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About Acerforestry

  • Birthday 15/06/1969

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  • Gender
  • From
    Staplehurst Kent
  • Interests
    Shooting, travel, forestry and woodland management, reading, keep fit

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  1. 😁 Well, I guess the logo should have been a giveaway as well...so, to clarify the other half has just agreed with you lot- ladies size, uh 12 I reckon? As you can tell I'm quite the expert on these matters 😂
  2. That's a valid point, but labelled a small I'm pretty sure (though I'll check in the am)- if thats the case it would be a generous small for a woman, though Percussion do come up on the larger side so possibly
  3. Lightly used ( and light weight) Percussion brown quilt jacket, suits 38 chest a bit small on me 17 quid delivered
  4. If you got a decent axe with a hickory or ash shaft and don't want to damage it whilst log splitting, these are designed to wrap around near the head. One has araldite marks inside when I also glued it to wood. Now have a plastic shaft splitter so not required 9 quid delivered
  5. Its all good Dave, I'm buying this pending RFD arrangement
  6. Hi Oz, yes it's a cracking thing just not the gun for me
  7. Very nice gun but I just shoot better with Beretta and so this is either sale or swap/px for 680 series in similar condition. This has half and three quarter chokes. Cheapest G3 you'll find, this is priced at the same kind of money as the 1's generally. I'm in Kent £650
  8. Tightchoke Dave has offered his assistance on this and has a spare, suitable pad or two. Will get sorted and post a pic when done.
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