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  1. Canada geese aren't the tastiest birds out there but they're certainly not bad eating by any means. If you find the flavour too strong, then slice thinly and brine to pull out the blood. Repeat as many times as you like, then stew or pressure cook them with lots of seasoning until it falls apart. Early season birds, especially young birds that have been feeding off grain on the fields, have such a mild flavour that my favourite way to cook them is to pan fry the breasts like a good steak. You will be hard-pressed to tell the difference to beef.
  2. Didn't realise Lincoln made side by side 10's
  3. I'd be hesitant about opening chokes up. Steel often patterns really nicely through full, and boring them out could result in them patterning badly. I'd just shoot steel through it and stick with #2 or smaller
  4. Agreed. I've been using clay and game's fibre cups, despite the performance limitations, just to avoid chucking plastic everywhere. These jokers are looking like game changers.
  5. He actually said that 250 bismuth carts would set him back 370 quid. See below
  6. Currently people are running them with plaswad data - preliminary indications are that they run between 50-100 fps slower with the same payload and powder charge, and are likely running at a lower pressure too. I know of at least one person that will be sending loads in for testing, and clay and game have already been testing loads with these wads too.
  7. Not sure about pre-orders but it'll be announced on the Non-toxic loaders UK facebook page.
  8. It's still miles better than any wad you could make yourself (I've tried), is available to homeloaders (unlike the useless UK manufacturers), and does what it says on the tin - good performance, no issues around barrel protection, legitimately biodegradable, and known shelf-life characteristics. Tell me anything else that even comes remotely close. Joker have made biowads for every gauge. UK manufacturers only for 12 and 20. They deserve to make money on these wads, 20p each isn't the end of the world, and is a lot cheaper than bismuth!
  9. Jocker are manufacturing paper wads for all the common gauges from 10 gauge to .410. Their 12 and 20 gauge ranges were recently imported and distributed to the UK homeloading market. Initial performance reports are very positive. The plan is for the other gauges to follow in a few months. If you can hold on for a bit you'll be able to get hold of them. News of their arrival will be on the non-toxic loaders UK Facebook page if you're interested.
  10. He's on the non-toxic loaders UK Facebook page. If you know his name you could message him directly, if not just ask for Cookoff and he might respond.
  11. Gamebore only ever made 3 inch 32g 4's iirc for the silver steel
  12. Smaller pellets will penetrate through a wad more easily in a plier test; pressure = force/area, so with a constant crush force the pressure goes up.
  13. I didn't say it was pushing through in the barrel, I was using the plier test to determine the relative strength of each wad, the joker was is tougher.
  14. I did test it, I stuck a pellet on the wall and then crushed with pliers, you can feel the point where the wad gives way and the pellet goes through. Admittedly it's not a quantitative test but I don't have access to any equipment that would give me a definite figure. Nonetheless, you can feel a clear difference between the two.
  15. No I believe those were the first generation. The latest generation are slit 8 ways from the factory and the gas skirts are not pleated. Iirc the wall thickness of the new wad is 1.2mm and it takes more force to push a pellet through it than a clay and game cup wad. I think the exterior diameter is wider than a clay and game wad too, so they'll be better in overbored barrels. I shall drop you a message.
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