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Beef Jerky Recipe


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This is one I knocked together and it was lovely:


Lump of leanish beef (silverside or topside) around 2Ib

1/2 bottle Worcestershire sauce

1/4 bottle of soy sauce

2 tbs of garlic granules

2 tbs of onion granules

2 tbs brown sugar

1.2 tbs black pepper

2 tbs of 'Liquid Smoke' - google it (about £4 a bottle but worth it)



Put meat in freezer for an hour or so until it goes nice and firm so it's easier to cut. Slice across grain into strips. Put strips in bowl with all ingredients and mix well. Cover and put in fridge for 24hrs mixing again after 12 hrs.


Remove from marinade and scrape of excess. Hang in your dehydrator (I used oven on 50 degrees for about 7 hrs) and enjoy.

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well i been following this thread with interest and ive always fancied trying summit out sooooo....


well just finished my 1st batch of "cheats" jerky" i bought a jerky gun which throws out minced meat in strips or rods like a pepperami.


ive tried strips first.


the meat is sowey sheep mince butchered by myself from sheep fae local estate, i got some carcasses from the keeper ! result!


i used a pre bought pack which contained the cure also (ebay is fab )

and did it in the oven as per destructions

after these photos were taken i tasted ...AMAZING!!!!!


but decide to give it a wee bit longer....excellent im converted !!!


next batch o just beef mince is marinading as we speak and i have a freezer full o venison to try.


ill also go for the 1/4 inch strips o meat just cut and try that i think


ok its mince and a cheat using the jerky gun but its quick and tastes amazing!!! ...did i say that already? oops




as you can see i used a grill pan rack and i used a baking wire rack too...

apparently far better on a rack than a baking tray......worked for me....


ill keep eyes open in tescos for racks with small holes so doesnt fall "between" the wire


i bought sachets of various flavourings off of ebay they do 5lbs of meat/mice and enclosed in pack is correct amount of cure which is essential


followed destructions on sachet that came with the jerky gun


mixed up sachet with mince (no different t mixing for sausages)


pre-heat oven to 200 F or around 100C


place in oven for 75 mins then turn over and another 60 mins had door closed on oven as instructed some say leave it cracked open?


if you think it needs bit longer give it more time but check every 5 mins





http://www.bushwear.co.uk/styles.php?Produ...amp;ClassID=140 (never used these)

http://www.bushwear.co.uk/nostyles.php?Pro...amp;ClassID=140 where i got my jerkygun




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