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best ALL TIME.22 pellets


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BSA interceptor!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found out their true potential today at 30yrds they are very accurate within an inch with a springer and i retrieved one from a rabbit shot at 30 or so yrds today to find the expansion was huge and it had passed through the rabbits head from the front between the eyes to the neck creating a huge amount of blood. use these pellets. they can also hit a pellet tin at 50 yrds every shot.

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Depends on Air Gun and @ what targets you are Shooting


Logun Penetrator - 16.00's are Also sold as Exterminators

Around the World and really do take a beating for Vermin control

In most precharge rifles


As Bullet design really does rip through Fur or Feather


The Defiant 14.00 Grain - is also starting to find and be used by more shooters


Same Bullet Design as Exterminator - but fly's flatter and still hit's home Hard

As Being lighter seems to be better in springer Gun's





Edited by Clubshot
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