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The saga continues


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I really do not know what was so difficult about my variation for a Sako Quad.17HMr/.22LR

But I was informed this morning that "one of the Senior officers"

is looking at it,

Is this cos they ### it up the first time?

I may yet be obliged to invoke the portcullis effect


how much does one require to bung an MP for this service?


Next exciting installment

Say sometime in 2010

Or am I being optimistic

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Maybe its just an inexperienced FEO and the their head hurts at the fact it could be classed as two rifles but theres only one reciever :o


Just wait until you get it and they have to put down THREE serial numbers on your FAC but its only 'two' rifles' :yp: :lol: (One for each barrel and one for the reciever)


Mine just went down as a .17HMR Rifle and a .22lr spare barrel, with a condition so that it could be used for vermin with either barrel. Personally i think it would be easier just to list it as an unspecificed calibre reciever and 2 spare barrels, which would make getting the serial numbers onto your FAC the easiest, but what do i know :good:



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