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Broad cast wheat


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Took stevethe fish out today over some broadcast wheat tho the farmer had only done 2 of the fields . There was around 300 plus on when we got there all in the field not done so put steve under a tele pole to try catch them coming over a small wood . I set up on 1 that had been done tho after 20 mins moved where the birds were all flying ,steve was finding it hard and was having some testing birds we think they were seeing the hide then going high and wide ,i on the other hand had them coming straight in tho my shooting was letting me down at times .At about half 2 the wind chnged the birds were then coming from behind and alot just could not get in shame as there was plenty trying . Hope to be on there next week for another go as there were loads about .


Final bag was 50 pigeon 1 rook . 12 pigeon and 1 crow for steve 38 pigeon for me a good day shame the wind changed :blink:


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