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need advice on this please

darren m

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my young springer 14 month , is coming on well , she,s been out rough shooting and a bit of beating so far .


the problem i,m having is not directly to do with training but aggression.


this last week she as been barking if she hears the neighbour in the garden , or see's them through the edge etc , then runs back to the house looking a bit worried etc.

this i dont really mind as i think she just doing the dog territory thing .


anyway this last 2 days we,ve been out and every time she comes across new people ie while out walking the fields or wood , her furs go up and she starts to bark and growl , she even ran towards a young couple whilst barking but came straight back on the recall, now this i dont want as a few of them had little kids out with mum etc .


i think shes just a bit unsure or worried and not normally aggressive at all in fact shes a total wimp usually :good: , but i would say shes been fairly well socalised around my friends and family .

i,m not sure how to tackle this :good: , and i want to nip it in the bud quick , so far i have made her sit and tapped her across the nose and said a sharp NO every time she growls until the person as passed then i let her walk on .


whats the correct thing to do to prevent this becoming a problem.



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My sister in Law had a cocker that kept barking and growling at the neighbour everytime he went out his back door. The neighbour who was a bit of a ***** threatened to go to the cops etc... I told her to have a dish of water by the back door everytime the dog barked at the neighbour throw the dish of water over him (the dog not the neighbour).... he was cured in a couple of days.


As for growling at passersby while out on walks. I'ld use something like a bottle of water with a hole punched in the top and give her a good squirt of water on the snout as soon as she starts growling. She won't like that, tell her she's a bad dog aswell.... hopefully that will sort her out it should be a fairly easy problem to fix without going to any training classes.:good:

Edited by deeksofdoom
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