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  1. Sounds like they've written a policy to publicise so they can appease the public because 'all knives bad', but in reality will still carry on as normal because......it's stupid.
  2. Might as well surrender your certificates now, you're screwed, you psychopath!
  3. Loaded questions indeed. 'Does your partner have a fascination with non licensed weapons such as cross bows or knives?' I know it probably means abnormal fascination, but anybody being asked that question would probably say 'yes' if their partner says they love archery. Is that the end of their certificates if taken out of context by an over excitable FEO?
  4. The consultation survey is a joke. They propose banning all lead shot, including clays, yet all their questions are around live quarry and expanding ammunition. They don't want to make it easy to count those who object to banning for target shooting.
  5. I only got my SGC a year ago, but I’ve no doubt they’ll do everything again from scratch!
  6. FAC grant application went in today along with coterminous renewal of my SGC. I reckon…….7 months 🤪
  7. I'll be applying for my FAC in a couple of weeks, several months has been the estimate, so we'll see if they can beat the 7 month SGC time
  8. Interesting, thanks! In that case I will ask for pest control from the farmer too
  9. Thanks Scully. Interesting idea RE pest control To be honest I could ask him and I'm sure he'd approve pest control also. @Newbie to this is your restriction to approved ranges just because you haven't got permission and asked for your ticket to be opened to your approved land?
  10. Hi all, Quick bit of advice required please! I'm a current SGC holder (not that it matters I suppose..) as I started off with clays and then entered the practical shotgun world. I'm part way through my probation to a HO club as I fancy a .22 rifle for both practical mini rifle, gallery shooting and a S1 shotgun. I've just been speaking to a farmer who I know who has offered me permission to shoot on some of his land with a .22 (just at targets). Is it worth me applying for my FAC now for a .22 with him down as permission, or is it worthwhile just waiting to become a full member of the club and then apply with support of the club too (and for other guns)? Reason being is my force's turnaround on grants is 6-9 months so if I can apply a few months early before I become a full member then it cuts a few months off my wait time potentially. Pretty new to the FAC world so advice welcome!
  11. I feel bad now for complaining about 7 months for mine at the start of this thread....
  12. I guess this is where the guys and girls with the links to the government, like BASC and other shooting organisations should explain these simple things. Luckily, there will be plenty of BASC members who aren't farmers or "professional" pest controllers who use pump actions, so there should be pushback. It's not like MARS where there are limited use cases.
  13. Exactly. You either have to come after ALL guns (not going to happen), or forget it. Banning a single type of action is stupid.
  14. Indeed. Banning pump actions implies they are more lethal than a SXS or O/U, when in reality not really, and the fact there's zero mention of semi automatics makes it look even more stupid. Hopefully common sense in parliament will prevail here...
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