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Posts posted by sapper063

  1. hi Antonis wonderfull country i have been to pathos several times and going again in april or may do you hunt rabbiit as well and what rifle do you hold i use a cz22lr rimfire with winchester subs. by for now and welcome callie nickter sooy about spelling





    and good hunting

  2. hi im the same just getting over a bad cought wife says it was man flue not been out for 2 weeks . so ive loaded up and heading up into them hills hoping to get a few rabbits grandson loves rabbit stew, even if i dont get anything i will have had some fresh air. ill report later. at least lincolnshire is flat not like me in derbyshire up and down dale tells on the old legs. (good hunting and may the rounds go straight)

  3. a well 01.17 just having a cuppa then of shopping at tescos im barmy i know going for veggies for xmas and boxing day only feeding 14 this year 12 family and 2 for mates from pub who live on there own meals on wheels for them two xmas day anyway talk tommorow night ill be here and a job well done to those working in cardiac units needed them myself 4 years ago i might even find out how many are working in cardiac unit at chesterfield xmas night and do them a dinner also there worth it anyway( night night mind the bed bugs dont bite)

  4. i use firefox but i still get a box coming up saying ie has found a problem and has to shut down please send report it then closes browser or i can be doing somthing and a blue screen comes up saying somthing like this if this is the first time it has happened reboot if not inform your administrator


    can i remove internet explorer and windows and just leave firefox on if so how do i do it

  5. once firefox is loaded can i get rid of internet explorer as im sick of box coming up sayin sorry we have detected a problem click button to send report then it shuts down anything im doing what do you recomend and if that dont happen everthing goes of and leaves a blue screen saying if this is the first time you have encoounted this re boot if not contact your administrator whats occuring HELP

  6. the shoots i go on the rabbits are out at all times no set pattern but i admit best times are dawn and dusk i go regular at about 10 am for a wander round checking for fresh droppings etc but i usually drop a couple rabbits and magpies at the moment hard to check for droppings because of the sheep it looks like a load of marbles there dropping i have never seen so much s--t in 1 field before.roll on summer

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