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Bath subsiding.


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Had a new bathroom fitted about 4 years ago. Apart from them busting a door frame,strangely enough all seemed well. Except that when you filled a bath,the taps end sunk by a few mm pulling away from the sealant,gradually coming back up. It has now got worse and dips by about 1cm,usually when Dad has a bath. Underneath it appears the end 2 feet are on floorboards that arent rigid and they sag. Getting in touch with the installers is not an option.I was thinking about putting a car jack underneath as the bath sits on a big wooden board that would allow it. Any advice please? I cant shell out loads of £ for a fix,it being after Christmas and all that. Thanks for any info. :good:

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Do not use a jack :lol:

Back off the nuts on the feet , then get some 3/4" ply as big a piece as you can get under both feet with a good area coverage .

Then simply tighten the leg nuts back up to the tile's :good:

Also if its timber framed add some extra support with timber supports to the floor on each corner :good:

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does the bath have adjustable feet? put a largish piece of ply over the floor boards and adjust the feet accordingly. Alternatively, make a " ladder" from some timber and fix under the centre of the bath, gripfill will hold it in place. I did this with mine as i was having similar problems. However, a bath will slump when its full of water anyway, so maybe re-sealing the bath is your best bet, remember to fill the bath before you apply the sealant tho.

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All of the above, but don’t get in the bath to seal it. The idea is to put enough weight/water in the bath so that it equals about half of the weight of a full bath and you.

1 litre of water weighs 1kg /2.2lb.


Silicon will expand and contract slightly, so you want to get the weight in the middle so that the silicone has room to move in both directions.




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