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Experian credit check

Guest rimotu66

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Guest rimotu66

I wanted to re-mortgage last year but got knocked back as I have a CCJ against me, I decided to get it all cleared up so (on advice) I subscribed to Experian to find out what depts etc I had .

Ever since doing that I have had approx 30 junk emails per week from all sorts of companys offering there debt clearance services, credit card offers, loan offers, pre-wage cheque clearance offers etc etc :yes:


It got me thinking that Experian have sold my details on ....anyone else had the same problem?

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The idea of "credit ratings" have been around for hundreds of years, it's certainly not an American idea. However the use of computer based information for the purpose may well be.


The problem is, credit ratings are often based on whimsical probabilities and to some extent on fear, often therefore they are neither fair or sensible. For example your postcode can affect your rating.


As many will know, your property address may have old records against the previous owner; getting divorced will seriously affect your rating as will changing jobs and so on. This is where companies like Experian may be able to help, they can help clear the mis-understandings and clear up your records. But you need to fully understand their offer and read the "small print"



Of more interest however is the risk, all activity on your credit history may be viewed with some suspicion. For example, just getting a few quotes for a loan can put an alert on your record. The assumption being that you're trying to get a number of loans set up rather than just looking for the best deal!


The real problem is the lack of personal contact, like there used to be with your Bank Manager for example. For some this has meant easy credit and for others it mean no credit or a facility at high levels of interest.

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