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  1. Yeah but they are Chinese soldiers.
  2. I took these pictures of the day Trump left office in 2020 and again yesterday. This is what Biden did to us. Same store in the same town, 4 years apart. This last four years has been a wild ride. $22.58 with Biden took office and $40.40 this morning.
  3. He is the leader of the largest, most powerful Army that has ever existed. Of course he is arrogant. Trump doesn’t negotiate with his enemies, he tells them what he expects them to do.
  4. Thanks. The wife hates them 😂 but it’s literally the only thing I contributed to the decor
  5. My neighbor bought a helicopter off of eBay and was watching YouTube videos on how to fly a helicopter on a iPad. He dropped the iPad and went to catch and accidentally jerked the stick it and clipped the tree in front of my house and it exploded in the road. He had never flew one before but won it for only $60,000. He had it for only a few days. it was a little 2 seater. That picture is the tail section and the largest piece left.
  6. I am a huge Winchester fan myself but of the rifle kind.
  7. I disagree. American is the place of opportunity. I have never tried hard at life. If you are not lazy and of reasonable intelligence you will be successful. I’m middle class and it’s a good life.
  8. It’s already here. My work is looking bad, so are my friends. Sales are down and hours are getting cut.
  9. We spend 60-90 billion a year in foreign military aid, we could build 9 aircraft carriers a year with that money. That kinda of power projection would stop a war before it begins.
  10. Trump had the world at peace for 4 years. America doesn’t want to turn their backs on the world. We just don’t want to pay for it. My tax money fuels the world and quite frankly it sucks. My money should found America.
  11. Looks like we get Trump, senate, and the house. But it’s bitter sweet. We are on the downward crash of a recession and I honestly don’t think Trump can stop it. He can navigate it better than Harris but the damage is done.
  12. Yep, then we need to go back and audit the last election results. Build gallows and heal our democracy.
  13. As discobob said, you sound like my wife now 😂. I will plant a hedge row eventually.
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