airgun barrels - you have been told wrong. Of course these barrels need cleaning - the lead will build up over time in the barrel and they will not be accurate anymore. Actually, this is rather normal. The airgun barrels do not differ that much from real rifle barrels - but barrels of airguns do not need to be cleaned as often as a real firearm. Actually there is a big jump from firearms to airguns regarding cleaning of the barrels.


    Cheers - Bolta

  10. you can buy pellet shaped/sized wadds that you shoot down the barrel, i havent used them but they must work pretty well i guess.

    i think they sell on e-bay for a few quid


    :lol: northy :lol:



    Yes, they can also be used - but consider these felt pellets only for cleaning between the normal thorough cleanings. They can not replace the main cleaning of the barrel then those times come.


    Cheers - Bolta

  11. Hi,


    I will suggest a pull through cleaning set for cleaning, maybe an Otis set ? Never use a rod cleaning set to clean your airgun barrel with - you may destroy the crown of your airgun. Plus the brush (nylon or brass) may damage the inside of the barrel.


    A cheap solution. Get some fishing line with patches in one end and pull from breach to the muzzle. Do not do it the other way around !!


    And remember. Do not overclean your barrel - only clean it then you don´t get accurate shots anymore, not before !!!


    Cheers - Bolta

  12. Bolta are you using bisley pest controls for rabbits? I have been using accupels in my harrier and have had good results with them but my destructions with the gun say use if accupels(shorter) could damage / void the warranty? yet the bisley pest controls dont penetrate as well? admit they are more like a dum dum than the accupell, but would like to know of your results with them before I go bunny bashing with them? they are accurate mind!

    cheers keith



    Just to point it out - my gun is FAC gun in cal. .25 running at 56 ft/lbs. So you can´t make a direct comparement with a non-FAC gun. At that power it takes all airgun quarry clean down also incl. rabbits. I have no problems with penetration what so ever !


    If you are using Bisley Pest Control pellets in a sub 12 ft/lbs gun - I will suggest that you keep the range down to max. 25 yards or you get a rather bowed trajectory. If you use them over 25 yards they probably won´t be accurate either. Another problem with non-FAC guns regarding Bisley Pest Control is that they not always have the power for penetrating and expanding on a quarry - so you better keep the range down and use these pellets on "not so tough" quarry like rats, starlings etc.


    Cheers - Bolta

  13. Hi Magpies,


    My gun is a Daystate Huntsman .25 and I am shooting Bisley Pest Control pellets out to around 60 yards with 1" groups on a no-wind day.

    But I actually don´t see what you can use this for ? As Squintshot has pointed out all airguns are different. What works for one may not works for the next guy !!


    Cheers - Bolta

  14. During my reading up on air rirles I've leant for accuracy it's very much down too the specific rifle not even model each rifle has it's preference apparently anyway!!


    I also remember reading about one shop that does a selection of pellets of different type, I think it was about ten of each kind, maybe someone else knows who it is that does this.





    Probably it is http://www.pellpax.co.uk - they certainly sell these sampler packs.


    Cheers - Bolta

  15. Hi dead-eye,


    If you are asking me what cal. and power the "right tool for the job" should be I have to say a high power FAC airgun in .25. Yes, such a gun require a FAC but it will certainly take any quarry clean out.


    Now, people will probably ask why that power then we can take our quarry with a sub 12 ft/lbs gun. Simply because these guns have a sharper edge than non-FAC guns - meaning they would in most cases kill your quarry more clean and instant than non-FAC guns ever will be able to do.

    Some of these guns with the right pellet combination will act like an on/off switch which means, taking woodies down with no flapping what so ever, rabbits will make minimum "jumps", tree rats will bolt and so on...


    Of course, for rats and other "not so tough" quarry a sub 12 ft/lbs gun will be the best choice. No doubt about that.


    Just my thoughts about this subject.


    Cheers - Bolta

  16. Hi,


    No, I am not working for Daystate or trying to promote their guns - FM. And that is not a joke.


    If you read the things I wrote earlier in this thread you will see that I suggest several makers and not just Daystate. Since Squintshot did not put requirements on the board, like kdubya did, I have giving a good and large selection of pcp airgun to choose from.


    The best thing Squintshot could do now was to pick some guns out and try them. And find the best one for him only. I do not tell people what specific gun they should buy if they don´t put up some requirements for it !!!

    Nor should anybody else, in my opinion. The guy could end up with the wrong gun. In other words, what is good for one man may not be good for the next man. We are all different and so are our needs too.


    Cheers - Bolta

  17. the best silenceer that you can get im my opinion is the logun, but it does need modifying to become the best! its not hard and its not rocket science


    all you have to do is remopve the front cap strip out the **** they put in there and repace it with vilida cloth (spelling to be corrected) you will notice the difference straight away.



    Or try Noise Control´s Magic Fleece instead. This material is been used in computers to silence them but I have found it to be best damping material for airgun silencers I have ever tried. Actually this material was invented for the Medeceds S-class cars and Noise Control got permission to use it in their computer cases.


    Try this material and you will see the best damping results.


    Cheers - Bolta

  18. a theoben rapid in  .25 at 40-50 ft lbs is more powerful and shoots just as fare as the other cals if not it shoots further 25 is the best cal in FAC .22 pells are cheaper and easier to find though so you make the deicition i'd go fot the 25




    only just read ur last post



    go for the 177 or .20 for the 12 ft lbs


    theres so many scope out the ive got a 3-9x40 hawke scope and it good enough!get a 1 peice mount if you can



    A 1-piece mount on a pcp airgun :blink:? How in earth are you going to load the airgun :D?


    No, no. 2-piece mounts on a pcp airgun, thanks ! I don´t think ak47 knows what he is doing.


    Cheers - Bolta

  19. Hi again,


    In my opinion you will better off with an airgun instead of a rimmy. Although a rimmy is more cheap than a high power FAC airgun - it also is more "dangerous" to use, the bullet will reach fare out than a pellet ever will. Plus you can not take birds in trees with a rimmy - again to dangerous.


    Scopes. I will take a hard look at Bushnell´s range of scopes if I were you - especially Elite 3200 and 4200 series, if money is no concern. There are other scopes too but have a look first at these scopes. Since the scope are going on a pcp airgun you don´t have to worry about recoil proffness. Other scope makers are : Hawke, BSA, Nikko Stirling, Simmons, Swift and more...


    Bipod. If you want the best types on the market then go for Harris bipods. Here you have to make up your mind if you want a tilt or non-tilt model. Get a tilt model if you are planning to shoot in the field where the ground not often is flat.


    Cheers - Bolta

  20. get a 177.  or a .20 if you gonna get an fac


    get one of the rapid range 2 so later when you get an fac u can upgrade without buying a new gun :blink:



    How´s that :D


    You can´t use .177 if you want around 30 ft/lbs !!! You will simply run out off pellet weight if you want that power.

    If he buys a .177 - he may have to swap barrel and bolt afterwards to get it to perform at FAC levels and that is extra money.


    Good advice is that, don´t get a .177 over 17-18 ft/lbs because of the pellet problem. The cal. .20 should be in range off 12 ft/lbs to max. 25 ft/lbs in FAC. The .22 should be in range from around 15 ft/lbs to max. 30-35 ft/lbs.

    And the .25 should first starts at 30 ft/lbs and it should go up to around 60 ft/lbs.


    And nearly every pcp airgun can be modified to perform at FAC levels - not just the Rapid range of guns without he has to buy a new gun !!!!


    Cheers - Bolta

  21. Hi,


    First of all. You won´t get much gun under £100 and certainly not a new gun that can handle the things you want it to do !!!

    So I am giving you a choice here either you pay more for the gun or you don´t use it for hunting / pest control. But just for ordinary plinking.


    Second. The recoil from a spring gun can not be compared to a real rifle or a pcp airgun. The recoil will go forward and back a couple of times before the pellet leaves the barrel. This means you need to have a longer follow through time to get accuracy out of a spring gun than a real rifle. If you can´t master this you will never get good accuracy out of any springers !!!


    Cheers - Bolta

  22. Hi,


    If you are looking for a pcp airgun and money is no concern then look into these makers : Air Arms, Daystate, Theoben, Falcon, FX airguns and maybe BSA too.

    I can´t say that every of these makers do left handed stocks but Daystate certainly does.


    If you are thinking about putting the gun you have bought on FAC in the future then go for a .22 - do not get a .177 then.


    Cheers - Bolta

  23. Hi kdubya,


    Congratulation with your new gun.


    Yes, the Daystate´s range of airguns are very good and it is also excellent that you like the Harrier so much. Actually, I were pretty sure that you will like the gun even before you have bought it and you are certainly not the only one in this aspect.

    Sorry to hear about the magazine problem though - but you are probably right about keeping a few extra loaded magazines in your pocket will take you past this problem.



    One good advice to you all that are looking for a new pcp airgun. Most of these guns are excellent, also the Theoben Rapid range no doubt about that, but before choosing take a hard look at Daystate´s range of guns too - they may be more expensive or having a higher reputation than the other makers, but I can tell you and so can kdubya also that these airguns are worth the extra money and the prestige. Plus they also have an excellent service too if you ever need something fixed.


    Cheers - Bolta

  24. How much you looking to spend mate?...


    If it is a sizeable amount Theoben Rapid range.  Nothing comes close!





    Are Theoben airguns also as quite as the two Daystates airguns ? I think not !!!!


    Mk3 and Harrier X2 has an "internal" silencer build in and takes another to almost completely remove the sound report. Plus Harrier X2 can be delivered with a synthetic stock if you like.


    Cheers - Bolta

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