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I think i have sorted the good reason for getting a .243 as imdoing deer stalking etc.


But i also wanna get a 17hmr, ive got no land of my own, but i do go vermin shooting with invites etc is this good enough reason if i get a letter from the invite, also is .17hmr ok for general target shooting within clubs?


so guys any idea if i do get one, what .17hmr for target/vermin shooting?





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as far as i`m aware,you cannot use a hmr on an indoor target shooting,as you only get expanding ammo for hmr but,you can use it on the outdoor longer ranges....i may be corrected on this.

as for vermin shooting,then just put in for it,if you have the land to shoot over and is passed for rimfire,then no reason why you should not get it.

good luck


ps,if the invite letter states guest,you can use that to shoot on their land.just get a letter stating you as a guest and put it in with your application.

Edited by albob
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Very doubtful you'll get anything for pest control (i.e. vermin and fox etc) without you having your own patch to shoot it on. And more than likely they'll want it in writing from the landowner/tenant. Invites are only normally considered for stalking.

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yup deffo need a willing land owner to grant you shooting rights with writtern consent and must be willing to recieve contact to confirm the shooting rights for you on said land , my feo said he likes 25 acres at least for hmr usage, which is a pretty broad generic loose statement. imho as a shot is as only as safe as where the bullet could possibly end up but its him granting me the license and has to play it safe until shooters are time served .

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I think you will find that even if you join a club you will only get probationary membership and a FAC will not be given until the probationaty membership is served. On top of that you should be using expanding ammunition for shooting any live quarry, you will not be authorised live quarry for target shooting.

You really must get yourself some permission (In writing) before you apply for a FAC if you want it for shooting vermin!

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