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After my first outing on Wednesday with my FUDS and magnet, i had the same problem, managed to get a few coming in but most were in trees around the field, the field was water logged in places and maybe i had the magnet running too slow, i have since been told to run it four revs per second. 8 HOURS in a cold hide and 15 pigeons in the bag !!, but hey ho ready to do it again next week. Its all about looking and learning, i hope.



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Welcome to the forum mate :oops:


Try lofting a few decoys in the trees where you are shooting, this might help draw them near enough to you to shoot them.

It works well for us and many others, Pigeons spend alot of time in the trees and they always have 3 or 4 birds sitting in the trees as look outs for predators etc.


Set up a few bags on sticks round the field and this should help keep the birds off some parts.


I am sure someone else will give you a few more ideas to help you out.


Good luck :good:

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Get some rope bangers out , not just one but a few over different fields and even in the woods if you have any on your land .

Try not to let the birds settle for to long in one area and keep them on the move . Don't be afraid to pull the magnet in or change your pattern as every day is different .

Hope this helps

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