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Removing Dents From Gun Stock

henry c

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Yes that is correct.....


A very damp cloth, probably something like a T towel doubled over....


Lay it over the dent and apply a very hot iron, for a few seconds....


The steam raises the dent but also raises the grain so you will need to finish again...


Obviously if its lacquered you may have trouble....



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You got it, a wet tea towel and Iron, lay the the towel over the stock and apply the hot iron to the dent,do a bit at a time and don't expect it to come out first time.

Oiled stock only, I've tried it on a laminated stock before, it takes the dents out but leaves a misty white effect around the area.

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Henry, yes you can steam dents and dings out by the method described, I do it all the while. I find it works best on Walnut stocks or those that have not been sealed by laquer.


You will find the wood will "fur up" when you do this, so just give the area a quick rub with some very fine wire wool to smooth, dont rub too hard or you will lighten the wood, then wipe over with your favorite stock oil.



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