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Cut pad


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3 1/2 weeks ago my Cocker George cut his right front pad he's missed 7 days beating, on monday i checked his pad it was healed up so off we went beating i was a bit worried he would be a bit to hot but he was as good as gold did a realy good job came home nackered but happy his foot is ok so it's back to normal for us 2 or 3 days beating every week till the end of the season beating is allways best if you are working your dog :D

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Good news; here's a tip for when/if it happens again - stick a bit of superglue into the cut and press the wound together. Holds really well, and heals in no time.



As a animal health/welfare professional can I just clarify a couple of points before people start reconstructing dogs with glue!


Al is quite correct, wounds can be closed with glue and is commonly done on small injuries where closing the wound is indicated...but, please be aware that if you are not absolutely certain that the wound is clean, free from debris or even foreign bodies such as thorns, seeds etc you run a very real risk of causing a terrible problem. By sealing a dirty wound the chance of infection is high, and the fact that the wound has been sealed the infection has no where to drain and will quite realistically cause abcesses, sinuses or a 'tracking' infection.


I've seen dogs develop serious, sometimes fatal infections from wounds, sometimes even organ infections from infections in the extremities.


My advice


Stop any bleeding by applying direct presssure with a clean gauze or similar.

Clean the wound well with strong brine, don't use antiseptics as they can slow the healing process.

If the wound is deep enough to need to be glued, see your Vet.

If it doesn't stop bleeding promptly see your Vet.

Any reddness, swelling or coloured discharge could be indicative of infection.



Edited by kyska
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