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2 Weeks Without!


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Remember how pleased you are now having stopped smoking. This is important. In 6 months time you will think you have it beat and will consider having a ciggy as a treat because you will tell yourself you have it under control and can have just one as a treat. Do not fall into that trap and remember having come this far how disappointed you would be with yourself if you ever have another.


They say that after 2 weeks the physical addiction has passed and the rest is in your head.


You are over the worst of it.


Take heed of Mungler's wise words.

I stopped 30 months ago after a 2 week stay in hospital with pneumonia (not caused by smoking the specialist said). It wasn't pleasant at the time but in hindsight it did me a big favour as I had smoked for 40 years and was on at least 40 a day and that was the kick start I needed. To be totally honest I don't really feel an better, my food doesn't taste any better (that could be the wife's cooking I suppose) I can smell things better, I never realised just how awful stale cigarette smoke smelled and I've put on over a stone in weight BUT I have just enough brain cells left to know it is better for my health and theoretically I should be about £3k a year better off but I don't know were on earth that has gone to :rolleyes:?


What I do know is that if I had just one drag on a cigarette, one cigar or if I dug one of my old pipes out, I would be back on 40 Marlboro a day within the week. There are people out there who can do it, 2 fags on a Saturday night, a cigar for a special occasion but I think they are one in a thousand, the rest of us mere mortals only need that one taste and it would be back to square one.


Good luck, you've cracked the physical cravings now as Mungler said just watch out the mental bit doesn't creep up and get you.


Mr Potter

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Came off the Champix 1 month ago after 3 months on the tablets so haven't had a cig for 4 months now. I had tried to quit several times in the past, the longest being 1 month (cold turkey) which had me basically climbing up the walls and thinking of a cigarette all the time. I had been smoking 20-30 super kings a day for 21 years.


The difference with the Champix for me was that if the idea of having a smoke came into my head the thought would disappear just as fast, whereas beforehand going cold turkey I was constantly thinking/talking about having a smoke and a nightmare to live with. I did have the weird/bizarre dreams on Champix and also nausea for 15-30 minutes after taking the first table of the day (even going up to 3 months). It has been fairly easy to give up on the Champix but as another poster said "What I do know is that if I had just one drag on a cigarette, one cigar or if I dug one of my old pipes out, I would be back on 40 Marlboro a day within the week", if I smoke just one cig I know I will be back on 20 a day within a week.


Champix (or Chantix in the USA) worked for me and in trials it has helped other addictions such as gambling and alcohol dependency but it has caused some severe mental side effects in some people (just do a google search).


Anyway keep up the good work Frenchieboy. :rolleyes:

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Believe me, I recognise the dangers of "having just that one ciggy" and the eventual problems it would almost certainly cause for me and I WILL AVOID THAT AT ALL COSTS! However I do appreciate the warnings.


Just as a foot note - I've been out lamping tonight as I have no time for those two Irish twits on the X Factor. Not a lot about as there were no end of fireworks going off which were echoing through the valley and the sky was quite clear with practically no wind but I wasn't worried in fact I was delighted - I walked for a heck of a distance without having to stop to catch my breath or to have a fag and I could hold the rifle on a steady aim - now that's a real first for me as all of my permissions are hill farms! As an added bonus there were half a dozen rabbits that weren't so happy about it!

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