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the pelt man

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excellent day there mate, well done... how did you set up your pattern ?



Hi Badger


The Magnet was 30 yards out to my right with a tight pattern of 22 shell decoys slightly concave to give a sort of landing area and a floater 60 yards out slightly to my left but placed to bring the pigeon across the field and not with the wind which was right to left. when watching pigeon in winter on rape i have found that they dont tend to look for a clear landing area as say they do on stubble. I think this is due to the fact that in winter they fly/land in flocks so are spread in a more rounded pattern where as in summer they are flying in and out all the time and the point of the flock are close to leaving and the ones ferther back have just arrived IMHO (maybe total boll'ks) giving that classic horseshoe shape.


PELTMAN :good:

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