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Posts posted by Minky

  1. 10 hours ago, Rim Fire said:

    Been out the last few nights well into early morning it's been minus 5 at the coldest but when you are walking around its ok with the right clothing on 

    I used to have a shoot which was local and I used to go out on foot patrol  virtually every night on my own with the dog. About the only things that stopped me were Fog, mist and rain. I did try BUT you can't shoot if you can't see the target and I did it for enjoyment and along with the vision aspect I have no interest in getting soaked to the skin and getting weapons wet. I  knew every field and every distance and angle along with the ground contour and back ground cover. Loved it.  The dog used to know the score and sometimes could detect / wind a Charlie in the woods. She would stop as we went along the wood and wait.  I got to know her game. I would walk on up around the wood and stand around the other side.  Somehow she had worked out how long this would be and then she would enter the wood and work through. It wasn't long before Charlie showed up out in my field.  We  accounted for several lamp shy charlies this way. We knew the ground and the score. Blooming well loved walking like this when the muppets were either in bed or watching the TV.  

  2. Well we haven't had any snow down here and  today was lovely blue sky and if you could find somewhere out of the wind and in the  sun it was really very pleasant BUT. IF you were in the shade and wind it was hyper cold.  I  was out first thing for about an hour and my face cheeks and lips were numb like I'd been to the dentist for a filling.

    Roll on global warming. 

  3. 23 hours ago, Fargo said:

    Few years ago my friend who lives in a big shooting area offered to be a dealer for George having a pallet at a time. In game season reckoned could sell a pallet every ten days or so.

    Spoke to George and he wasn’t interested in that idea , but pushed to sell you them with all payment upfront and my chap could put a tenner a thousand on them.

    He subsequently got an account with Express and has done well for the last 5 years.


    Spoke to George and he wasn’t interested in that idea , but pushed to sell you them with all payment upfront and my chap could put a tenner a thousand on them.

    Whoho. A tenner a thousand..  clear profit. I don't know how he could afford to turn it down. 😃

  4. Yes. Some years ago we were going to shift up any duck that might be resting on a pond just out in the field out from a flowing ditch. I was with the dog coming into the ditch and the dog and I were headed to the pond.  Suddenly there was a call CHARLIE.:! and right next to the dog and I about 5..6 paces away,  it burst out onto the field and  I  swung round with my  Berreta 20 loaded with #6 and it fell.   It looked as if it had taken every pellet in the pattern.  Many times when we were out on walked up we would bolt a Charlie from anywhere being totally un prepared for the encounter as we were expectin something like a rabbit, pigeon or a  pheasant.

  5. It doesn't make sense that someone has the ability to set up 5his operation and produce what many say is a really good product and yet doesn't seem to be able to present himself to the customer in a manner to sell the product.  I did understand that at one time he used to get out with a truck to places and sell cartridges and bulk powder out of the back of the truck into your own containers.  Why all the clandestine cloak and dagger stuff.

  6. On 14/01/2024 at 15:47, enfieldspares said:

    I think that in one ounce that BB is too few pellets. From my limited experience my advice would be #3 size. Many many years ago I indeed had Eley 20 Bore Alphamax #3 and at fifteen yards they'd penetrate though the rib bones of a sheep carcass. Given that they'll easily penetrate through the ribs or skull of a fox. If #2 were available they might be best but in one ounce BB or #1 is too few pellets.

    SIZE        DIA mm           Pellets per 1 ounce

    BB             4.0mm                                      70

       1             3.8mm                                      90

       2             3.6mm                                    100

       3             3.3mm                                    140

    Generally when I stand forward I use a 12 with 1-1/4 of #3in rh barrel and 1-1/4 of BB in left for the longer shot. But in a lot of cases in woodland and general drives the object target is  CLOSE.  AND in a high proportion i could use standard birds shot loads because the pattern hasn't  opened  and it is like being hit by a loose Breneke.  I did have one drive where one jumped  a fence and took the #3 and did a sort of forward roll in mid air. A few minutes later I saw another in the wood in front of me, then it disappeared. Suddenly it shoved its way under the fence in between my feet.?  This one caught another charge of #3 right between its shoulder blades. both were instinct shots. There seems to be two sorts of flush with Charlie's.  One where the drivers put a foot in the drive to hear a shot and Charlie bolts out the other end of the wood to present a shot.   The other scenario is that the  drivers almost get to the standing guns when Charlie will either slip out the side, go back through the line or find a standing gun who is not paying attention and is either watering a tree, lighting a fag or left his position to chat to the next gun. Then there are the situations of bang, bang or bang, bang....bang bang bang and you instinctively know that Charlie has slipped away. I  want a 20 load that will do the job when on the sewlin line or ona side ditch or similar.

    Edit .. as long as the load is put on the target it will do the job.  Humpteen Charlie's have been taken around whe chicken house with a 410 .

  7. 25 minutes ago, grahamch said:

    Fiocchi make 3 inch lead heavy loads in 20 bore

    I need a loading which is for 70mm Fiocci cases. 209 winchester primers wads ... ( I have various fibre and plastics available). And various powders available.   I'd just like a few suggestions if people load 1oz of BB to investigate the merits and safety

  8. I need a 1oz load for lead 20 gauge.  This is for standing on fox drives. Since the wildfowl/ lead ban no one makes lead heavies.  Don't need  many, well you wouldn't.  Another reason that no one makes or sells lead heavies.  I've got numerous powders and types of wads plastic and  fibre.

  9. I watched a few minutes of it and went back to reloading. I've grown up since then.  😄😄.  There was one pretty gal in there but remember JET.?  Charles... yes now king Charles wanted to be a part of Camila and I would have liked to volunteer to be considered for similar duty for JET. Reloading is more interesting now.

  10. Hey a good collection there.  Minor issue..... your in County Durham.  It's far too far op Norf.  About 250 Miles to far. All you sellers got to do is move down to Kent. You'd think that you were in the tropics here.

  11. Two of my  daughters have one each.  The Mrs and I didn't object. One had a sort of DNA helix on her rump/hip area and the other had hers in the form of a sort of rambling rose with blooms down her ankle and top of her foot.  Both are tasteful and not to generally visable.  All I advised them was.. if you get one PLEASE get it where you can cover it over with clothing, and before you have it try and think what it means to you and have it where you can see it... no point having it on your back where you can't see it or it being just a splodge of random colour.  This was after the daughter of a friend getting plastered from head to toe in a mass of meaningless splodges.  The worst one was like a shield which was supposed to be the devil...?  Why.  It was completely just a mess of colour like a  potato had been cut in half and used to smear the ink all over the bicep. Another one was the girlfriend of the brother in law who had Roman type sword tattooed down the outside of her left thigh.  This was exposed when she sat down when she wore a shortish skirt.  She was Not very attractive and having random ugly tattoos didn't improve her.

  12. Doesn't matter when he died , it looks like another outfit is to fold. Blooming shame.  There won't be anywhere soon.  I've spent many hours in there and spent a medium fortune also. He was a character and could be a cantankerous old *** at times.  Such a shame.

  13. Neither could I. I had a look on Wikipedia for the Russian alphabet and  it could be.. equated to,,,IZ 18M.  Not sure. Its Birmingham proofed 3" 4 tons □"

    Found one online as IZH 18M

    Right.. I found out how-to translate the  Russian text on that link when it opens.  I highlighted some of the text and a tab appeared at the bottom of the page which gave the option of Russian or  English.  Click on the English and the whole lot was in English.  I  read some of it but it  was written in a random sort of way that I couldn't get my head round.  It  was like a few people were having some sort of conversation about stuff.???

  14. I just tried the link and it DOES work ..BUT it's in Russian, SO how to translate it.?  I don't see any control buttons.  MY LIMITED EXPERIENCE of Russian guns has shown that although they are a bit basic and a tool,  they are well made with chromed bores. There was one particular gun that had been really neglected and it stopped working.  I dismantled 5he gun for the guy and cleaned about a spoonful of sand/mud out of the action and away it went for more abuse.  Going way way back they did advertise top quality hand made BEST SbS sidelock guns but I've never seen any of them. 

  15. I haven't tried the link... BUT, coincidentally i've been reloading 20 gauge this evening AND i've dragged a single barrel  ~~18M out to test chamber a few random selected reloads to just make sure that they chamber ok.  I was given this tool when the owner decided to pack it all in. Because it is a single 20 and a big agricultural i've never used it very much considering that i'vegot a ton of other guns.  BUT it is chambered 3" and proved to 4tons ¤"  so it is strong. Now it is solid but you wouldn't want to put more than the odd heavy through it.  If it was cleaned and lubed regularly it would last several hundred years.  At least.!!

    Edit. The two letters in front of the 18 look like a capital N backwards and he other ĺetter is like 2 capital Ks back to back

  16. Thanks for the replies.  I have a browning with a LOT of chokes so when I next go shooting with him we can offer a choke and see if it does fit.  Not that he needs a different choke.  He shoots really well with it as it is, so I can't see any real advantage to changing the one that he uses to something different.  Personally I have decided to stick to one pair of chokes which is half & half in top and bottom.

  17. 2 hours ago, Stephen-H said:

    Not wanting to steal the topic but can the fixed choke models be hushpowered? 

    If you either own the land or have written permission why would you spend money to loose performance of a gun. let it ring out and let them know that you are out on patrol. using a silenced weapon always seems to be either that someone is trying to be hiding or up to no good, being out where they shouldn't be. Tell me why.?

  18. Son in Law has a Mossberg pump but only one choke.  It is a flush fitting choke.  Are there other types and makes that fit and are compatible, such as Berreta or Browning. I  have looked through the  for for sale but haven't seen any. Advise me.

  19. 4 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Surely it is a simple as this;

    If the saving on any given amount of cartridges is greater than the fuel and time involved in collecting them it is worth it. If not they are of no interest.

    In the past I have gone on "round Robin Tours" of Norfolk and Suffolk collecting cartridges. I have travelled up tut narf but only to collect 12000 at a time.

    Simple economics really.

    Yes  that's all true,, BUT, i've never seen any amount at any price which would make it worth doing that. The exception was an amount of game cartridges at a realistic price which were about 1 1/2 hours round trip.  There was a saving on buying them but they will be sitting around for quite some time before I use them up.  My point was that GENERALLY there isn't much that is sold within a 3...4 hour drive.  I  did go to Essex to buy a shotgun and to Surrey for a MEC reloader and to north Kent for another reloader.  Even in the same county the journey took about 3 hrs round trip including chatting with the guy about shooting, the equipment and the wind etc. 

  20. 4 hours ago, hawkfanz said:

    im allways checking on here for 20g shells,had quite a lot in the past.but im up norf.

    I don't know where the north south divide is but I can remember something about holidays.... People from op norf have 50p left after their holiday... They say what can I buy with 50p..  they are told, well you could have a bag of wine gums... Excellent !! Ive had a good holiday.  The bloke from downt Sarf says "hey I've got 50p left from my holiday I've had a great holiday.  just a different culture set.

  21. There's something wrong here... they are not far enough op north... too far from me to be economical to travel. No one down south ever sells ANYTHING.  Good luck with the sale.

    There's definitely something wrong here.  Perhaps the seller has been having too much Christmas spirit.

    Selling cartridges,??? Whatever next.  They'll be selling guns next. 😁😁😆

    Edit.. They might be offering guns for sale but none of them sell.  No one buys guns off of here.

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