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Quick outing


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I decided to try for a Basil that has been nicking the Farmer's chicken eggs and hassling them in the pen.


I drove straight to the farm after work and I arrived at about 6.00pm. I set up on top of a trailer and sat scouring the fields in case I could spot him moving before it got dark. I had arranged to meet my mate and he arrived about 7.45pm with the lamping gear and after about half an hour of calling, we spotted one about 250 yards away in the next field.


Not a safe shot to take as there were a few cottages behind him in the distance. We kept on calling but he was very wary and kept on zig-zagging around the field. I was on the rifle and D was lamping and as he dropped the beam into our field; there was one about 80 -90 yards away; right by the hedge.


A quick squeak and it turned to look at me; on the crosshairs and down he went. I walked over and carried it back for inspection and I had hit it straight between the eyes and took out the top half of his head.













We could hear a couple more barking in the distance and now I was on the lamp, and after a short while the first fox re-appeared in the far field but no matter what we tried, it just would not come any closer for a safe shot to be had.


We called it a night about 10.pm. Me -"Hank Marvin"



Dave K

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