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Everything posted by Red696

  1. I should have put hit not shoot.. now you mention it I don’t recall happening on the ground just when doing practice mount. Yes I am, very straight stock. As a newbie to shotguns this is one skill I’m finding difficult to adjust to, any tips. I’ve looked at a few but wouldn’t know a good one from a bad one, any recommendations around the merseyside area?
  2. I’m struggling to shoot with both eyes open as my sight picture is filled with the lefthand side of the o/u barrels, at an angle from right shoulder across to my left. If I close my left eye then the sight picture changes and is along the length if the rib with the glow bead just floating. I’ve spent 40+ years shooting scoped rifles so closed eye does feel natural.. Is this an eye dominance issue or gun fit. I’m working on a consistant mount with 5 or 10mins practice each day so hopefully this will pay dividends on the clay ground and I’ll start to hit more ( don’t seem to have an issue on rough shooting with a long recoil Franchi ) The gun has an adjustable comb, but no other adjustment such as shims, LOP is 14 3/4” which feels right in the hands. All advice and opinions gratefully received.
  3. Red696

    ATA Venza

    Looking for an ATA venza 12g, any stock colour option considered.. prefer F2F collection in North West England if anyone is considering selling.
  4. Sorry only just seen this reply. yes still available
  5. An original MTC mamba lite will be all the scope you need for Plinking and vermin
  6. Red696


    I’ve checked with my mate, he’s decided against selling. Sorry.
  7. Red696


    What calibre?
  8. Can anyone confirm if the stocks and action internals on all escort models are interchangeable, including the Magnum model?
  9. Red696


    illogical I know, can’t explain why because I don’t know why.
  10. Red696


    As mad as it may seem from someone with many tattoo’s, yes. Ink on hands, necks and faces is something I’m against, I think were appropriate that ink should be able to be covered it must be a bias from somewhere in my upbringing ( god knows how it came about ).
  11. Red696


    I have both lower legs covered, 1 arm fully covered and a portrait on my back. Each one represents a cherished family member, passed and present, with no regrets. I do wish there was a law that banned anything below the cuff or above the collar, especially on women.
  12. @TIGHTCHOKE thanks for the advice I appreciate it. I’m looking for another project to continue to learn on, or at least tidy up the woodwork, but it seems the Big B brands never come up for sale as spares or repairs. I’d be to worried about buying a working model and messing it up.. Ideally a gas operated SA will come up at some point, must show patience…
  13. It’s in full working order after fixing the ejector problem, the only non aesthetic that may add value is altering to multi choke so it can fire steel on both barrels. The cost of that won’t be covered by the value, same could be said of the cost of a reblue to sort out the blood marking. Would welcome any suggestions you may have, I’m really enjoying the learning process on all things Shotgun 👍
  14. sorry only just seen this reply. It is still here
  15. First I let a small quantity of spirit dye ‘vent’ off and used the residue to colour a quality waterproof wood glue and a little sawdust. I widened the outer edge of the crack with sandpaper then wedged open the crack with toothpicks and forced in the glue with another pick, before clamping. Cleaned up with wet n dry paper to 1000 grit before added alaknet oil finish. finished up like this ( on the right )and now on the sales page
  16. @fellside the shareholders quip is reference to an old tv advert, it is meant to be seen as a reference to the payrolled at BASC. No slight at you with my mention of volunteers, as others have also brought up the subject of volunteering. My opinions of BASC aren’t isolated but also don’t match those of others, it doesn’t mean mine aren’t valid though. At best BASC come across as an expensive insurance provider, at worst they come across as a VERY expensive insurance provider. Gun ownership and therefore shooting sport is under threat from increased legislation not X’boxes as has been posted. I’ve introduced a few teenagers to shooting, as they all had an obsession with COD, all but one stuck to shooting and dropped the gaming.
  17. I’m asking him to compare which stands for the shooter. Both are businesses, one is apparently very profitable and also manages to protect gun owners and ownership. Some lead bans in the States, but I’ve not seen any evidence of it being volunteered by their ‘gun lobby’, meanwhile in the UK our ‘gun lobby’ has had it’s belly tickled for doing just that. I’m sure BASC write some cracking letters telling the Government of the day how mildly miffed they are, maybe even threatening to downscale the ‘hampers’ at the next Driven they invite any MP to. Others getting jolly over the volunteering days, what use will it be teaching these kids if the sports are being phased out with voluntary bans.
  18. I’ve been a member, but saw the light.. Yes I’m new to clays but not shooting. Lost my Handgun along with everyone else, still do a bit of target .22lr rifle indoor and have been shooting Airguns for 42 years ( jeez that sounds like a long time and still have the Webley Hawke ) both for the pot and target comps. There has been a bit of Centrefire along the way and I’ve yet to see any benefit in being a member of BASC, even the insurance is more expensive than the other available options. It used to be that when talking to other shooters you could get a 50/50 split on members & non members, a little less with the Airgunners but these days not one of the Airgunners I shoot with are members. As for volunteering, pay to be a member and then do the work myself whilst the payroll sit back and cash in on the free labour… “got to have a bit of bubbly for the shareholders” springs to mind. I wish the forum had a like button… THIS WOULD GET A LIKE
  19. I’ve not said they do nothing, but I will say, they do what best suits their business as would any other business. The customers needs are, and always will be, secondary irrespective of the very very longterm outcomes. Let me be controversial…. Compare the NRA to BASC and ask ourselves who stands for the ‘shooters’? Both are businesses, both funded by the shooters ( and manufacturers for the NRA ), one wins it’s battles despite the horrific incidents that seem to happen daily and one volunteers to ‘roll over’.
  20. “Org who are on the shooters side” now that is all the proof anyone needs that ‘selling’ works. A Lincoln was correct: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
  21. Call me cycnical…. 1700 prospective customers for what outlay? How many on the payroll turn up to set up & carry out the coaching? vs how many on the payroll ‘selling’ membership. And there is a lot more to shooting than ‘clays’ ( a sport I’ve recently taken up 😁 ), as a life long Airgunner BASC has done diddly other than class Airgunners as 2nd class to the posh Game shooting fraternity. BASC take plenty, give little, and blow smoke.
  22. The first question that keeps forming in my head, is, why do people still pay money to BASC? I quit sending them money years ago, they are nothing more than a business, and a business that rips off it’s own customers. They do not lobby for the benefit of ALL, in fact they don’t seem to even lobby for the benefit of anyone but themselves.
  23. I’ve run out of projects and lack the funds to buy one, so I’m looking for a gunstock that needs refinishing. I’m no professional and certainly not looking for any payment, but if anyone had an old stock that is in need of an oil refinish ( and wax if wanted ) then help fill my spare time and drop me a PM. couple of pics of my own stocks
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