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harrier x mag


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got a new mag for my daystate .....old one was smooth ,never had any probs ,,,the replacement is a pain in the **** ,stoppages indisciminatly fired 20 shots fine but then its jamming all the time its like the same stoppage as when i tried to put flatheads through it ,,,useless but im useing the same roundhead pellets as before.


the pellet is always on the barrel side of the mag when i slide the mag of the rifle when i try and clear it :rolleyes: :blink: :sick:



48 quid too :good:


they used to be 20 and i thought that was to much so never bought a spare ,then i needed one and could nt believe they had more than doubled in price :rolleyes:


any ideas guys on the mag

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I have a 3yr old magazine out of an X2 that I stripped to clean and lost the tiny spring, sent it back to Daystate and they re-assembled with a new spring FOC, and it is better than ever, First class service from them.


As Bob says, give them a ring and see what thay say (or e-mail them)




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