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So when Donetsk and Luhansk was invaded by Ukrainian forces?
I can’t go into much detail on this subject on this. But I will say America wasn’t looking for chemical weapons. America knew exactly where they were. My close companions said the at the start of the invasion they had map to their locations. They knew exactly how many trucks to bring to remove them. But it was very secretive because if the weapons were secured we wouldn’t have a reason to be in Iraq. More than a few servicemen told me this exact story. They were not allowed to discuss it. Some leaks have come out but the official narrative is we spend 10 years looking for the weapons we secured ls in 48 hours.
Who started the war? Remember the war started years before Russia got involved.
The last 8 years has been media telling me Trump was lying only to find out later he was right.
Now we are supposed to pretend that there was never any neo Nazis in the Ukraine, the SS patch on there arm is actually a I overlapping a N But I will say the three swords is a much cooler patch then the SS
You go back a few years before Bidens family made millions from Hunter Biden’s dealings in the Ukraine the media had a far different opinion on the Ukraine. We went from Ukrainian government was a neo nazi regime, to Ukraine has a nazi problem, to only 20% of the Ukrainians at Nazi affiliated, to there is a fascination with Nazi symbols but it doesn’t mean much, to where we are at today which is there are no Nazis in the Ukraine.
I have a question I would like to ask you all. Pretend it’s 2014-2018 The facts: Ukraine has a population that is 29% only Russian speaking. Mostly in Donetsk and Luhansk Sense the current regime took power they Banned opposition political parties that 95% of the Russian speaking population voted for. Banned Russia language on the radio and TV. Outlawed new papers translating in Russian Banned Russian language in churches banned Russian language in education and all government institutions Banned households from having more than 10 Russian language books. the Ukrainian constitution says they must provide services, education and respect any minorities over 10%. The Ukrainian constitution also says any province can gain independence with a 3/4 vote. Donetsk and Luhansk voted 95-97% in favor of independence. This question has nothing to do with the Russian invasion, I legitimately want to know your opinion on this one subject. so my question is this: Was the Ukrainian government in the right for liquidating these people?
This, I am amazed at how well media works. People have seem to forgot everything that took place between the 2014 coup and the invasion by Russia.
You have to understand the mineral deal was already worked out. Zelenskyy was there to sign it. Zelenskyy met with a bunch of congress that openly is against Trump and decided not to sign. We have members of our own congress that doesn’t want peace because it will be seen as a win for Trump.
You are talking to someone who lives in the south and spent many summers on a reservation with his grandma. The difference is that once the wars were won the killing stopped.
Trump is loved over here, I feel like you media has lied to you. Bush was not loved but voted for, Obama was not loved but voted for, but Trump is loved. Zelenskyy biggest problem is his controls a former combloc countries where corruption was normal part of business. evEryone skims off the top.
I loved the way he was treated, you don’t tell the leader of the USA that he must insure, he must do, he must say. The Ukraine is in no position to tell the USA what to do. Biden is not president anymore. Trump will not be pushed over. Trump will end this war.
I honestly do know why anyone would fund such a crooked regime. Couple of thinking points You know how the USA sent 177 billion to the Ukraine in 2024 but Zelenskyy claims he only received 70 billion. Find the missing money and it will lead you to answer you seek. Example: Hunter Biden made a fortune by being an energy expert in the Ukraine. He of course had to pay 10% to the big guy. Does Hunter Biden strike you as an energy expert? Why are so many US politicians multi millionaires when there only source of income is 200k public servant pension. These are all good questions. Donesk and Luhansk are resources rich and a manufacturing powerhouse. Allowing them to leave would take those resources from the western aligned Ukrainian government and put them in the hands of Russian influence.
Soviet Union, Russia and Putin has expressed interest in joining NATO. But there is no money in that. If Russia joins nato then nato has no purpose and will stop being funded. Russia is a threat, they are a superpower that is not the USA. The USA will control the narrative of the west. Doesn’t mean Russia is always in the wrong. 99% of the time I feel like America is in the right. But I don’t want my tax dollars to go to this Ukrainian regime.
I agree it got out of hand, but many seem to forget the war started in 2014, not when Russia got involved. The west didn’t seem interested at the time. If you take emotion and opinion out of it you have to agree that Russia got involved because of what was happening in Donetsk and Luhansk. I will agree it was in part because NATO was creeping onto Russian borders, I will agree resources played an influence both on western and Russian involvement. But the facts are simple that the invasion was a direct result of Donetsk and Luhansk. Russia made it clear the killing of Ethnic Russians was not going to be tolerated, the path to stop the invasion was clearly stated. Withdrawal of Ukrainian government forces from Donetsk and Luhansk. A peace keeping force be established until things could be worked out. Those are the facts, no emotions, no opinion. I can’t say what would happen three years down the road, predictions are full of opinion and emotions. I can’t say if Russia wanted invade the west, that would be opinion. But what is strictly facts is Donetsk and Luhansk voted legally to withdraw from the Ukraine after their elected officials were overthrown. Donetsk and Luhansk paid dearly for the vote of independence. Russia felt it had a duty to stop the killing of ethnic Russian in Donetsk and Luhansk. (Not saying they did).