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Moving pup outside


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Right Ive got a 8 month old lab bitch. Shes in good shape, not too thin, has a proper kennel with a dog house (although hasn't got a roof YET) and I was wondering If I could now move her outside into it ?


I never kept a dog outside is all and don't want her to freeze to death or anything :welcomeani: Will she be ok ?

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to be honest, i would of moved her out earlier when she was younger, you may now have problems cos she wont like and will bark etc.


but dont worry all is not lost, i would slowly introduce her to her new home and do it gradulitly, so she get acustomued to the new home and hopefully you wont have any problems, if she starts to bark best bet is a squirty water bottle and spray with water, worked with my dogs.


by the way put a roof on first, last thing is you want it to get wet.


another thing plenty of toys etc to stop it getting bored, will soon start chewing the kennel lol

Edited by goldypurple
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Your dog will need shelter from the wind and rain, the run/kennel will need to also be secure. Gundog thefts are becoming common of late, they are normally bought back by the owner !!. Runs should be solid bar material and have a good padlock on. A trained peg dog is worth several thousand pounds.


My Lab pups start outside at 10-12 weeks, they bark and howl like hell at first but they get used to it after a while. Not killed one yet.

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