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Birchwood Casey Superblue


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If you want to do a full barrel and dont want to spend to much...Use birchwood perma-blue....Its only cheap tho,So dont expect it to last ages.But it is easy to use and you can get a decent finish with it.......It doesn't affect the bluing already on the barrels like supa-blue would....

Edited by smig4373
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No worries!


I gather you make guns. It has always puzzled me if you make guns at what point does it become a gun an when does it have to be entered onto a SGC? Do you need a special license or can anyone with a shotgun certificate make guns, obviously if skilled enough?


Where do you learn how to make shotguns? Where do you buy the raw materials, tools etc?



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Yep I've used it a good few times with mixed results.


I done two SxS's recently, one a Zabala 3" Mag, which turned out OK, & still is, & the other a Sabel SxS, at first this was OK, but after a while the blueing just wore off, to the point now it needs done badly.


Then again I've done my Bruno Mod-2, & the job to this day is excellent,



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My local gunsmith only charges £70 for a set of barrels and when they come back they look like new.


The Birchwood stuff is fine if you are just tarting it up to sell on, but if you want to keep it get it done properly.


Who is your local smith can i have their details

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Who is your local smith can i have their details


Yes - sorry for the delay only just read this section again


Try Potter & Walker (Lewis Potter)


He is in Evesham and is very old school, his workshop is like goin back in time with tins and jars of all kinds of stuff.


His number is



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