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Posts posted by sapper063

  1. i use a cz 22lr owners says it helps as they have got to get used to loud noises when they go on road dont seem to bother them if they have a skitish one they warn me, and saves a lot of vets bills, its common sense . and if you have a good moderator even better

  2. i prefer a 22lr rimfire for rabbits and foxes up to a safe distance of 60-80yds i have a cz and use winchester subs at about £32 fo 500 they are low maintenance

    i have a mtc mamba scope attached which i find is awsome , hope this helps and good hunting

  3. so on a farmers land ie enclosed fields i can shoot hares exept on a sunday or xmas day

    but cannot be sold between march and july has this law been changed as ive read its best to shoot them end of feb beggining of march

    very gery area and not clear at all. thank you

  4. ive been looking on basc website about hares. still baffled can anyone translate into simple meaning


    1/ cant sell hares beetween march an july

    2/ i can shoot them with farmers permission but not on sundays or xmas day

    3/then new laws came out in august


    please explain in laymens terms please?

  5. when i reply to an email there is an advertisment i have to delete each time or this advert goes as well tried deliting it but its stiil there next time cant get rid any help please

  6. well wife came home at 7-15 this morning. so i put on my gear themals.jeans, waterproofs.went to gun cabinet and got my trusty cz 22lr come to that ive only 2 rifles both cz 22lr. then travelled 18 miles to one of my permissions needed to wear sun glasses so white. well i plodded round for 2 hours saw 1 fox and a few bunnies but to far to shoot, impossible to walk quiet snow on top ice underneath. even thought i did not pot anything it was a nice refreshing stroll hope you like pictures, ps i stopped for a fag half way round and put rifle down and blow me down with a feather i couldent find it again.?its somewhere about here.








    thanks for looking and good hunting

  7. opened my contacts for e mails and on each one there is advertising for a chinese electrics company ive deleted them but when i open contacts again there still there how do i get rid thank you

  8. you can bring as many cigs etc back from a eu country those limits are a guide line ie 3200 cigs should last 6 months i brought 72 sticks back last year and was stopped by customs but as they was same brand i was a take them all you are doing nothing illegal as long as they are for your own use. they try to make things awkward. and now people who have goods taken off them are suing customs and getting their goods back i kept saying to them am i doing anything illegal and they would not answear? hope this helps

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