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Do you trust your co shooters?


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I have access to a small shoot appx 400 acres and I share this with two other colleagues. However, I am of the opinion that the other two [who are not forum members] are not playing the game and are not keeping me informed of what they get up to on an evening shoot even though I am with them. We all start off together but I never manage to end up with them for a sort of end of shoot debrief, which is at a local tavern.

Anyone out there seem to have a similar dilema?


Thanking you in advance,



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having more than 1 group of people on a piece of land shooting is an accident waiting to happen, it can be done but must be organised correctly.


your right to question what is happening, i would have words if i was you.


personally i only shoot with people i trust and can see where they are.

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It can cause problems but should work out o.k. if you clear the air.

If you set out the areas that each of you are shooting and keep to them, no problems. If you suddenly find they are where they should not be then you have an accident in the making.

If it is a 12lb air rifle you are shooting then the precautions are the same as for a rimmy but the distances are obviously smaller.

When a group get togther then competetive streaks can come out and people take risks in order to bag that extra rabbit.

Who has the land permission? If you have and they are invited by you then if they don't tow the saftey line then you could hint that they would be no longer welcome unless things change.


I know from experience that a group of three people going out regularly can sometimes encounter personnal problems. Half the time however they are all in the mind and get blown out of all proportion. Just talking about it normally does the trick.


If all else fails just walk away and try to get new land. You can do what you want when you want then.


Good luck.

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You need to talk to your shooting partners to resolve this situation. If you can not agree on common ground, so to speak, then you should reconsider your options. Not knowing what they are up to, is not a situation I would entertain. If by talking to them you still feel trust is missing, then you may well have to shoot without them.

As others have said, unless there is total trust and operating guidlines inforce, it could all end in tears. Regardless of whether your shooting a 12ft/lb air rifle or not, a mature and sensible attitude should always be maintained. If your friends can not do this, your better off without them.


Have you considered using walkie talkies? They are cheap enough to buy these days and offer good range on open ground. Using them, will enable you to keep in touch with your freinds in the field and perhaps help re-install some of that trust.





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