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:good: get a bit annoyed at the moment,just can't seem to get close enough to take a shot.

this is whilst out lamping last night could see the little b****** but could i get close no,all the usual stuff done down wind,slow approach sitting still but all to no avail.


any suggestion greatfully welcome as i haven't done much of this so far.

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Have yoy got a filter on your lamp ? have they been lamped before ?

What conditions did you lamp in, was it a bright night with no cloud ?

Are you making sure you are wearing rustle free clothing and not making any noise ?

Rabbits rely heavily on smell and hearing at night so they are more switched on so to speak at night !

Are you waiting to long to take your shot ? rabbits wil quickly associate a light with danger if you have lamped them before hence why a filter is used , also they do not sit for long so you have to be sharp and react as fast as possible to a potential shot .

If the conditions were cloud free then they would have heard and seen you long before you got in range , if its a clear night they can see you better than you can see them , also is there any cover behind you like a hedge when your stalking these rabbits as its very easy to skyline yourself ? :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

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i know a trick iv used for years and its worked fine for me might sound abit crazy but try it. if its at say 80 yards and your with an air rifle leave lamp on it and run at it fast..... it stuns them so much alot of the time they dont run and sit there scared...... and i stop and take the shot. (shot countless rabbits with the method) ........."SOMETIMES" turning the lamp of and creeping up isnt the way to go because after the lamp then they hear cricks and cracks they hop in........ :angry:

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I just sit and wait for them to come out from a spot I know they like 20min's usually sees one or 2 off....Maybe 1 hour just depends. A red filter is very good as I don't light the path away just highlights their eyes. I tried 18 million candle power....medium rare before I took a shot.....only joking is was like instant daylight and time for them to get back home.

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:lol: I found that aswell.

When I forgot my magnet when driving home from pigeon shooting, I ran back through the field and there were loads of rabbits out and my running just stunned them, I got so close that I could of just stamped on them if I wanted to. :angry:



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:yes: I found that aswell.

When I forgot my magnet when driving home from pigeon shooting, I ran back through the field and there were loads of rabbits out and my running just stunned them, I got so close that I could of just stamped on them if I wanted to. :good:




yeah really is mad if your so obvious it confuses them. seems like when your creeping trying to get to them as a fox would they sense danger. thanks for mentioniong the running with a loaded gun i forogt :yes:

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yeah really is mad if your so obvious it confuses them. seems like when your creeping trying to get to them as a fox would they sense danger. thanks for mentioniong the running with a loaded gun i forogt :good:



this is good all help thankyou very much and yes you are right it does sound crazy but if works i'll give it a go.

Edited by drivinfish
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:blink: Get a nv kit if their lamp shy :yes: one method i used is sit down in ft postion in the dark keep very still then switch your lamp on i found a small dim light is all that you need to see their eyes .get to no where the warrens are and get your self hidden down wind then pick em of sounds like a bit of patience needed thats all :P

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