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Time for PW members to do something useful for a change! :good:


I believe it’s a long time since anyone did any reliable scientifically based studies into Woodpigeon behaviour (last one to my knowledge was Dr Merton back in the 50’s) and I can’t help thinking that with all the changes that have taken place in agriculture and population densities (human and pigeon) over those last 50/60 odd years there have got to be some new developments in pigeon behaviour etc that it would be good to know and understand. It might also help in any fight/s we hunters might have with those bodies that would like to ban or control pigeon shooting.


So my post is the germ of an idea that maybe BASC, NFU, NE etc might consider and PW members might think about supporting. The funding of a 3 year? study for a degree student to produce a report along the lines of the Merton one but using up to date technology (radio tracking etc) and new knowledge. I have no idea what such an exercise might cost but surely there's some graduate student out there who's looking for a thesis to do?


Perhaps David at BASC might give us his opinion. I'm sure other PW members will! :welcomeani:

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I know some research bears that are looking for a less risky project, but they're lazy as hell in the winter.




They look great in a dayglo tabard though - very easy to avoid on the high street !


Seriously this might be good, and it might not - depending on what was researched about the pigeon.


Would it be lifespan, or range, or feeding habits, or breeding ?


The British Trust for Ornithology surveys already produce a lot of data about various birds. Maybe they have done a pigeon count ?

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