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  1. I am only 12 years old and my cousin gave me a benelli pump action about 2 weeks ago and i went to test it and he had given me some ammo,(not knowing what gram it was!!) so i fired it and it felt like a 30g load then i ejected it and to my surprise i read the cartiridge and it said AAA 50g 31/2" magnum and i could not believe that i had fired it and i wasnt even bruised and im tiny. if u thinks this is a wind up ill put a vid on this message soon of me fireing one. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. if a certain piece of land has already been classified as suitable for a certain calibre(s) does it need to be registerd on my fac.
  3. another thing is that i dont want to pay 25 pounds just to get a variation for the slightest change in calibre ie:already using a .22rf but want a .17hmr. it just dont help does it. maybe it would be better if you could just be allowed any calibre because i dont believe that a calibre of a gun is more dangerous it is the person using it. one other thing is that i might be using a .22rf and want to use a 17hmr on the same piece of land you might as well just be allowed any calibre of gun on each bit of land and like i said any responsible rifleman will only take a shot from any gun even a shotgun as long as the background is suitable.
  4. not sure about uk firearm laws
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