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Rural crafts


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I have three day a week part time job but I am a self employed from corn carting,ploughing,drillling etc.

Garden work from late feb I have a large estate to work on always something to do.

Also tree work we have a small wood of ash beech I harvest to sell logs in winter I have not been able to keep up with trade this year.

And I help a guy who makes willow hurdles for thames water I still no good at it no matter how much I try.

Regards OTH

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Well lets see I train horses and dogs, do alot of horse drawn wagon rides at events so that all brings in abit. Then we raise our own and a few to sell, hogs on natural pasture and woodlot, free range eggs and meat chickens, turkeys and guineas....looking forward to trying some marsh raised domestic geese this year.....a few lambs for the freezer and orders, and a very small bunch of Highland Cattle.


We also tap the trees for our own Maple Syrup, looking forward to making Walnut Syrup as well this spring. Along with this we still cut and sell firewood out of the woodlot although that was put on hold this year.



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