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morning foxing


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in my opinion first light at this time of year beats lamping them as they have been out all night with one thought on their minds and it makes them complacent,they are used to only seeing a farmer or two going about his chores and dont expect to be targetted themselves,if you try lamping them use an amber filter as they dont seem to take any notice of it,but I prefer to have a good pair of binos with large objectives and scan the fields looking for your victim,you usually smell them first mind.

Obviously knowing where their runs are helps and you will be surprised how often you heard them calling right on the break of day.

Go on your own mind as there is no temptation to natter,pick a good ambush point and wait ,I still regularily take them upto about 8 30 before everyone is moving about,then again around mid morning.

I have one to donate a 130 grain round to tomorrow,its been seen for the last 3 days hanging around a field of ewes which are about to lamb,probably knows there a free meal waiting if he's in the right place.

I wouldnt attempt to call just wait,you'll be surprised what is about.

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Mornings can be very productive, but you have to be switched on wide awake, take some binos with you to scan around, use high ground to your advantage if the wind will let you, you may find that it'll take a few mornings to get to know whats where, always remember foxes are creatures of habit and will often use the same runs at roughly the same time each day, but also some runs and areas tend to attract more than just one fox. If your going through lambing fields then crows and magpies are as high on the list of vermin to shoot as foxes are, both will take eyes and tongues out of lambs, both can be shot (on the ground with a good backstop) with a rifle very successfully. Enjoy!, it really is good to be up at the crack of dawn.

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