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Gonna Shoot a Wabbit

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todays shoot was the traditional boxing day gathering and all but one member of the team attended but bob who is spending the happiest of holidays away in spain....with the inlaws !!! hahaha... cant win em all bob!

we met up at 9.30 despite the ice and treacherous roads, and set off on the usual route... 6 guns, 4 dogs and one very dedicated hard working young lady beater...

we walk our usual routes,some beating and working dogs, some guns walking the line and a gun on the outside of the wood.... this way we usually get a few good birds up but today seemed quiet....only around 5 birds got up all day.

i usually walk the outside of the wood and have a shot at any birds that the guns manage to miss ( which usually keeps me busy and gives me the better odds !)hahaha

then there was the clatter of wings and a squark and chriss managed to down a cock pheasant but unforunately the thing did a runner... dogs searched for 10 mins to no avail, so we moved on.

at the end of the next drive i was waiting on the out side of the wood again... this time, no clatter of wings, just a streak of lightening bolted from the tree's.... a split second to identify the bird, a wood cock, gave it enough time to make a fair bit of distance between him and me... it seemed to twist and turn as it flew and my first barrel was below him as he flew directly away from me. as he reached the point were you think "is he/is'nt he in range?" i let the second barrel go.

the bird fell and landed over the other side of a hedge.. a quick retrieve from deadeyed duck and the little fella was safley in the game bag.

ive been out with magman a fair while ago to have a pop at some wood cock but despite the beautiful spot of countryside he's got to shoot woodcock we both drew a blank.

ive never seen woodcock on our land untill recently and todays bird was a first for me. i was well pleased with the shot, a long one, definaitley one to remember....


later on in the day ned had two spectacular shots bringing down a couple of hen pheasants, but we wont go on about that, he'l probably tell you all personally in full detail, several times ! hahaha.... i myself managed to miss one...but we wont go on about that either...

plenty of hares about but the rules are for no ground game ,so we let them be....their always nice to watch anyways...


in all, a beautiful morning...snow on the ground, sun in the sky (mostly in our eyes hahaha) mince pie's and coffee... but best of all was the company.


cheers lads.

happy christmas and a merry new year..


Edited by myzeneye
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