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Posts posted by Billy1

  1. Sitting in the office this morning knowing the company is going down the pan today, just waiting for the MD to come down and anounce its all over, what`s doing my head in is that i`m the only one that knows this, everybody in the factories and office don`t have a clue and i can`t say anything, how **** is that ?

  2. I fished Lanzarote last year and found the best method for the mullet was a bubble float and a piece of crust the size of a fist on the hook, it took a while to get the mullet feeding but i found the fish would get into a feeding frenzy picking off the crust and wouldn`t notice the peice containing the hook and i found that the small fish would attract the bigger ones which came in and took the larger crust.

  3. this morning i have been on a dry run to woverhampton in preparation for my forthcoming jury service.

    it's been around 25 years since my last visit and i could barely recognise the place.

    the one thing that really stood out was the amount of metrosexual looking guys that carried bags.

    most of them were wearing winkle picker shoes with flared trousers that were way too tight around the buttock area and coats similar in style to the coats than my nan could be seen wearing in 1975 .

    they were all *******.


    ps if you go to wolverhampton , don't go to starbucks for a coffee .

    it cost £2 a mug :good: and that biscotti stuff is actually farleys rusks in a different packet.


    pps to the guy that flounced into starbucks at 8.30am looking as camp as a row of tents.


    i saw you slip hundreds of napkins into your man bag and your makeup was a mess.

    you sir , are a ******.


    ppps my wife reckons i was born 40 years too late and that i spend far too much time wandering the fields alone. :oops:



  4. Went out on Saturday and shot 136 over late drillings,the game dealer has taken some , i have kept some but the rest are laying on my garage floor about 90 actualy and very shortly i will be joining them as my misses is doing her nut .What does everyone else do with their birds ?,the pigeons i mean .





    Maybe this site should have a separate section for surplus freshly shot pigeons, so that folk living nearby could pop over and help themselves (assuming we're not all so bored of eating pigeons that we don't want any more than we shoot ourselves...).


    Not a bad idea

  5. Went out on Saturday and shot 136 over late drillings,the game dealer has taken some , i have kept some but the rest are laying on my garage floor about 90 actualy and very shortly i will be joining them as my misses is doing her nut .What does everyone else do with their birds ?,the pigeons i mean .



  6. There`s only one type of man who carries a Manbag and thats a wo - man ,bloody fags whats the world coming too ?.

    As already mentioned in earlier posts most men carry a set of keys,wallet and mobile phone in their pocket and have done for years so what do these people put in there Manbags ,any ideas ?

  7. getting up going to meet a farmer on new permission [ 1700 acre] go home get changed go to watch rugby in hospitality suit ,wife take me home get changed off to opening night of new bar.

    Get up Sunday and go shooting.


    Great. Just the last few hours today i`m struggling with.

  8. Best thing to do is string scum uo like that,two reasons,firstly it gets rid of scum and teaches others not to do sick things and secondly we hard working people wont have to pay for their upkeep.

  9. One Saturday morning Mary and her son Johny were sitting having there lunch,


    "After lunch Johny do you mind giving me a hand to dust the books in the library"

    "OK Mummy give me a shout when you need me " replied johny


    Half hour later"Johny can you come and hold this ladder whilst i climb up and clean these books on the top shelf"

    "OK mummy" as she went up the ladder "Mummy whats that hairy thing between your legs" asked Johny


    Bloody hell i haven`t put my Knickers on she thought , "err thats called a nerve " she replied

    "A nerve" said johny " yes its called a nerve" as she came down the ladder.


    Hour later mummy is having a bath when there`s a knock on the door"Johny mummys in the bath at the moment go and see who it is "

    "OK muumy"

    Johny opens the door "hello son is your mum in " said the salesman "she is but she`s having a bath can i help"

    "i`m selling this range of brushes which clean the inside of tea pots just wondering if your mum would be interested "

    " i will take it and show her,how much are they " asked Johny " 12 pound " replies the salesman.


    Johny rushes to the bathroom "mummy the man at the door is selling brushes which clean the inside of tea pots"

    "bloody hell thats a good idea , how much are they " said mum." 12 pound mummy"

    Theiving b******d, tell him their to expensive"


    Johny rushes to the door" my mum say`s your a theiving b******d and she doesn`t want it"


    " You can tell your mum she`got a bloody nerve"


    " I know " said Johny " and its got more hairs on it than your brush "

  10. I`m going to attempt to make some Sloe Gin this year and have been a brought a 3 litre container a few questions though if anyone can help me out,


    Based on a 3 litre container,


    1 - how much Gin ? 1 bottle 150cl, 2 bottles

    2 - " " sugar ? 500grams

    3 - weight of Sloe`s ? 1kg

    4 - Do i need to completly fill the jar to the brim or is it best to leave a gap at the top ? Doesn't matter


    My answers are above, that is for

    If you do a search on the web you will get loads of different recipes and opinions.

    I have just decanted a kilner jar from exactly a year ago using those ratio's and it is spot on, couldn't be better.

    I only use decent gin, some say it doesn't matter, I say it does.

    Freeze the berries and then pour the gin over them they will split and relaese their juice, I have tried pricking them and it didn't make any difference.

    I only shake it in the early stages, once the suger has disolved I just leave it, then filter off through a double layer of muslin a year later.

    Easy as that :blink:


    Cheers for that,


    I got most of them near apart from the suger where i only added 350 grms .i suppose i can add more if required at a latter date ?

  11. England don`t stand a chance while Scotland are still in,there going to beat the Argies put South Africa to bed next week and meet England in the final !!!!! enough said.

  12. I`m going to attempt to make some Sloe Gin this year and have been a brought a 3 litre container a few questions though if anyone can help me out,


    Based on a 3 litre container,


    1 - how much Gin ?

    2 - " " sugar ?

    3 - weight of Sloe`s ?

    4 - Do i need to completly fill the jar to the brim or is it best to leave a gap at the top ?

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