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10 mins shooting in the garden


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sharp-shooter you say that 'blood loss isn't a efficient way to way to die' im afraid if the animal is bleeding enough it will die.I would say a well placed head shot is the best way to kill a animal.Look at the size of a airifle pellet and the size of a pigeons head.It's like a human being hit with half a brick.

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I like to creep up on most of the animals I hunt very quiet I inject them with a general anesthetic, and then return to my hide out.


LOL what the ****!!!


funniest thing ive read all year!!! :o :o :D


Need to come shootin with you chap, Should change ya name to the "stalker"

Edited by Jon-Boy
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Most these chaps take a head shot and the bird is flappin all over the place.... they think its still alive!!!!



if it takes a 3" piece of lead to its head (talkin relevant sizes here) its out cold chaps, no matter where it hits...



You experiencing nerve/reflex movements!


if you were to skull me with a 9mm round to the head i know i would be hittin the deck

Edited by Jon-Boy
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Jesus christ chaps, critism!!!  How can i dictate where a shot is goin to land exactly on the bird even if the shot is taken from a gun bench or something. Crosshairs were on the head, bang, death.  I wonder sometimes how old you lot are and if you actually shoot when you go out. 


These are a "pest" species remember and sh!tting in the garden is being a pest so......



Please say you didnt shoot that pigeon straight through both eyes!? No way does a shot like that produce a clean kill. It's happened to me before so I know!


So you obviously havent got a brain behind your eye either then!

If you can't be confident of where the shot is going to land you shouldn't be taking the shot!


Surely the animal deserves a little respect when you shoot it. How would you feel being shot in the jaw etc?


As for saying I have no brain...Why make this personal? I wasn't slaiting you I just feel that the shot should be quick and as pain free as possible and in my experiance shooting them in the eye doesn't produce that.


Blood loss isn't an efficient way to die!!


Now I remember why I left this forum, arguementative people that don't have respect for the animals they hunt!

you left the forum?

what are you doing posting if you left the forum.maybe its you who cant resist an argument :o

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