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About Chavy

  • Birthday 12/12/1987

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  1. Got mine today and looks great on the gun case. Many thanks
  2. I work hobs and jill's but a nice big hob is the way forward. Makes no ods what you get mate but get training it from a kit. Have fun
  3. Sod walking to pick them up Top shooting man
  4. Sorry my mistake ita a 2240. Will also need a new air tube for it if anyone can help. May even be cheaper to buy a new one so if you have a 2240 for sale tyhem im your man.
  5. You can borrow my HW 45 if you want :huh:
  6. Thanks for the support guys. I to have now been put off the use of the forum. I in no way intended on upsetting so many people. And just one more point for all of you who gave abuse its very easy to hide behind a computer and i would love to see you give the mouth in a face to face situation.
  7. Will do. Like i said im sorry. Did'nt mean to wind people up.
  8. Cheers but i think ive upset quite a few people. Cheers for the advise
  9. It was no way that far away so that my mistake. I think i need to work on my distance.
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